Awake and Going Home

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We both fall towards the massive wave of Bifrost energy which spews out from the broken Bridge. We're an instant from being blasted by the destructive force of the energy, carried away by the current, pulverized by the debris, when a powerful hand catches Thor's leg. Thor dangles there, holding onto Gungnir as Loki hangs onto the other end. Loki looks up, shocked to see Odin Allfather. Standing on the edge of the broken Bridge, awakened from the Odinsleep, restored to his full strength Loki searches his father's face, looking for some kind of approval, some kind of redemption, but all he sees is disappointment and regret.
"I could've done it father! For you! For all of us!" Loki said.
"No Loki" Odin said I see what Loki is about to do.
"NO!!!" Me and Thor yell as Loki let's go of the Gungnir. Just as he disappears I felt my hand began to slip.
"ALENA!" Thor said, "grab my hand!" I reached out for Thor's hand but my hand slipped.
"NOOOOOO!" Thor yelled loudly as I fell into a abyss.

I raced down the long golden hallway as I looked over my shoulder to see only one older brother. Where was the other? Next thing I knew my face slammed into someone's chest and I looked up to see the other older brother. Found him. "Hand it over" he said holding out his hand for me to give him his helmet. His helmet was golden with horns on it.
"Fine" I said handing him his helmet as two powerful arms lifted me off the floor.
"Now Alena what do you say to Loki?" the other one asked.
"My apologies for stealing your helmet" I said as Loki only smiled at me, his green emerald eyes twinkling with mischief.
"It's alright" Loki said as I was lowered to the floor. My two teenage brothers always picked on me but I returned the favor by stealing things from their rooms or playing tricks on them. My oldest brother Thor had bright blue eyes and long blonde hair that reached his shoulders. The second oldest, Loki was my personal favorite sense I looked up to him, he had dark raven hair and emerald green eyes that sparkled.
"So what shall we be doing today?" asked Thor looking at Loki waiting for him to answer. Being the youngest of the two I was never aloud to choose what we did. I'm only 7 in Midgardian years.
"THOR!" Our fathers voice boomed through the hallway as Thor turned and headed for the throne room leaving me with Loki.
"I'm guessing you want a lesson in magic?" Loki asked looking down at me, I nodded my head rapidly at the fact I loved it when Loki taught me magic, "very well."
"Can we go over teleporting? Or maybe we could do what we did last time?" I asked as I took Loki's medium hand in my little one.
"Let's do something easy, then maybe Thor will join us in some fun, but if he's still busy we could go look for mother" Loki said, I loved spending time with Loki sense Thor and me never had special time together. I pulled my dirty blonde hair into a pony tail to get it out of my eyes as we entered me and Loki's favorite area, the gardens. I know our dear mother would be here but she was not.
"Loki?" I asked looking up at my brother.
"Yes" Loki said as we sat down at a bench under a large cherry tree.
"I like spending time with you" I said blinking my blueish green eyes.
"I like spending time with you too" Loki said as I rested my small head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I'm guessing we weren't gonna do magic today sense I was tired of running from both him and Thor. I fell asleep on Loki's shoulder in the gardens thinking nothing would ever change but it did.

