The Battle Begins

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We got to our destination and got people to safety. Well not everyone before we could get a lot more over the bridge I got people past onto the other side. Tony flew past and started towards the church where Ultron was waiting. I looked over the bridge to see Iron robots coming out of the ground and water.
"Uhhhh. Steve we got an issue" I said as the robots started climbing up towards us. The robots started flying around and exploding stuff Ultron's.
"Go!" Steve yelled.
"Get off the bridge!" I yelled arobot jumped in front of me and I quickly slammed my fist that was on fire into its chest, destroying it. Wanda created a force shield around some people to keep them safe as robots shot at the shield.
"Run!" Wanda said as one shot her making her shield go away. I started running towards her and I lit robots on fire quickly making them explode. I rushed over to her and helped her stand. Steve destroyed a robot quickly. Pietro zoomed across to see everything, robots were coming towards him and all he had to do was run through them and tear them to pieces. I saw pieces of the robots falls in separate places. The floor below us started cracking. We moved away and helped people jump across to the other side.
"GO!" I yelled as the ground started going up. Another person jumped and made it over. But we were getting to high for others to jump. People were screaming and shouting as the ground continued to crack. Then a chilling message from Friday sent a chill up my spine.
"Sokovia is going for a ride" she said. People moved away from the crack as the ground slowly started going up.
"Run!" Wanda yelled as the earth around Sokovia starts to shake and break.
"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal" Ultron said making me growl with anger.

