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I stood in the throne room next to Loki watching as Thor made his way toward the throne where Odin, our father sat. We watched as Thor tossed his hammer in the air cockily and people cheered loudly. Thor spins his hammer with a flourish, holds it up before the crowd, basking in the moment, relishing the adoration, whipping his audience up into a frenzy. I smiled at my older brother as I heard Sif say "oh please."
I looked to Odin seeing he did not like the showy display. Thor finishes stirring up the crowd, then reaches the front of the room, kneels on one knee before our mother and father. Our mother, Frigga casts him an admonishing glance. Thor winks up at her. She can't help but smile. Odin strikes Gungnir upon the ground with a deafening BOOM. The crowd falls silent. Odin speaks with quiet, effortless authority. "Gungnir. Its aim is true, its power strong. With it I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms since the time of the Great Beginning. And though the day has come for a new King to wield his own weapon -- that duty remains the same. Thor Odinson, my heir, my first-born. So long entrusted with this mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Forged in the heart of a dying star, from the sacred metal of Uru. Only one may lift it. Only one is worthy. Who wields this hammer commands the lightning and the storm. Its power has no equal -- as a weapon, to destroy, or as a tool, to build. It is a fit companion for a King." Odin said as we all looked at Thor.
"Today I entrust you with the greatest honor in all the Nine Realms. The sacred throne of Asgard. I have sacrificed much to achieve peace. So, too, must a new generation sacrifice to maintain that peace. Responsibility, duty, honor. These are not merely virtues to which we must aspire. They are essential to every soldier and to every King." Odin continued as the air got colder, I rub my arms for warmth seeing the Warriors and Sif doing that also. Thor turns back to face our father. Odin looks upon his son with pride.
"Thor Odinson, do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?" Odin asked.
"I swear" Thor said loudly.
"Do you swear to preserve the peace?" Odin asked.
"I swear" Thor said a little louder than last time.
"Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and pledge yourself only to the good of all the Realms?" Odin asked finally.
"I SWEAR" Thor yelled.
"Then on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you-" Odin said but he hesitates seeing something, I look around seeing ice creep up across the banners and walls making an eerie cracking sound. I noticed Thor could see it too and so could the crowd, "frost giants...." The sound of a battle echoes through the halls as Thor turns and starts to walk towards the sound. I went to go after him but Loki grabs my arm. And we both follow after him with Odin behind us. We follow behind Thor as stop short looking at what the frost giants had done to the treasure room. Shattered and melting ice is strewn about the floor. We don't see the blue-skinned bodies of the Frost Giants clearly, just catch glimpses of their twisted and smoldering remains on the floor. They've just lost a savage battle. Badly. Amidst them, shrouded in shadow, stands the black metal creature, a fiery glow coming from within it. It is The Destroyer. It holds the Casket in its hands. Odin steps in behind us, as the Destroyer sets the Casket back on its pedestal. It moves back to its post, the faint, fiery glow extinguishes within it. I look around at the ice holding Loki's hand tighter when my eyes see the dead frost giant.
"The Jotuns must pay for what they've done!" said Thor.
"They have paid with their lives. The Destroyer did its job, and the Casket is safe. All is well." Odin said as I looked at Thor to see he was angered.
"All is well?! They broke into the Weapons Vault! If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these Relics-" Thor said but was interrupted by Odin.
"But they didn't." Odin said calmly.
"I want to know why they-" Thor said but was interrupted once more.
"The Casket of Ancient Winters belonged to the Jotuns. They believe it's their birthright." Odin said.
"And if you hadn't taken it from them they would have laid waste to all the Nine Realms!" Thor yelled.
"I have a truce with Laufey, the Jotun King." Odin said, what truce?
"He just broke your truce! We must act!" Thor said as Me and Loki watch,
"And what action would you take?" Odin asked.
"March into Jotunheim as you once did, teach them a lesson, break their spirits so they'll never dare try to cross our borders again!" Thor said as I looked up at Loki.
"You're thinking only as a warrior!" Odin snapped causing me to look back at Thor and Odin.
"This was an act of war!" Thor yelled as me and just watch at the two fighting.
"It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail." Odin said.
"They got this far!" Thor yelled.
"We will find the breach in our defenses. It will be found, and it will be sealed." Odin said.
"As King of Asgard, I would-" Thor started to say but was interrupted by Odin.
"You are not King. Not yet." Odin hissed, I noticed Thor growing angry and stormed out of the vault closing the door with a loud SLAM as me, Loki and Odin watched him leave.

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