Home Sweet Home

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Alena's P.O.V
We all take Loki ,who is handcuffed and muzzled, to a blocked area. Me and Thor shake hands with his team and he gives Selvig a hug. Tony opens the Tesseract's case. Banner takes it out and places inside a glass tube, held by Thor. Thor gives Loki the other end and I hold on to the middle, Loki reluctantly takes it. And a energy beam comes down and takes us home. Asgard.

We arrived in Asgard and Hiemdall was happy to see me. A smile grew on his face when he saw me. "Welcome back Princess" Hiemdall said.
"It's good to be back Hiemdall" I said smiling and gave him a hug. Me, Thor, and Loki walked out onto the Rainbow Bridge and there was home. The golden palace stood before me. I smiled brightly as we got onto the horses. We rode down the bridge toward the large palace. I greeted the guards warmly and they stared in disbelief that I was alive.
Then I saw two familiar faces.
"MOTHER! FATHER!" I yelled running towards the two. Frigga stared at me and tear formed in her eyes as did Odin's. They both engulfed me in a hug that was warm and loving something I missed for a while.
"Oh dear! I thought we lost you" Frigga said cupping my face with her soft hands.
"I'm right here. And always will be" I said putting my hand on hers. Odin went to talk with Thor.
"I'm so glad you have returned to us" she said as Sif saw me and ran towards me pulling me into a large hug I guess Volstagg saw me as well and nearly crushed me in a hug. Sif glared at Loki.
"I'm glad to see you Sif" I said as Odin, Thor and Loki left leaving me with my mother, Sif, and Volstagg.
"Come on! I bet Hogun and Fandral will be happy to see you alive" Volstagg said as we rushed down the hallway and Frigga went to follow Odin and her sons. We rushed to the training grounds and as soon as Fandral saw me he smiled and ran towards me at a very a fast speed.
"ALENA!!!" Fandral said giving me a large bear hug.
"Hello Fandral" I said smiling brightly. Hogun stared in disbelief then walked towards me for a hug which I returned. I was happy to be back on Asgard. Soon my mother showed up and I followed her to my old room. It was just like I left it. The golden room sparkled in the sunlight that shined through the balcony doors. My bed was neatly made and had my old teddy bear on it. I smiled at the old toy that I use to sleep with. Mother told me to get dressed for the ceremony of my return. When she left my room I opened my wardrobe. I put on my long black dress that reached my ankles. The dress had golden sleeves. A maid came in a curled my hair putting the golden clip in my hair that brought back so many memories. I opened my bedroom door to find my father waiting for me.
"Oh Alena my dear you look wonderful" Odin said linking his arm with mine as we walked down the long golden hallway and toward the throne room where everyone waited. We stopped at the doors and Odin gave me a loving smile. The doors opened and the crowd of people cheered as we walked down the long walkway. Children smiled widely at me and I gave them a wave and smile. Thor, Frigga, Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun, and Sif stood at the throne waiting for me and Odin. Once we got there I stood next to Thor and my mother as Odin sat down on the throne. He silenced the crowd by hitting his staff on the ground.
"We have all gathered here today to celebrate the return of our beautiful daughter, Alena. We all thought she had passed on but we are glad she returned to us" Odin said pausing, I could see tears, "I'm truly grateful of her return." I smiled widely at my father as he returned the smile. The crowd began to cheer, whistle, and clap. "Now! Let the celebration begin!"
There was a large feast and I missed all of the delicious food from Asgard. I smiled to myself as I gathered a plate of fruit and left the party and walked down to the dungeons. I teleported myself into a cell and stared at the figure before me.
"I brought you food" I said making him jump.
"You look beautiful" Loki said smiling as I put the food on a nearby table.
"Just came to see my older brother. I left the party" I said sitting down as he stood with his arms crossed.
"You left a party for me" he said pretending to be shocked.
"What I can't come to celebrate with my brother" I said smiling. I pushed a button.
"I'm not your brother!" He snapped loudly making my flinch.
"I don't care. You'll always be a brother to me no matter what. Remember the day I found out you were a Frost Giant. I told you I'd love you like a brother no matter what" I said on the verge of tears. "And you said you'd love me like a sister no matter what."
"And I meant every word" he said staring at me. I ran into his open arms and hugged him tightly.
"I don't care about what happened in New York. But I'm still mad about you killing Phil" I said looking up into those emerald eyes.
"Go back to the party. I'm sure Thor and the others are looking for you. Thank you for the fruit" he said kissing my forehead gently like he did when I was younger.
"Good night Loki" I said giving him one last hug before teleporting back to the party. I told Thor my stomach just hurt and I decided to go back to my room and lay down in bed drifting into a dream filled sleep.

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