New House???

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Bryan's POV

"I bought mde a house. Well, mde bought us a house. So we are all moving in together. It is pretty big, kinda like a mansion but a bit smaller than that. So even your girlfriends or boyfriends can live with us if it is serious. Like Jeydon can have Sam live with us and Kyle can have Meghan live with us. Diego can live with us also if he wants to." I explained when everyone got to the now empty living room with only our body's and suitcases. They all got excited and once they settled a bit down I continued on telling them what happens next. "I have all the rooms set out. Me and Jordan have a room, Alex and Johnnie have a room, Jeydon and Sam have a room, Kyle and Meghan have a room, and Shannon and Diego have a room. Now lets go to the new place!"

Johnnie's POV

Once we got settled in the new house, we decided to have a movie marathon. "Corpse Bride!" "No, Nightmare Before Christmas!" "FROZEN!" Every one was shouting. We decided to watch all the movies we had starting off with The Nightmare Before Christmas.

After i saw that Alex had fallen asleep on my lap, i decided to take her to bed. I said bye to the others and picked Alex up bridal style and carried her to our room. When i put her down, I carefully laid down beside her, trying not to wake her up. Once i laid down, she hugged me and snuggled up into my chest and i fell asleep shortly after that.

Shannon's POV

I woke up next to Diego in our room. I got up, took some clothes, and walked into the closest bathroom. I turned on the water and started taking off my clothes. When the water felt warm enough, i jumped in. I started to wash down my body till i heard a bang. It might just be someone waking up or Bryan drunk. I thought to myself. So i then started to put some shampoo in my hair. When i was rinsing it out, i heard another bang, but louder. I then quickly put in conditioner and rinsed it out, turned the water off, and quickly dried off and put my clothes on. I then slowly walked out and looked down both ways of the hall but there was nobody. I then tried to hear it again, but complete silence. I then walked down stair which led to a the living room and then i heard another bang coming from the kitchen. I started walking towards the kitchen and then i saw the most hilarious thing ever, i was right, it is a drunk Bryan. Haha. Bryan got up and then he tried to walk again but then he fell. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Fooooood!" He sang and then he closed his eyes. He must have been tired. He looks like he has a major hangover. I cant pick him up so i just leave him there.

"Hey, can we talk Alex?" I asked Alex. "Um, sure." "Okay, in the library? Im still confused on why we have one but i think it would be a nice quiet place to talk." I suggested. "Yea, sure." She replied.

"Okay, so what do you want to talk about?" Alex asked me. "Well, so you know how i went to see if i was pregnant or not and diego tagged along? Well... here is how it went."


Now i am just waiting for the results. Me and Diego are now sitting in the room just waiting for the doctor to get back. "I hope your not pregnant but if you are i will help you on this. I wont let you go through it alone." Diego told me while grabbing my hand and slightly squeezing it. Before i got the chance to answer him, the doctor came in. "So, you are not pregnant." The doctor told us and told us he will give us some time to talk. I look over at diego happily but i notice him with a, angry face? Pissed? Confused? Sad? I really can't tell. But he is anything from happy, i know that. "What's wrong?" I decided to ask him. He then looks at me with a smile and says something i never thought he would say. "Shannon, i know you didn't want this baby, and i understand that, but a part of me actually wanted you to be pregnant. I want to start a family with you, yes i know we are young but i love you so much." Diego told me. I just got up and told him we need to get back. I didn't talk all the way home.

*Flashback Ended*

"Wow." Was all Alex said. I don't blame her. I can't even think straight myself. "Well, tell him that you are still too young. And if he wants a child with you, he should be able to wait if he loves you that much." Alex finally answered. "Okay, thanks Alex." "No problem." She said with a smile.

Hey thugpugs! So, hows the chapter? I hope you like it. Anyway, stay happy not crappy, life's a bitch don't quit and peace out thugpugs! Bye!

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