Training with Sif

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Sif smiled at me as she grabbed her sword from the rack. "Now Alena. It's been awhile since you've fought with a sword" she said getting another one from the rack.
"It's been a while, yes" I said as she tossed a sliver sword to me.
"I guess I'll teach you again" she said with the swing of her sword the lesson began. I blocked the sliver blade with mine. With each swing I took a step back hoping to not fall. Fandral came out into the training grounds and sat down to watch us fight. Her sword changed into two blades. Cheater. It's difficult when blocking two blades. Volstagg cheered us on as we fought. It's not as easy as it sounds. Sif is a strong warrior. With one swing of her sliver sword she cut through my armor and down to my pale skin cutting my side. I yelped in pain and yelled our safe word. Sif dropped her sword and rushed to me. I dropped my sword and took off my armor to see the cut. I rolled up my shirt to see a medium sized gash on my right side. The crimson colored liquid leaked put from the wound.
"Get her to the healers!" Fandral said as me, Sif and the Warriors Three rushed to the healing room. Hazel cleaned up my wound and stitched it together. After she was finished I hopped off the counter and walked over to Sif and the Warriors.
"I'm truly sorry Alena for causing your wound" Sif said.
"It's fine Sif. It didn't hurt that bad" I said smiling.
"We should tell your brother" Sif said as we headed out of the healing room.
"I'll go talk with him. You get back to the training grounds" I said leaving the group in search from my brother. Thor stood out on the balcony looking over Asgard.
"You know if you take a picture it'll last longer" I said coming up from behind my dear brother. He turned with a smile then the smile left when I showed him my stitches.
"Just a training wound. Us Asgardians heal faster than mortals" I said standing by his side.
"We will be going back to Midgard soon. I can feel something coming" he said.
"Loki's dead he won't cause anything else" I lied.
"Not Loki. Something that I can't explain. Heimdall said he could feel the same feeling" he said.
"When Midgard needs us we will show up" I said.
"I hope that will be soon" he said.
"You miss her" I said calmly staring at my brother.
"Yes. I miss Jane" he said.
"I'm sure you'll see her again soon" I said smiling.
"I hope" he said as I hugged him. Soon we'd be back in Midgard for something even more dangerous.

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