Shannon is Finally Here! What Do I Do?

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Shannon's POV

Omg! Today is the day I will be able to see Bryan! And everyone else but especially Bryan. Bryan is like the funniest and most handsome man I've ever met. Oh, yay I'm now going on the plane, I can't wait.

Time skip

Omg, I finally here and just got my bags. Then I got a text, from Bryan!

B: I just arrived. Plus, turn to your left.

Wait. I turn to my left then I see Bryan. Yay. I run to him with my bags and let go of my bags and hugged him. It felt like forever but was only for like 5 seconds. "I missed you." He said to me. "I missed you too." I say back cause of course it was true. Then we both stare into each others eyes and it was just awkward silence between us. Oh my god. I love his eyes. His beautiful brownish orangy eyes. (Sorry, I don't know his eye color but I tried.) His smile that is the only smile that makes me so happy. The smile that can't ever not make me blush and smile back. Instead of getting just the butterflys, I now get like the whole zoo in my stomach. And those lips, make me want to kiss him for hours after hours, days after days. I can't help but just stare.

Bryan's POV

After we hugged, we were just staring at each other. It was silent between us. Her beautiful eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes made me smile. (Sorry again. At least, I think they are blue.) That smile is the reason I wake up every day knowing that she will smile that day, even when I'm not around I know she will smile that day. Those lips, are the reason I want to kiss her so badly right now. I wonder if I should kiss her right now, but if I was going to kiss her, it wouldn't be here. It would be where there isn't anybody but me and her in one place, no one else but just me and Shannon. I should break the silence so we can go to my place. What should I say? Fuck. Um, um, oh I got it. "Do you want me to carry your bags?" Fuck, that was horrible.

Shannon's POV

"Sure." I wasn't really hoping he would ask if he can carry my bags, I was hoping that he would kiss me right there on the spot. Wait, what if he doesn't like me. Maybe he might only like me as a friend. Maybe he is just being nice to me because he has to. Wait wait wait. Don't get too ahead of yourself Shannon.

So after we got in the car, it was awkward. Really awkward. And silent. Except the music. "So, what room am I sleeping in?" I asked. "So Alex and Johnnie are sharing a room. Kyle is sleeping on the couch. Jeydon gets the geust bed. Jordan gets the air mattress and if you want we can share a bed, its up to you." He answered. Omg, he just asked if we can sleep in the same bed, thas is my chance. "Yea, I don't mind." I can't wait for when we get home. I'm just soo tired. And my plan will work when me and him get into his room. Hopefully he likes me back.

Bryan's POV

So, after I asked if it was ok if me and her can share a bed, she said she didn't mind. Oh I just can't wait, everything is going into plan. I am really tired. I just can't wait for tonight. I hope she likes me back. I hope she is tired, I just want to make out with her so badly right now. I hope that there isn't any more traffic on the way home. That would just suck. It was getting a bit quiet so I thought that I should break the silence. "When I get home and show you around, I think I'm just going straight to bed." I said while I looked over at her and I saw her start to smile. Then I heard her say, "Yea, I think I will do the same." After she said that, my smile got so wide I looked like an idiot. My plan is working out so well.

Ik I said about 1000 words but life is just hard. I might start another book, ima start writing and if I think if it is good, I will post it. It is not a fan fiction tho. It would be about a girls life and what can happen, even if it is good or bad things. It is like if you are reading her journal. Well thugpugs, stay happy not crappy. Life's a both, don't quit. Bye!

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