Chapter 16

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Yeah, just had to update, hope you enjoy Chapter 16!!!!


      Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God. Teal was in the hospital and so was my mom. I could barely breathe.  The doctor called Ash and I into Teal's room. My mother was still in surgery. I looked at the pale skinned, blue haired, icy eyed boy who lay sprawled out on the hospital bed. His chest was patched up where the bullet hit him. He looked really weak. 

"Hey buddy. Are you ok?" I asked. I felt tears build up in my eyes and I struggled to keep them from coming out. 

"Jassy don't cry, you'll make me cry." Teal said. I rushed to the bed and pulled him into a hug. 

"Hey, guess what?" He whispered in my ear. 

"What?" I whispered right back. 

"What I said to make Ash eat was 'if you eat Jason will be proud of you and don't you want to make him happy and impress him? You owe him that much, don't you?' " My eyes filled with tears.

"Jassy, I need a heart transplant. My heart is failing. Before I die could you please do me one favor?" 

My eyes swelled up with more tears and they poured out of my eyes. "Yes, anything, what is it?" I choked out. 

"Kiss me." My heart skipped a beat. How could I do that? I couldn't cheat on Ashy right infront of him. I couldn't cheat on him ever. But how could I say no to Teal? Especially while he's dying in my arms? 

"Teal, is it ok if I ask Ashy first?" He smiled and nodded.  I walked to Ashy. He raised an eyebrow. I obviously looked guilty. I reached up and hugged him. 

"Ashy, can I kiss Teal?" I whispered in his ear. He pulled away with a shocked look on his face. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the room. If Ashy got mad, Teal shouldn't have to see it. 

"Why do you want to kiss him Jason?" Ashy's face held an angry expression. He was trying to suppress it. I thanked him for that, mentally. 

"He's dying and his last wish was for me to kiss him. I'm not in love with him. I don't think anyone could make me as happy as you do. Even if you allow me to kiss him, I don't think I could lose him. I'd probably give him my heart so he could live." I said the words before they even registered in my brain. 

"You WOULD WHAT!?!" He roared.  I shrank back a little. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered. 

He pulled me to him and kissed me. "I'm sorry Jason. I'm just surprised." 

I smiled at him. "I'm going to kiss Teal, Ashy." "He deserves it after all he's been through with us." I said with conviction. 

"He does deserve it, but I don't want you to kiss him." Ashy stated. 

I groaned. This was going to be harder than I thought. 

"Ashy, I'm not asking for permission anymore. I'm tired of people controlling me, and if you can't respect that, fine. But I'm going to kiss him. I'll be damned if he dies without that kiss!" I shouted angrily. 

Ashy lookd down, then pulled me to his chest and kissed me. Our tongues moved together tentatively as we kissed. Our tongues were molded for the other. He pulled away. 

"I love you Jason, and I understand. But as soon as you come back, I'm wiping him straight from your lips." He promised.

I smiled at him and walked into the room. Teal looked at me in question. 

"Yes." I said before pressing my lips to his. 



   I had to be high right? I couldn't believe I'd just given Jason permission to cheat on me. My head was spinning and I saw her. My mother. I glared at her as she walked into the building. The police obviously hadn't caught her, because she was free. 

"Ash." I turned my head away from her and stared at the floor. I hated her soo much. 

"Look, I'm sorry. I want to help. Your little friend in there, our hearts match. I got tested a little while ago. I want to donate." 

I looked up at her in surprise. She wanted to kill herself, to save Teal? Why? Did she want me to forgive her? Nuh uh hoe, it ain't gonna happen. 

"I don't want your forgiveness, I don't deserve it. But I do know, he doesn't deserve to die. Before I do go into surgery, I want you to know where your grandparents are. It's your job to take care of them. Also I took all the money from my account and I put it in yours."

My eyes widened as she bent down and whispered in my ear where her parents were. She smiled at me and went to talk to the doctor. He nodded his head at her and told her to go change. That was fast... 



   I wasn't expecting him too, but he did. Jason kissed me! I loved him even more for it, but I couldn't have him, even if I wanted him. 

I smiled at him shyly and he blushed and looked down at the floor. The doctor came bursting into the room. 

"Teal, we have a match for you. You are going into surgery right away."  A few nurses came into the room and started rolling me away. I said bye to Jason before they rolled me right out of the door and into the hallway.   They rolled me into a bright room and I looked at the person who was my donator. It was Ash's mom. The same person who shot me. She reached out her hand to take mine. I grabbed her hand and held it. I whispered thank you to her, before my eyes started to close and I drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep. 



       I smiled at the thought Teal was getting a heart. I walekd back out to Ash. He held out his arms for me and I jumped eagerly into them. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back. I loved him soo much. 

"Jason, I know who hired my mother to kill us." He stated. 

"Who?" I questioned. 

"John."  I felt a pang of disgust hit me, then anger errupted into my body. He was going to pay now. 


Jason finally got some balls! Go Jason!!!! Anyways, Ash's mom finally did something nice for once in her life. Teal's getting a heart yay! But what about Jason's mom? And What's going to happen to John? Find out on ma next update! Byesies ma fluffy cookies! <3


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