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Jordan's POV

Every couple here were making out. I have a huge crush on Bryan and this isn't helping. All i want to do is kiss him right now. I go to look over at him and wow, his sexiness is making me go in a trance. God, he is so hot. Then Bryan looked at me and then i got embarrassed cause he notice that i was already looking at him. I could see how red his cheek was and i could feel mine burning up as well. We then both looked away. He is so cute when he blushes. I then take out my phone and tweet forever alone (a/n i have no clue if he actually did tweet this but anyway i don't really care, it's just for the story) and then Bryan replied saying same but maybe not for long😘 and then he got up and walked to his room and left the door open. I thought he might want to talk or something so i followed him. When i walked in his room, the door shut behind me and there was Bryan, with burning red cheeks. Then out of nowhere he...

Yo how is everyone doing? So, here i am, i am sorry this is sooooooooooooo short but the next on might be short also but the next one after the next one will be a lot longer. Well, i love you all. Stay happy not crappy. Life's a bitch don't quit. Peace out thugpugs!!

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