Is Sam Coming?

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Jeydon's POV

Ok so Bryan left to go get Shannon from the airport. And the rest went out shopping and I pretended that I was sleeping so I can stay home. I am so worried that Sam might not be able to come over. When I talked to her, she said she will think about it. So I have no idea if she is coming or not. It's just that I really love her. I mean her beauty, her personality, h-her everything, I love her. I love Sam. That is why I want her here. No, wait, I dont want her, I need her. I think that I should just tell her that but I don't want to pressure her and make it seem like she has to go and has no choice. So what do I say? What can I say? Ugh, this is so hard. But why, why is this so hard? Wait Jeydon, just tell her a short version of how you feel but also don't sound like you need her. Just sound like you just want her here, not need. If she knows that you need her, she will come in a heart beat, but that would be like she doesn't have a choice I don't want it to be like that. So I think I should start off with, um, oh I got it, 'Hey, just wanted to talk. Got a minute?' ok that sounds good for starters. Um, what next? So when we are talking, I think that I should say like, 'So did you think about if you can come over to LA or not?' then something like this, 'Well, I just want to you to know that I really love you and I want you to be happy ok? So if you decide not to come, that is fine. I'm not going to force you into anything. I just really wanted to be with you this week. But I do understand that If you don't want to go or if you have to do something else that is important to you, you can go do that. I just want you to know that I love you.' ok, that sounds great. Now I just need to tell her. God this will be difficult.
Well, I just want to you to know that I really love you and I want you to be happy ok? So if you decide not to come, that is fine. I'm not going to force you into anything. I just really wanted to be with you this week. But I do understand that If you don't want to go or if you have to do something else that is important to you, you can go do that. I just want you to know that I love you.
Great, now i need to call her.

Sam's POV

Ugh, why cant i make a choice. I want to see Jeydon but he doesn't know that my ex lives in California. My ex abused me and treated me like shit. I don't know if i could face him if i do see him. Jeydon doesn't even know about him, so i i go and see him and don't tell Jeydon about him, he might get angry with me and break up with me. It's just really hard to tell anybody about my ex, he did really bad things to me that i would never forget.
All of a sudden, my phone rings. I pick it up and see its Jeydon, i think i should tell him, or just tell him in person. I pick up after the 3rd ring.
(S-sam j-Jeydon)

S- hey
J- hey, theres something i need to tell you.

What does that mean? Is he breaking up with me?

S- what is it?
J- I just wanted to tell you that i love you and i want you to be happy, okay?
S- yes, i love you too.
J- So, if you decide not to come, that is fine. Im not going to force you into anything. I just really wanted to be with you this week. But I do understand that if you don't want to go or if you have to do something else that is important to you, you can go do that. I just want you to know that i love you no matter what.

I am slightly crying. I think I should just tell him about my ex.

J- Are you crying? Please don't cry. Are you crying cause of me? Fuck!
S- No, it's not you. It's.... it's someone else.
J- can i know who?
S- my ex lives in California.
J- Who is this ex?
S- he use to abuse me, a lot. All the scars i have are from him and my dad, not just my dad. My dad forced me to date him cause he thought he was the kind of person I deserved. Im sorry i never told you this before. Its just really hard to even admit it all happened.
J-it's ok, it will be all ok sam. If you come and see him, i wont let him even get close to you. If he gets close, he's a dead man. If you want, i could tell the rest of mde if you come so if that guy starts anything, they will know why and make sure he is a dead man.
S- thank yo so much Jeydon, and yes, tell them about him cause i think i will come.
J- thats great, but can i know your ex's name?
S- sure, his name is......

CLIFFHANGER!!!! What will sams ex name be??? Well, you will have to wait till next chapter comes. Stay happy not crappy! Life's a bitch don't quit! Peace thugpugs!!!

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