Black Rose

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I looked at myself in the mirror. My blonde hair was in multiple curls that bounced when I walked. I wore a long black dress that flowed in the wind. I exited my room and began to make my way down to the Tavern.
I entered the area and saw Thor sitting at the dining table. Volstagg had a small child on his lap. He finished his drink and threw it yelling ANOTHER! I smiled at the sight as I walked over to Sif who was enjoying the party. "Hello" I said standing next to her with a smile.
"You look lovely" Sif said with a kind smile.
"Same to you" I answered, Thor got up from his seat and walked over to join us.
"There was a time when you would celebrate for weeks" Sif said.
"I remember you celebrating the battle of Haragon so much that you nearly started a second" Thor said smiling.
"Well the first was so much fun" Sif said as we smile at the memory. Even though I wasn't there to battle it seemed like they had fun.
"Take a drink with me. Surely the Allfather can have no further task with you tonight?" Sif asked.
"This is one I set myself" Thor said as I watches Fandral talk to two women.
"It does not go unnoticed that you disappear each night. There are nine realms. The future King of Asgard must focus on more than one" Sif said smiling.
"I thank you for your sword and for your counsel, good Lady Sif" Thor said as he walks away leaving me and Sif staring sadly after him.
I left the celebration and walked back to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and turned to see a black rose on my bed with a note.
For my dear little sister. Your birthday is coming up and I won't be able to celebrate it with you. I don't think the guards would want the princess down in the cells with her brother on her birthday. Enjoy the Rose
From your dear brother ,Loki.
I stared at the beautiful cursive writing for a while before setting the Rose in a vase. I changed into my silk nightgown and decided to teleport to the cells. I appeared inside Loki's cell. He was staring outside of the cell. "I love the Rose" I said startling him.
"I had mother put it there sense I'm stuck here" he said smiling.
"No guards will stop me from celebrating my birthday with my brother" I said smiling.
"You should go to bed" he said.
"Okay. Goodnight" I said.
"Goodnight" he said as I teleported back into my bedroom. I laid down in bed and fell into a dream filled sleep.

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