Dannon Time

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Guys i know i lied about what i said about updating but im really depressed right now and haven't been motivated to do anything. I usually do all my work in school and never miss but i am so depressed i have been making excuses. This chapter might suck and im sorry. It's just, so hard to stay happy, even when i am and try to savor it, anxiety comes and takes over. Im sorry im talking too much about me, here is the chapter.

Shannon's POV

When i got out of the shower, i put a towel on and called Diego to get my bag with clothes. When he came in he shut the door behind him. I am very confused on what he is doing untill he started to talk. "Shannon, are you okey? You know what, don't answer that, i know your not okey to what just happened. Im so sorry I wasn't there like Johnnie was there for Alex. I feel so usele-" I cut him off by a kiss that basically turned into a make out session. When we split for air, he said two words that was like music to my ears. "Be mine?" After he asked that i kissed him and said "yes, of course i will!" After that, we kept making out untill he went for my towel but was interrupted by a knock on the door. God i forgot to tell Bryan what happened cause i basically left him when we were about to have sex for Diego. "What's happening in there?" Bryan asked. "Bryan, im sorry about earlier, I don't mean to play with your feelings but, i-Im sorry." I answered him. "So, earlier will never happen again?" He asked. "No, im sorry." I answered. "No it's fine, im fine, it's all cool." He answered the last part silently. I could tell Diego was a bit confused but then seemed to understand what we were talking about. "Now, don't have you first time having sex be in a bathroom and get out." Bryan joked. Diego then left so i could get dressed. I wore my short black shorts and a oversized pierced the veil shirt. When i go out of the bathroom and went in the living room, everyone looked at me except Jeydon, Jack kept us here all night and it was morning so he was probably picking up Sam cause he wasn't here. Diego stood ip and walked towards me and hugged me. "Are you hungry?" He asked softly. I wasn't too hungry for some reason so i just motioned my head no. "Im going to bed." I said to everyone. "I'll walk you there." Sense i was going to sleep with Bryan when i first got here but now i of course can't, Bryan is taking the air mattress with Jordon, I feel like there is some tension between them for some reason, so im still sleeping in Bryan's bed, just without Bryan. When me and Diego got there, he tucked me in. When he started to leave, i grabbed his hand. "Can you stay?" I asked without thinking. "Yea, anything for you." He answered back. When he got in the bed, we just cuddled for a bit then i started to doze off.

I know that this is short but like i said, im very depressed. I am being called freak, goth, emo, faggot, slut, and whore in school and public places a lot and it gets annoying. Anyway stay happy not crappy, life's a bitch don't quit, piece out thugpugs!!!!!!

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