Chapter 13

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Alot of drama in this chapter, it's gonna be pretty long.. Anyways, enjoy the chapter. 


     I woke up feeling very sore. Especially in my rear end. I blushed at the memories of last night. I turned on my side and reached for Ash. He wasn't there. I sat up in bed worried. Where could he have gone? Did he regret last night? Did he use me? Did he leave me? My eyes filled with tears, but I repressed them. I wasn't going to let them out, I wasn't going to keep be a cry baby. I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I stood and walked into the bathroom. 


   I woke up early and looked at Jason. He was so adorable. I kissed him softly and stood. I was going to get him breakfast. I didn't know what he would like, but I wanted it to be a surprise, so I left without telling him. I had bought the food and was driving back to my Jason. I had even gotten the price to go down by charming a few of the ladies working the cash register. I smiled at myself, if only they knew. I stopped infront of Jason's house. My phone rang. I answered it. 

"Where the hell are you!!" My dad screamed. 

I groaned. "None of your business." I replied coldly.

"I don't have time for your bullshit, I just wanted you to meet Martha." 

"Martha? Whose Martha?" I asked. 

"Your new stepmom." 

I hung up. I couldn't believe my father had gotten someone to marry him. When did that even happen?    I groaned and thought about going over there. It could be a trick, but I'd at least like to see the girl. My mind was set. I was going to go home, but first I was going to call Jason. I dialed his number and put the phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" Jason answered. His voice sounded like he was crying. 

"Hey babe, are you crying?" I asked. 

"Um, yeah, I was, I thought you regretted last night and l-left me." He sobbed.

"I would never regret last night, that was by far the second best night of my life. I just went to get you and I some breakfast."

"That's really thoughtful of you, but what do you mean your second best night? What was the first one?" 

"When I met you."  I could hear his voice crack as he said I love you.

"I love you too Jason. Listen, I'm going to meet my new stepmom. I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Hurry back Ashy and please be careful, I don't like your father, and someone is still after us, I think." He sounded worried. I told him I would be as careful as humanly possible and we hung up. I walked to my house and knocked on the door and was greeted by a woman. 

"So, you must be Martha, right?" I asked the woman. 

"Got that right babe." She blew a bubble and popped her gum. My father started walking toward the door and she lit a cigarrette. She smoked some of it then dropped it on the ground, crushing it under her heels. 

"Ash get your ass in the house!" My father yelled at me. I walked into the house and sat by the door.  Martha and my father kissed infront of me and I threw up  in my mouth. This was soo gross... My father smiled at her then walked into the kitchen muttering 'get to know each other better'  Martha lit another cigarrette and started smoking it. She leaned down and blew the smoke in my face. 

"So doll, I got a pretty good life here and I don't want your gay ass to ruin any of that." she huffed.

"Well, you look like a whore and trust me, I don't want anything to do with you or my father." 

I Love You Because I Have To {UNDER EXTREME EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now