Chapter 18

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I'm gonna update cause I'm frickin' awesome like dat! Anyways enjoy the chapterrr



     I changed into my clothes after my second shower with Ash. Yes, SECOND! In the first one, we got dirtier than we were when we got in there. Eh, stupid Ash, messin up ma hair. I stared in the mirror at my outfit. I was wearing hello kitty sneakers, pink pants, and a white hello kitty shirt. I grabbed a hello kitty bow that Brittany had given me and put it in my hair for added effect. If I was going to be gay, might as well look sexay. I grabbed mascara and started applying some, as well as some pink eye shadow. I looked in the mirror again. 

"I'd go out with me." I said to the mirror.

"I'd play vdieo games with me."

"I'd go to a gay bar with me." I shook my head again and chuckled to myself before saying,

"I'd fuck me." I laughed into the mirror. 

"I would too." Ash said from behind me. 

Oh mer gawd. 

"Ash! Don't doo thatttt!!!" I whined at him. He laughed and pulled me into his arms. 

"Jason, you know we have to go to school right? Your mom was talking to me about it yesterday before we went to ColdStone."

My heart thudded in my chest. School. The place where I was beat up and tormented for being gay, the place where I met John, the place where I felt like cutting myself everyday because of my treatment? No way Jose'!

"I'm not going, I'm just going to stay here." I muttered softly.

"No you're not, you are coming to school. Even if I have to drag you." He said while slapping my right butt cheek for emphasis. 

"Why did you smack just the right one?" I asked before quickly putting my hands over my mouth. 


"You only smacked my right butt cheek, not the left one, not the crack, just the right one." I said stiffling a laugh. 

"Fine, equal treatment..." He said giving my left butt cheek a smack too. I giggled and jumped on him, successfully tackling him to the ground. 

"Jasonnnnn...... We just got out of the shower, do you want to have to go back in?" He said propping himself up on his elbows. 

"NO WAY! I  just got my hello kitty going on, I'm not taking it off!" He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. He drove for a while and I tried not to hyperventalate. 

"Jason, it's ok. I'll protect you." I smiled weakly at him and then the car stopped. Oh mer gawd. No. No. Please. No. I squealed and tried to climb in the back seat. Ash grabbed my waist and tried to pull me into his lap. No. I'm not going! I bit his ear and tried to climb back there. If I could make it back there, I could hide under the seat. 

"Ow, Jason! Stop it!!!" Ash yelled. He bit my ear and started suckling on my neck. My body went rigid and I moaned. 

"There, stop it. Calm down, I'm here. I'm here.." He cuddled me to his chest. I felt tears pool in my eyes and I gripped his shirt. He sighed then got out of the car with me straddled to his waist. He took me to the office, to get me registered. I was afraid to let go of him so I held on tighter. He tried to pry me from his shirt, but I wasn't letting go. He sighed again. 

"Jason, you gonna let me go?"

"Nuh uh." 


He carried me into the office and I saw the female at the main desk, staring at us curiously. I turned my head back around and burried it in Ashy's chest. I could just feel her eyes glued to my ass. 

"You can stop staring at my ass now.." I muttered out loud. 

The woman cleared her throat and handed Ash a paper with my classes on it on his. Ash and I had all the same classes except for the first one.  I groaned. If we didn't have the same classes, he couldn't protect me always.  I whimpered and sank to the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest. I was going to wait out here, until first period was over. 

"Jason, get up, it's ok, I'll get this classes thing checked out tomorrow. But for today, you have to get to class." I nodded  wearily and stood up. I reached out my hand for his and he grabbed mine, and led me to the classroom. 

"I'll meet you out here to take you to second period." He promised, before turning around to leave. I grabbed at my hello kitty backpack. Damn, I forgot to put it in the lockers. Fuck. My. Life. I took a mental note of where this classroom was before looking for the lockers. I found them, and then found mine. I put my bag in the locker and closed it, before being slammed into it. 

"Hey, fairy. Who told your faggot ass that you could come to our school?" he questioned. 

He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He slammed me against the locker and kicked me in my ribs then walked away angrily. This wasn't going to be my day, I could just see it. 

A boy with bleached blonde hair and light green eyes reached out his hand to take mine and help me up. I took his hand and he helped me up. I brushed myself off and started to walk away. The boy ran after me. "Hi, my name's Carson." 

"Hi, Carson, I have to get to class, talk to you later, I guess.." I ran back to the classroom only to find Carson still walking beside me. 

"What are you a stalker or something?" I asked him annoyed. 

"No, I have this class too." He said putting the emphasis on this. 

Great, just my luck...


Ok, so I was like, I have no idea how to add what I want to, then I was like, oh dayummm the boys haven't gone to school yet. Then I was like, that's the perfect place to introduce three new characters, and the perfect place for my plan to unfold! So der ya gooooooo!!!  Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter, Byesies my fluffy cookies <3

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