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I sat with Jane in the room they were keeping her in. I decided to be nice and keep her company. She brushed my long blonde hair with a golden brush I found in Frigga's room. She finished brushing and started what the mortals call a French braid. We sat there for a good while until there was a knock at the door and she finished my hair. Two guards opened the door. One of the guards that were carrying a meal for her. She looks up, clearly unhappy.
"I'm not hungry" Jane responds. Just as Sif enters behind the guards and knocks them both out, she startled me.
"Good. Let's go" Sif said as she escorts Jane and me though the palace to where Thor waits with Loki. As Jane sees Loki, she draws ahead of Sif.
"You're -" Jane started saying.
"I'm Loki. You may have heard of me" Loki said smiling. Jane smacks him across the face. I let out a small laugh.
"That was for New York" Jane said moving a piece of hair from her face. Loki laughs, and looks to Thor.
"I like her" Loki responds smiling. I noticed Loki was in hand cuffs. Wait why is he here in the first place? What's happening?
Guards locate and approach Thor, Sif, Loki, me and Jane from the other side of the plaza. "There they are! Take them!" One yells.
"On my command" the other yells Thor steps towards them, but is stopped by Sif.
"I'll hold them off. Take her." She said.
"Thank you" Thor said as The Einherjar draw their swords as Thor ushers Jane away. I start to follow but stop when Loki turns to follow but is stopped by Sif's blade at his throat.
"Betray him, and I'll kill you" Sif said.
"It's good to see you too, Sif" Loki said laughing, Sif withdraws her blade as Loki and me saunters away, and turns to face the guards, she swings her sword as she prepares herself to face them, and it transforms into a double-bladed sword.
Thor, Loki, me and Jane walk across the PALACE PLAZA to the crashed Harrow Ship from which Malekith rode in on earlier. Volstagg stands waiting for us.
"I will give you as much time as I can" Volstagg said. I nodded to him with a smile.
"Thank you my friend" Thor said as Volstagg and Jane nodd to each other. I follow Jane but a turn just as Loki passes, Volstagg stops him.
"If you even think about betraying him..." Volstagg started saying but was cut off by Loki.
"You'll kill me? Evidently, there will be a line" Loki said as he walked to join me at my side as we entered the ship. When we entered the door behind us closed and Thor started pressing buttons.
" I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing" Loki said as I stand in the middle of him and Thor.
"I said. "how hard could it be?" Thor said continuing to press buttons.
"Well, whatever you're doing brother, I suggest you do it faster" Loki said.
"Shut up, Loki" Thor said making me laugh.
"You must have missed something" Loki said.
"No, I didn't. I'm pressing every button on this thing" Thor said.
"No don't hit it. Just press it gently" I said as Thor begins thumping buttons in irritation.
"I am pressing it gently! It's not working!" Thor said loudly as the lights and internal displays come on as the engine starts up.
"Ha ha!" Thor cheers.
At last Thor figures out the controls for the Harrow Ship, and it begins to slowly rotate, taking out palace columns along the way.
"I think you missed a column" I said smiling.
"Shut up!" Thor said.
The Harrow Ship lifts off and bursts through walls.
"Look, why don't you let me take over? I'm clearly the best pilot" Loki said.
"Is that right? Well, out of the two of us, which one can actually fly" Thor said. As Thor maneuvers the Harrow Ship through the city, Jane faints to the floor.
"Oh dear. Is she dead?" Loki said sounding like he didn't really care.
"Jane!" Me and Thor said.
"I'm okay" Jane said. Thor swoops too close to a building and takes off to the top of it. Me and Loki starts to open our mouths.
"Not a word" Thor said as I turned to see three of Asgard's flying skiffs are on our tail.
"Now they're following us" I said. The skiffs begin firing.
"Now they're firing at us!" Loki said.
"Yeah, thank you for the commentary, Loki and Alena, it's not at all distracting!" Thor said as they swoop towards a tunnel, the wing of the Harrow Ship slices through the neck of a huge stone statue of King Bor.
"Well done. You just decapitated your grandfather" Loki said making me laugh. We exit the city and now fly over water, parallel to a bridge stretching towards distant mountains.
"You know, this is wonderful. This is a tremendous idea. Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that. Flying around the city, smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us. It's brilliant, Thor! It's truly brilliant!" Loki said but was cut off my Thor reaching across and shoving Loki out of the open door.
"LOKI!!!" I yelled as Thor pushes me out as well. I screamed loudly as I landed onto something hard. I let out a groan realizing I wasn't in water. I got up just as Thor landed carrying Jane in his arms. I turned to see Fandral controlling the Skiff we were on.
"I see your time in the dungeons has made you no less graceful, Loki" Fandral said laughing. Loki ignores him and looks up to the Harrow Ship which veers to their right, towards a mountain range, and with the three skiffs still in pursuit.
"You lied to me. I'm impressed" Loki said.
"I'm glad you're pleased. Now, do as you promised. Take us to your secret pathway" Thor ordered as Loki takes hold of the tiller and begins grinning in genuine glee. Until now they've traveled alongside the bridge, but just above the waterline. Now they have to veer to the right, and this brings them to the attention of another Asgardian skiff, which gives chase and begins firing. Loki weaves from left to right to avoid lazer-fire, then lifts the skiff higher to bring them in line with his secret pathway.
"Fandral" Thor said.
"Right. For Asgard" Fandral said as he takes hold of a rope and drops off the edge of the skiff, using the rope to swing onto the pursuing skiff. I watch as he takes them out and salutes to Thor and me.
I turn back to Loki who is now steering the skiff to a rocky mountain peak, where a very small narrow cave can just be seen.
"Loki..." I said.
"It if were easy, everyone would do it" Loki said smiling.
"Are you mad?" Thor asked.
"Possibly" Loki said as he steers the skiff into the cave. It is so narrow that the edges of the skiff smash against the walls of the tunnel/cave. Iridescent crystals can be seen on the walls of the cave, and as they whizz through, the crystals light up with the same effect as that of the bifrost. Eveything blurs. The skiff exits the cave/tunnel and ricochets off the black sands of SVARTALFHEIM.
"Ta-da!" Loki yells making me laugh. What was the plan? They didn't explain it to me yet.

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