Next thing I know they all have returned and Odin looked furious. Fandral was injured.
Heimdall stands at the Observatory controls. Odin pulls Heimdall's sword from the control panel and throws it to him. Heimdall backs away. "Why did you bring us back?" Thor asked.
"Do you realize what you've done? What you've started?" Odin hissed.
"I was protecting my home." Thor said.
"You cannot protect your friends. How can you hope to protect a kingdom?" Odin said looking at Sif and the warriors, "Get him to the healing room!" The warriors and Sif rush out of the Bifrost and across the bridge getting Fandral to the palace.
"There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act!" Thor yelled, I walked over to Loki and hugged him tightly because I had worried. "Whatever the cost, the world must know that the new King of Asgard will not be held in contempt."
"That's pride and vanity that talks! Not leadership! Have you forgotten everything I've taught you? What of a warrior's patience, cunning?" Odin yelled at Thor. I held onto Loki's arm tightly.
"While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us! The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls!" Thor yelled in return.
"You're a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" Odin yelled, for once I kind of agreed with Odin yet sorta agreed with Thor.
"And you are an old man and a fool!" Thor yelled, the room grew quiet after the words fell from Thor's lips.
"A fool, yes! I was a fool to think you were ready." Odin said calmly yet something behind his calm words were terrifying. Me and Loki take a step forward to Odin.
"Father-" we both say but Odin gives us a look.
"Thor Odinson... You have disobeyed the express command of your King. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful Realms and innocent live to the horrors of war." Odin began, as he plunged Gungnir into Observatory's control panel. The turret turns, the Bifrost energy building along with Odin's rage. It FIRES, as the Bifrost opens at the end of the platform, creating a portal behind Thor. Odin turns angrily to his son.
"You are unworthy of this Realm..." Odin said stripping the disk from Thor's armor.
" ...unworthy of your title..." Odin says ripping of Thor's blood red cape.
"...unworthy of the loved ones you've betrayed" Odin said as Thor looked toward me and Loki, "I hereby take from you your powers." Odin extends his hand towards his son. Mjolnir goes flying from Thor's grasp into Odin's hand.
"In the name of my father..." Odin said as a finger of lightning comes off the hammer and hits Thor, disintegrating the right arm of his armor and part of the chest piece.
"...and of his father before..." Odin said another strike disintegrates the remainder of Thor's armor, including the cape and torn-away disc on the floor. Then I realized what Odin was doing.
"I cast you out!" Odin yelled.
"NO!" I screamed trying to run towards Thor but Loki wraps an arm around my stomach and lifts me off the floor, I kick and squirm trying to free myself from Loki's grasp. I watch in horror as Odin thrusts Mjolnir before him and with a Crack of Thunder Thor is hurled backwards into the open Bifrost and disappears in the vortex. Tears escaped my eyes. Odin just banished Thor! Loki let go of me and Odin sent Mjolnir down after Thor and pulled his staff from the control center.
"How could you?!" I hissed at Odin, he didn't look at me he just continued to exit the Bifrost. I ran into Loki's arms and hugged him tightly.
"Shhh. It's alright" Loki said trying to comfort me.
"He'll be alright, right?" I asked looking up at him.
"Of corse he will Alena" Loki said looking down at me and wiped away a tear.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I'm completely sure, now come on, we must get back to the palace" Loki said as we began to walk down the Bifrost toward the golden palace.

I opened my eyes slowly only to be blinded by a bright light. I turned my head slowly to see a machine making a beeping noise every second. I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down and there was a bandage wrapped around it. I remember the bullet hitting it. The memory of the bullet piercing my skin flashed in my mind. I looked around worriedly at the hospital room. Someone walked into the room and I had to smile. It was Steve. "Hey" he said, "feeling any better?"
"Yeah" I said.
"Thor is at SHIELD. Waiting for you" Steve said.
"Okay" I said.
"Fury's dead" he said instantly.
"What?" I asked barely above a whisper.
"He's gone" Steve said.
"Oh my god" I said truly shocked.
Soon I was back at SHIELD. Thor was waiting for me outside. "Sup loser!" I said smiling at my brother.
"Let's go" he said holding onto me, "Hiemdall! Open the Bifrost!" The bright colors circled us as the Bifrost stretched every cell in our body and started pulling us towards the sky. Soon we were back in Asgard.
"Hello Hiemdall" I said greeting him.
"Lovely seeing you again princess" he said smiling as me and Thor walked down towards the bridge. He helped me onto a horse and we headed towards the palace. He helped me off and we entered the throne room. "Odin" sat on the throne as usual.
"Hello father" I said smiling at Loki who was portraying Odin.
"May I speak with her alone" Odin said Thor nodded and left the throne room.
"What happened to your leg?" Loki asked now not looking like Odin.
"Just a bullet wound. I'll be fine" I said smiling.
"At least you're okay" Loki said.
"It hurt but I'm fine" I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"We'll still have Asgardian healers look at it" Loki said making me roll my eyes.
"Why care so much?" I asked.
"You're my sister. Am I not aloud to care?" He asked rather rudely.
"Oh just admit it. You missed me" I said smiling.
"Fine. I admit it. I don't know what I would do if I lost my dear sister" he said.
"That means a lot" I said sarcastically touching my heart as he walked around me.
"Go get some rest" he said.
"Where is Odin?" I asked calmly.
"His chambers" Loki smiled.
"You locked him in there didn't you" I said.
"Stop with the questions" Loki said as he turned back into Odin, "you are dismissed." I exited the throne room calmly and walked to my chambers. Home sweet home. I opened my doors and jumped onto my bed. Healers rushed into the room to exam my leg. They put cream onto it which made it feel so much better.
"Thank you" I said as they exited my room. I laid back down on my bed glad to be back in Asgard. I looked out the balcony with a smile. This was my home. And always will be.

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