Chapter 10

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Sorry for the really long wait, I have had tests all week long and I have been failing them all week loong :P Anyways, enjoy the update mes fluffy cookies!


       "You are a perfect match for John." "Would you like to prepare for surgery?"

      I couldn't believe it. I had hoped for days, that I wouldn't be a match. But I am. His life is in my hands, and that's a lot of pressure. I also promised Jas Jas I would do it, but I don't think he deserves my kidney.  I mean, he hurt and abused my Jason  mentally, verbally and physically. I hurt him too though. I didn't want to give John my kidney. But I'd promised Jason, so I was going to. 

  "Yes, I would l-love to prepare for surgery." 

"Great! I'll be right back then."

I gritted my teeth and rubbed my arms. Goosebumps rose wherever my hands went making it worse and worse. My skin grew cold and clammy. I knew my problem, I knew why I was this afraid. It was my father's fault. He had put me in the hospital before, many times and I had had some type of hatred toward these places ever since. The long scapels, everything. I hated it all. The doctor returned and asked me to change into the night gown, you know the one that makes you feel more naked then when you actually are naked, I oblidged and quickly changed. More doctors came in and wheeled me to another room. Lights shone in my eyes and my eyes squinted to avoid more light seeping in. They asked me what was my favorite kind of sweeet treat, Cotton candy, gum, cake, pie, etc., I told them I liked cotton candy. They pulled a little mask over my face and I could smell the cotton candy. I could taste it. Suddenly my eyes started feeling heavy, they closed, and I started drifting off into a very deep sleep.



              Were they ok? Ash had risked his life and given up his kidney for John, Were they alive? Had anything gone wrong? I felt tears wedge their self into my eyes and start roll down my cheeks. I was shaking and hugging my knees. My mother tried to calm me down, but it didn't work. More than  ever I just wanted Ash to be here and hold me to his chest like old times. For us to kiss and love each other again. To be honest, I had never stopped. "Please be ok." I whispered softly to msyelf. I didn't want Ash to leave me. I would kill myself, if he were gone from my life.

*Time Jump* {1 week later}


           I was finally discharged from the hospital, I smiled at that. Jason was right by my side  and we were walking out hand in hand. He was blushing and looking down at the ground. Adorable, that's what he was. I knew it would take him a while to trust me completely I had explained what had happened, and he wanted to kill Flame. I'm so glad, that we were in the same boat. I lifted his face to mine and kissed him softly at first, questiongly. Then hungry, like a madman possessed.  He kissed me back with the same passion. I groaned into his mouth. He pulled away and his face was beet red. I grinned at him and pulled him to my chest, Mine. He was all Mine. 


       I couldn't stop blushing, not when he kissed me, not when he held my hand, not when he lifted me into his van. I hated how he made me feel, but I loved it.  We were home now, and I was against his chest and we were watching movies. The movie ended, I had loved it, I didn't want it to end. Ash went to get a new movie, and I felt cold, he was like my own heater. I sighed. He came back with a movie, I looked closer and read the title, Devil. I didn't want to see it, it was scary. 

"Ash, don't put it in, please!" He looked at me and smiled.

"It's ok, if you get scared I'll just hold you tighter." He smiled again and slipped the DVD in. He sat back on the couch with me and I snuggled into his chest. 

*1 and a half  hours later*

I was shaking, the people had gotten trapped inside that stupid elevator and the old lady was the devil himself. That old lady was crazy looking, and looked like the pure product of evil. I snuggled in closer to Ashy. He had made me watch the stupid bonus features and it made me even more scared.  

"Ashy, I'm scared."  He looked down at me. I'm sure this looked pathetic, me latching myself to his waist. 

"I can fix that." He pulled me up onto his lap and kissed me. Next thing I know, we were making out on my mother's couch. I heard the door open.

"Hey Jason I'm h-" "OH, God, I-I did not just see you guys having sex on my couch.."

My face, I'm sure, was beet red. Ash chuckled and kissed me again.  I turned to look at my mom. 

"We weren't doing that.." "We were just kissing..." 

She smiled at both of us and placed something in Ashy's hand and whispered in his ear, then went into the kitchen.  I was confused. What had just happened? Ashy smiled at me and looked at my mother she winked at him. What was going on?

"Ashy, what just happened?"

"Nothing, babe, calm down, I'm not going to rush you at all." He kissed me again and carried me up the stairs to my old room, bridal style. He dropped me on the bed and laid down beside me, pulling me to his chest. I snuggled into his chest, enjoying the warmth, and finally I fell into a deep sleep. 


So, whatcha think? I know, It was incredibly short, but I wanted Jason and Ashy to have just a little bit of a break, they've ben through alot you know? But, I also know in the next chapter, One new character will be introduced bringing alot more drama to ze story


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