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Me, Thor and Jane leave Loki behind and walk across the dark plains of Svartelfheim as a huge sand storm begins to pick up around them. We enter a large cave.
"He's gonna unleash it. Not just on Asgard or on a star. Malekith is going to destroy everything" Jane said.
"How? Jane, how?" Thor asked.
"I saw him on Earth. Why would he go to Earth?" Jane said.
"The Convergence" I said knowing that's what Malekith wants.
"God. None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether" Jane said.
"Then Malekith would've only possessed it that much sooner" I said staring at Jane.
"I only found it because I was looking for you" Jane said to Thor.
"Jane..." Thor said.
"Now we're trapped here" Jane said but before I could protest, a Convenient Ring Tone starts playing. Me, Jane and Thor look Conveniently Puzzled.
"It's... Not me" Thor said.
"Me either" I said. Jane takes her phone.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Richard! Where are you?" Jane said. Who's Richard? Jane is walking around the cave, holding her phone up in the air to test signal strength.
"My god this is amazing!" She said
"Is it? I quite enjoyed our lunch despite never actually ordering anything." This Richard guy said over the speaker. Jane who is still holding the phone in the air.
"How am I getting service here?" Jane said.
"Is this a bad time? Do you want me to try later?" Richard said.
"No no no! Whatever you do, do not hang up the phone" Jane said. Okay?
"Okay then. I was just wondering if you wanna try again? Ah, maybe dinner next time?" Richard said. I looked at Thor puzzled.
"Ah yeah yeah, just stay on the phone, okay?" She said.
"Yeah, I will" Richard said Jane sees soda can on the ground.
"Oh my god" she said, then she sees car keys and picks them up with a gasp.
"Am I interrupting something?" Richard asked.
"No no no, nothing at all" Jane said then turned to Thor and me, "Come on!"
"I'm losing you there, are you in a tunnel?" Richard asked.
"Wait, where are we going?" Thor asked as Jane pulled us along.
"Hello?" I heard Richard say. So many shoes.
"Why are so many shoes in here?" I asked looking around. Me, Thor and Jane suddenly disappear as we step into the portal that links to Earth. Awesome!
Now in London, Jane, me and Thor exit the building where Jane first found the Aether and get into the station wagon which now has smashed in windows and graffiti. As Thor and me squeeze ourselves into the car, he looks to Jane.
"So, who's Richard?" Thor asked making me smile.
"Really?" Jane said as she drives us back to an apartment, which I guess belongs to her. As we enter, a girl who I know as Darcy jumps up in surprise. Thor hangs Mjolnir on a coat hook.
"Jane!" Darcy said.
"Hey" Jane said.
"You can't just leave like that. The whole world is going crazy. All the stuff we saw is spreading. Did you go to a party?" Darcy asked..
"Erik!" Both me and Jane say.
"Jane! Alena! How wonderful. Oh!" Erik says as he gives her a hug then looks at her clothing. "You've been to Asgard."
"Where are your pants?" I asked Erik.
"Oh, he, uh... He says it helps him think" said a man. Okay then.
"Okay, well, I'm going to need everything you've got on this. All the work you've been doing on gravimetric anomolies, everything" Jane said.
"Okay" Erik said.
"Are you well, Erik?" Thor asked concerned. Erik begins to laugh, then turns serious.
"Your brother's not coming, is he?" Erik asked.
"Loki is dead" I said looking down.
"Oh, thank God!" Erik said as I looked up at him, "I.. I mean't, I'm so sorry."
"Thank you" me and Thor say as Erik steps forward and hugs us.
We all sat at the table as Jane goes over information.
"Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine world are connecting.
ERIK: Amplifying the weapon's impact. For each additional world, the power will increase exponentially. The effect would be universal" Jane said.
"Yes but the alignment is only temporary. He must be in exactly the right place at the right time" I said.
"Well, how do we know where that is?" Darcy asked.
"We follow the directions" Erik said as he grabs a world map, "This has happened before, thousands of years ago, and the Ancients were there to see it." He sweeps stuff off a table and spreads out the map.
"All the great constructions, the Mayans, the Chinese, the Egyptians. They made use of the gravitational effects of the Convergence. And they left us a map" Erik begins ruling lines on the map, "Stonehenge, Snowden, the Great Orme. These are all coordinates taking us... Here" He points to an area.
"Greenwich?" said the man who I now know as Ian.
"The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is going to go ballistic. Increases and decreases in gravity, spatial extrusions... The very fabric of reality is going to be torn apart" Jane says. Thor calls the hammer to him and my hand is engulfed in flames.
"I better get my pants" Erik said.

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