Chapter 9

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Do you guys hate John still? Cause if you do, hehe... Nm.. Gotta keep it a secret. How many of you are missing Ash? I know I miss my Ashy. Anyways, Enjoy the chapter! Mes fluffy wuffly totally delicious scrumptious delectable tasty cookeis!!!! <3


       I got a phone call in the middle of the night. I am alwayz lazy getting around to certain things. I rollled over sleepily and grunted. I believed that if you ignored everything that was bugging you, it would go away. This phone, was definately a exception. I groaned and rolled over onto my side and picked up the phone from my bedside table.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily.

"Hello, is this the mother of Jason S-" 

"Yes!" I erupted before the poor guy could finish.

"Very well then, we are sorry to inform you that-"

"Oh God, No.... Not my baby, don't let him be dead... No please God no! Not my baby!!" I thought shakily.

"That- He has been in a car crash. He has survived with minor injuries to his ribs and lungs. He was in a car with someone named John Pitts. The other gentlemen Wasn't so lucky and has a fractured wrist, a broken arm, and smashed femur, multiple rib fractures, and one of his kidneys has failed and the other is failing slowly."

I sucked in a deep breath. My Jason wasn't hurt, but that John, he was hurt. I still didn't like him. Not after he turned my baby... No, my baby was already gay, he just took him away from me. I licked my teeth and  asked the man on the phone which hospital there were in, and what their rooms were.  He told me and I sad a polite goodbye and hung up. I stood up and started getting dressed. My Jason was in the hospital, it was time to bring out the mama- canyons!



      I got a call in the middle of the night. Once I heard the news I was heartbroken. I had been foolish enough to kiss Flame and hurt my Jas Jas. I mentally punched myself. That other guy, John, he could go to hell for all I cared. He had abused my Jason. Mentally and physically, I bet.  I guess, I wasn't that much better, I had hurt Jason too. I sighed heavily and pulled on my jeans. I slowly made my way down the stairs. My father was on the couch sleeping. I walked past him and grabbed the car keys. I ran into the driveway, turned on the car, and started driving to the hospital. 

"God, I know we don't talk much anymore, ever since my mom left, but I really need Jason to be ok, and not to be with you right now. I want him to be with you later, but I just can't lose him. If I lose him, I'll kill myself." I thought grimly.

I leaned my head into the steering wheel and I started to cry. I couldn't lose Jason , not now, please not Jason..



     Ash, my mom, and my brother were waiting for me when I woke up. It was kind of creepy. I woke up and they were starting at me as if they were trapped in a desert for six weeks and I was an all you can eat buffet. I shivered slightly and Ash started kissing me all over my face. 

"I'm fine, really. The one you should be worried about is John." Ash cringed. 

"I don't ever want to hear his name again." Ash kissed me. I was mad at him, so very very mad and heartbroken. I loved him even through all of that though and I kissed him back. We stayed in our lip lock for a little while, until the nurse came in sighing, "Awehhhh." I blushed and pulled back and Ash cleared his throat. The nurse drew some blood and left quickly. Ash kissed, where the needle had been, over the band aid. I hated John, but I didn't want him to die. He had held me as we were falling. It was his fault that I was alive. I had to ask them.



"Can you guys please see if your kidney's are matches for John's?"

They looked at me as if I had lost my mind. 

"Come again?" My mom countered. I gulped.

"Can you please check to see if your kidney's are matches for J-John, he s-saved my l-l-li-life..." 

Ash hugged me and my mother kissed my forehead. 

"Jasey honey, I only have one kidney." my mother said. I had forgotten about the incident. 

"Ashwy, that just weaves you." He grimaced and slowly nodded his head. He definately owed me and he was finally going to do it. I smiled at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.



      Ugh, I'm getting my kidney checked to see if I'm a match for a guy I hate. Jason is soo lucky I owe him and that he has the cutest puppy eyes and pouty face. 

"You are all done Mr, Kippler", the nurse informed me. I smiled back at him and slowly walked back to my Jason. I was so going to get him back for this...



(4 days later)


           My test results were in, the doctor had called and told me to come, I came as fast as I could. 

"Ash, the test results say that you and John are-"

     HAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! HEHE, COME ONNN YOU LUVS ME <3 Ok, Byes mes fluffy cookies <3


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