Chapter 20

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I know, I know.... It took wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long, and for that, I iz sorryyyy.... I've been trying to convince two awesome peepz they iz perfect for each other, but dey don't listen.... Anyways this chapter is dedicated to ong of them (SweetAndInnocentLies) Sorry for not putting it up here, but for some reason it won't me... and another chapter is dedicated to the other (EverythingTogether). Anywayssss without further ado, Chapter 20...

*Three Weeks After Ash's Incident*


    My eyes fluttered open. They weren't yet used to the sunlight shining through my window. As my eyes adjusted, I realized that Ash got out of the hospital today. My heart skipped a beat and I jumped out of bed, eager to see Ashy. I ran down the stairs and stopped short when I saw both my mother and brother naked and committing the crime known as incest. I stopped dead in my tracks with my jaw nearly hitting the floor. I cleared my throat and they both looked at me in shock. 

"Ummm, I didn't see anything.." I muttered stupidly. My mother blushed and my brother looked guilty. I met his eyes and glared at him. 

"I'm going to see Ashy, mom, can you put on some clothes at take me to see my man?" I asked her. She nodded and hurried past me to do just that. I turned back to face my brother. 

"And you made fun of me for being gay." I snarled at him, my teeth clenched in a mix of anger and disgust. He didn't answer and walked past me going up the stairs to meet mom. My head throbbed and hurt and I rubbed at it eagerly, trying to rid myself of the painful headache. I wonder if .... I put my hands over my mouth and blew into them and rubbed the roof of my mouth with my tongue. If it worked for brainfreezes, maybe it could work for headaches?  After feeling sad by my unsuccessful attempt at getting rid of my headache, I went upstairs to see what was taking my mother soo long. I heard the shower running and went to see if my brother was in his room. Of course not.. They were in the shower together. And just how long had THIS been going on?  They didn't even have the courtesy to tell me. I pouted in my self-pity party. I had decided my mother wasn't going to take me so instead, I grabbed her keys and walked to her car. 


    After hitting a couple of trashcans, three trees, and a squirrel, I finally made it infront of the hospital. I parked the car and burst through the door, only to meet many curious and annoyed eyes on me. 

"Hey, I KNOW I'm Sexy! But you DON'T HAVE to stare!!!" I yelled, giggling at myself. Many eyes turned away after that and I looked at the receptionist at the front desk. I walked over to her and watched as her face turned bright red with my statement from earlier. 

"Hey, would you mind telling me what room my boyfriend is in? His name is Ash." I greeted while smiling warmly at her. 

"No problem sweetie, Ash.... Ashh.... Ash... I don't think we hav-  OH WAIT! ASH! Found him! He is in room 204 up the stairs to your left."

I smiled at her and took the elevator. My legs were wayy too sexy to be forced to do such immoral things as walk. Pshhhhh. Who she think she was? Telling me to walk... Pshhhh... The elevator shook as it came to a stop and the doors opened slightly. The elevator was jammed... Just perfect.. There was just enough room for me to squeeze through so i did. I barely made it to the other side, when I was tackled to the ground by a giggling girl. 

"Brittany! Get off of me!!!" I squealed playfully as she tried to squeeze the life out of my body. She bounced lightly on me before bouncing herself off of me. I glared at her before running to Ashy's room. Brittany follow closely behind until a nurse gave us the stank eye. I sent my best death glare at her, but she seemed unphased. I opened Ashy's door and was met with the most beautiful emerlad colored eyes, I'd ever stared into. My face broke into a huge silly grin and I rushed into him giving him the biggest hug I could muster. He groaned softly and pulled me closer into the hug. I missed my Ashy. I loved him soo much. 

"Hey you sissies! You ready ta partayyyy?" Brittany yelled. We both chuckled at her and I kissed Ashy. We all laughed and talked into the day, then Ashy came home with me. We both said goodbye to Brittany and walked out of the hospital hand in hand. I smiled at him and blushed when he kissed my cheek. I looked down at the ground smiling and blushing like the idiot I am.


 Don't KILL MEEEEEE! It was just a filler chapter, how many of you guessed what was going on betweeen Jason's mom and his brother? I'm surprised that few people remembered that ordeal... Anyways.... Hope you enjoyed the update, there my be as little as two chapters left :'( I can't imagine life without my Ashy and Jassy! *cry* *cry* But, The boys will be talking with us again soon, I'm sure of it, anyways hope you enjoyed the update, byesies mes fluffy cookies! <3


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