Chapter 8

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Yeah, I couldn't leave you guys hanging next chapter...


     I watched Ash run out of the door after Jason. It wouldn't work. "Ash how could you be soo stupid to kiss me? Knowing perfectly well your Jason was watching?" I thought to myself. I grinned at myself and chuckled when the door opened several minutes later and a very tired Ash stumbled inside. 

"How could you do that to me?" He questioned. I smiled at him.

"Awweh, my poor poor Ash, you really loved him huh?" "Well, too bad, You didn't deserve him and now he will be crushed forever." I smiled evily at him and laughed. I walked past him, bumping into his shoulder on purpose. Then I walked out of the door into the brisk winter air. 



           I can't believe Jason is back. I have to change, for him at least. I'll try to stop taking my frustration out on him and I'll take it on on myself. I really love him. At least, I think I do. I was pulled out of my thoughts and I immediately hit the brakes. The car skidded on ice and I slammed into a truck which slammed me into the railing, which was the only thing saving us from falling off the cliff into the water below. Another car started sliding and it hit us and the railing broke, throwing half of the car over the side of the cliff. I rolled down the windows of the car and quickly unbuckled the seatbelts. "Jason, Wake up." He slowly flinched and yawned and looked at me.

It slowly dawned on him we weren't driving and he asked me what happened. 

"We slipped on some black ice and long story short we are about to fall off a cliff into the ocean." His eyes looked as big and round as saucer plates. I reached over and pulled him into my lap which caused the car to tilt to much and we started falling down. I cradled his body closer to mine. We both held our breath as the car hit the water. Jason swam out of the window of the car and I tried to follow him. I couldn't move, my foot was jammed under the wheel and my arm was broken. Jason noticed and tried to free my foot. I couldn't get out. I wanted him to leave me there. I pushed him away. I saw a pained look flash on his face, then a determined one. He pushed my hand away and moved the wheel. My foot slipped free. His face was turning blue as he struggled to hold his breath. My arm was broken and it hurt. Jason's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fainted and his mouth opened and his eyes closed as he started to sink. I swam out and grabbed his body. I blew my breath out and swam as fast as I could with one arm to the surface. I swam to the surface and took in a deep breath. I dragged Jason to the river bank and started pumping his chest trying to get the water out of him. I sat him up and start giving him the Heimlich. I figured if it worked for food, it could work for drinks. He spit up the water, but he didn't wake up. The paramedic's surrounded us and pulled him away from me and laid him into a stretcher. They put an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose and tried to do the same to me. I didn't want oxygen, I wanted Jason. They pulled it over my face. I felt myeslf getting sleepy. "Jason, I love you, please be ok." That was the last thing I thought and uttered before I felt myself slipping away.

          So, for all you guys who hate John, would you like him to die right now? Cause I think he is doing a much better job than Ash right now. Anyways, Enjoy the chapter. I said I was going to try the 9th chapter, but I don't think I'll do that tonight. Anyways byesies my fluffy cookies! <3


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