"I got airborne, heading up to the bridge" Friday said as me and Steve fought several drones.
"Cap, Dark Fire, you two got incoming" Tony said as me and Steve where pushed back against a hood on a car.
"Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely" I said getting up.
"The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off" Steve said.
There were two cars that were about to fall off the bridge. Me and Steve ran over and tried to pull up the one car but the bumper broke off and the car began to fall. Thor came out of no where and flew down. Thor threw the girl up to Steve and me after her car fell of the edge of a collapsing bridge.
"I got you! Just look at me" Steve said as Steve and me helps her up to safety.
"You can't save them all. You'll never-" said a robot rushing towards us. Steve throws off one of the attacking robots off the edge of the bridge.
"You'll never what? You didn't finish!" Steve yelled as Thor lands on the bridge on the top of the other car.
"What, were you napping?" Steve asked. We began to fight more robots and I saw Ultron fly out of no where and grab Thor.
"THOR!" I yelled but they were gone.
"Romanoff!" Steve yelled as he throws his shield at her so she can use it to protect herself from the attacking robot.
"Thanks" Nat said as I ran at a robot and lit my hands on fire melting through the metal. I dropped a robots head and walked over to Steve.
"The next wave's gonna hit any minute. What have you got, Stark?" Steve asked.
"Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear" Tony said.
"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan" Steve said.
"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're going to have to make a choice" he said.
"Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock-" Nat said but Steve cut her off.
"Not 'til everyone's safe" Steve said.
"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there" Nat said.
"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it" Steve said.
"I didn't say we should leave" she said as me and Steve turns to look at her. She meant dying. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live the rest of my life, "There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"
"Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better" Nick Fury said his voice cutting into my ear piece as just then the Helicarrier show up, "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty, but she'll do."
"Fury, you son of a bitch" Steve said.
"Oooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Nick asked making me laugh. We watch the lifeboats come out of the Helicarrier and fly in towards us.
"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked.
"This is what SHIELD's supposed to be" Steve said making me smile. Okay I will admit, Pietro is kind of cute.
"This is not so bad" Pietro said.
"Let's load 'em up" Steve said as the team helps the people onto the Helicarrier lifeboats.
"Alright, let's load 'em up! Alright, here we go. Here we go, let's move. Let's go everyone!" Clint said as I decided to start to head for the church where Ultron had Thor. I rushed in and saw Ultron hit Thor.
"Excuse me!" I yelled and Ultron snapped his head toward me.
"Ah the lovely Dark Fire. Come to witness your brother's death?" He hissed as he fired at me and it hit me in the stomach. I felt to the floor in pain.
"You think you're saving anyone? I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that" Ultron said.
"I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast, I am...running out of things to say! Are you ready?" Thor said as Vision uses Thor's hammer to hit Ultron, Vision then throws the hammer back to Thor.
"It's terribly well balanced" The Vision said..
"Well, if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so" Thor said as he walked over and helped me stand. A crimson colored liquid leaked through my suit.
"I'm fine" I said to Thor who was giving me a look.
"No you are not. I want you on a lifeboat" Thor said.
"No I'm fighting" I said.
"Alena, you can't let it show" he said.
"It may be my dark side... But it's very powerful" I said.
"And if you use it to much you become stronger and complete darkness. Much more powerful than the hulk and Iron Man combined" Thor said.
"I won't let darkness take over" I said as I looked at my hand to see it covered in red.
"Alena" Thor said.
"Thor. You don't have a say in this. It's powerful. It could stop this madness" I said.
"Do me a favor and don't die" he said hugging me.
"I promise" I said looking up at my brother.
"Thor, I got a plan!" Tony said.
"We're out of time. They're coming for the core" Thor said.
"Avengers, time to work for a living" Tony said as the rest of the team joins Thor, me and Vision.
"Romanoff. You and Banner better not be playing "hide the zucchini" Tony said making me laugh.
"Relax, Shellhead. Not all of us can fly" Natasha said. Soon she joined us in the church as well.
"What's the drill?" She asked.
"This is the drill" Tony said pointing at the core, "if Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." The Hulk/Bruce also joins us in the church. I looked over to see Ultron slowly appears outside of the church.
"Is that the best you can do?!" Thor yelled as a bunch of Ultron's drones run through the street toward us.
"You had to ask" Steve said.
"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted, all of you against all of me. How can you possibly hope to stop me?" Ultron asked making me growl.
"Well, like the old man said... Together" Tony said as the hulk roars loudly and the drones run toward us. I saw Thor look at me before getting into fighting stance. My hair slowly started to turn it's black color. I felt something within me change. My eyes glowed red for a split second before I lit my hands on fire. The flames were black. I ran toward some drones and punched straight through them without an issue. I melted the robot completely. It was like everything was in slow motion. Me and Thor combine our powers together and take put several robots. We were all working as a group. I ran to Steve and he put his shield down in front of him. I put my feet on the shield and then my hands on his shoulders. He launched me into the air and I used my powers to help the Vision and Tony take out the drones that were in the air. It was like everything was in slow motion. We were a team. Ultron began to fight the Vision as me and Tony took out the drones that were flying. The Vision pushed Ultron out of the church with his powers that were created by the gem. Thor used his lighting to help the Vision and soon Tony joined in as well. I stood beside Thor and used my new discovered Dark Magic to mix in with the others. I felt powerful. I screamed loudly as I continued to use my dark fire. I lowered my hands when Tony lowered his and Thor lowered his hammer. Ultron kneeled onto the ground, he let out a groan as he slowly rose to his feet.
"You know, with the benefit of hindsight-" Ultron was cut short of his speech when the Hulk punched him. Hard. Knocking him into the air. Banner turned towards a group of drones and growled at them making them run away in fear. I couldn't help but snicker. But the robots were trying to leave the city.
"They're trying to leave the city!" Thor said.
"We can't let them leave, not even one. Rhodey!" Tony said.
"I'm on it" said Rhodes.
"We got to move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats. Me and Alena will sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you" Steve said.
"What about the core?" Clint asked.
"I'll protect it" Wanda said looking at Clint, "it's my job." Clint and Nat went the other while me and Steve went the other way. My hair turned back to its normal blonde and my eyes back to blue.
"Dark side?" Steve asked.
"Yeah. If I use it to much... I become something dangerous" I said staring at the ground.
"That would never happen" he said.
"Steve-" I said but I was cut off by something I didn't expect. Steve pulled me to him and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I'm almost 17! I wrapped my arms around his neck but soon we broke the kiss for air.
"I'm sorry" he said.
"It's fine, Steve. I enjoyed that" I said.
"Let's get on a lifeboat" he said pulling me into a small hug. Me and Steve rushed toward a boat. We stopped when the sound of bullets came our way. Me and Steve ducked and got to cover. We ran towards the ramp to a Lifeboat and watched as Clint started to carry a kid back towards the Lifeboat.
"CLINT!" I yelled. I buried my face in Steve's chest. Then everything grew silent. I looked up to see Pietro. With bullets all over his body. I covered my mouth as Pietro fell to the ground. He was dead. I only knew him for a few hours but I felt something. Clint handed the kid to me and I carried him back to his mother. Me and Steve stood next to each other looking at once was Sokovia. The ground shook and started to go down. Steve grabbed me quickly and jumped onto the boat just in time. I watched as the ground below dropped. My heart skipped a beat as I watched it fall. Steve quickly blocked me from seeing anything. I moved my face so I could see. The floating city exploded into pieces before it hit the ground and pieces fell into the water below. Steve covered my vision once more. I felt tears roll down my dirt stained cheeks. My breathing was heavy. Steve and me scooted away from the edge.
"Come on" he said and helped me up as the boats attached to the large Helicarrier. The people stayed on but me, Steve, and Clint entered into the large Helicarrier. Steve had a protective arm around me as we walked.
"When did you two happen?" Clint asked.
"About 4 minutes ago" I said smiling. Clint walked ahead of us and Steve softly kissed me on the forehead. I guess you could say I have feelings for my Patriotic best friend. Me and Steve walked to the conference room hand in hand. We entered and Tony smirked at us.
"Remember when we get back to the tower I'm making sure that Alena and Steve's rooms are close to each other's" Tony whispered to Friday. Thor walked over and pulled me into a hug basically lifting me off the floor.
"Alena I have a big question" Thor said.
"What?" I asked.
"If your heart belongs here are Midgard.... You may stay. You can come back to Asgard anytime. But you can stay here" Thor said. This was a big decision. I could go back to Asgard and be the princess my mother has always wanted me to be. Or I could stay here in Midgard with Steve and the others.
"I think I'll stay here" I said smiling at my brother.
"Hey Thor you're staying for the party, right?" Tony asked.
"As long as no drones attack" Thor said making me smirk. Sometimes Thor had a good sense of humor. I hugged Thor once again before we all exited the room and went different ways. I grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him with me.
"Where are we going?" He asked with a chuckle as I pulled him outside. I smiled widely as the sky was a pinkish orange color.
"Isn't it beautiful?" I asked.
"It is. But I have a question" he said.
"Okay" I said.
"How would you l-like t-to be m-my date to Tony's p-party?" He asked smiling that adorable smile that I love.
"I would love to Steve. Wait... Are we together?" I asked.
"Only if you want to be" he said. I didn't give him an answer. I wrapped my arms around his neck once more and jumped wrapping my legs around his waist. I kissed him gently on his soft lips. I stared into his cobalt blue eyes with a small smile.
"I'll take that as a yes" he said making me laugh.
"Of course, Stevie" I said as we heard someone clapping at the door. I turned to see Tony clapping his hands slowly.
"TONY!" I yelled unwrapping my legs and started running after him. He ran back inside with me on his heels. I jumped and tackled him to the ground with a smile. Don't mess with me.

I'm sorry it's been awhile since I last updated😁 but did you guys expect Steve and Alena?! Do you guys ship them? I had to give Alena some romance. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!~ Kenlee Faith❤️❤️

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