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Upon the dead realm of SVARTALFHEIM, the skiff glides over dead plains and broken cities. Thor places a cover over Jane, who is still unconscious. I lay my head on Loki's shoulder as he watches Thor and shakes his head.
"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins" Loki said.
"It would consume you" I said.
"She's holding up alright. For now" Loki said.
"She's strong in ways you'd never even know" Thor said.
"Say goodbye" Loki said.
"Not this day" Thor said as I moved my head from Loki's shoulder watching the two brothers knowing an argument would start.
"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready The only woman whose love you prized will be snatched from you" Loki said.
"And will that satisfy you?" Thor asked.
"Satisfaction is not in my nature" Loki said.
"Surrender is not in mine" Thor said.
"The son of Odin..." Loki started saying but Thor cut him off.
"No. Not just of Odin" Thor said as he rises and steps towards Loki, "You think you alone were loved of Mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust." What did I have?
"Trust? Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?" Loki said as I stood up quickly.
"What help were you in your cell?" I asked.
"Who put me there? Who put me there!" Loki yelled at me as he stood up towering over me. Thor leaps towards Loki and knocks him back.
"You know damn well. You know damn well who!" Thor yelled Thor raises his fist to Loki but He quickly stops himself from taking the swing. All three of us pause in shock. Thor backs away.
"She wouldn't want us to fight. Neither would Alena" Thor said looking at me sadly. Loki thinks about this for a moment and his expression lightens.
"Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked" Loki said as we half-laugh at each other.
"I wish I could trust you" Thor said as he turns from Loki, who stares after him with an expression one could almost interpret as regret. Loki stands.
"Trust my rage" Loki says as I look back at Loki and give him a small nod.

On SVARTALFHEIM and the skiff is still gliding overtop of the remains of a ruined Dark Elf city. Jane wakes. When her eyes open, her irises have changed to a brilliant blue. Thor, me and Loki look to her as she begins to rise.
"Jane" Thor says Jane sits up and moves to the bow. In the distance she sees the Ark appearing through the clouds.
"Malekith" me and her both say.
Loki, me, Thor and Jane move towards the edge of a cliff and watch Malekith and the Dark Elves exit the Ark on the plains below. Loki narrows his eyes as he watches Kurse and Malekith stride across the sand. Thor looks to his companions.
"All right. Are you ready?" Thor asked Jane nods. What is the plan? Did they forget to explain.
"I am" Loki said.
"What am I suppose to do?" I asked.
"Don't use your powers unless I tell you to" Thor said Thor, me and Loki step away from Jane to speak.
"You know, this plan of yours is going to get us killed?" Loki asked.
"What's the plan?" I asked.
"yes, possibly. And well you'll see. Just don't use your powers until I say" Thor said Loki holds up his cuffed wrists to Thor. Thor hesitates.
"You still don't trust me brother?" Loki asked.
"Would you?" Thor asked, Thor releases Loki from his handcuffs.
"No I wouldn't" Loki said sending a chill up my spine. Next thing I knew Loki stabs Thor with a dagger and flings him down the hill.
"Thor! No!" Both me and Jane yell. What?! How could Loki do that?! I ran after the two as fast as I could with Jane in front of me.
"Do you really think I cared about Frigga? About anybody? All I ever wanted was you and Odin, dead at my feet!" Loki said. Thor reaches out his hand to summon Mjolnir. Loki cuts off his hand with his dagger, Jane rushes over but Loki grabs her.
"Malekith! I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift!" Loki said as he throws Jane at Malekith's feet. As I try to help Jane Loki grabs me and keeps me from doing anything.
"I ask only one thing return. A good seat from which to watch Asgard burn. Excuse my sister she's just annoying" Loki said holding me tightly. I struggled underneath his grip.
The Kurse says something to Malekith in something I didn't understand. Malekith and Loki assess each other, and Malekith walks over to Thor.
"Look at me" Malekith said as I try and escape from Loki's grasp. Malekith nudges Thor with his foot. He rolls to his back with difficulty. Malekith sees his amputed hand and raises one arm. Jane levitates into the air. Loki, me and Thor watch as Malekith draws the Aether from Jane. When the Aether leaves her body, she drops to the ground, the Aether temporarily hovers in the air between them.
"Loki! Now!" Thor yelled as Loki moves his hand and still holds onto me. Loki's magic puts Thor's hand back into place then Loki leaps over to Jane, shielding her and me as Thor calls Mjolnir and tries to destroy the Aether. He cannot.
Malekith draws the Aether into him and departs to his ship. Loki and Thor try to stop him but Kurse throws a black hole grenade at them. Loki pushes Jane and me out of range but then he is sucked into the black hole. Thor hurtles through the black hole to save him. Thor pushes Loki away from the hole.
"Alena use your powers please" Thor said as he and Kurse begin to fight as Loki and me deal with the handful of Dark Elves. I burn two elves at the same time by grabbing them by the neck.
After Loki and me defeat the Dark Elves, we look to Thor and sees him being smashed into the ground. Loki grabs a blade from a dark elf's dead body.
"Loki. Let me help" I said.
"No it's to dangerous. I want you to be a few feet away" he said as we approach from behind and he runs the blade through the Kurse's back. I watch expecting the Kurse's to die. The Kurse turns and impales Loki through the chest with the same blade.
"No!" Me and Thor yell as I rush towards Loki as fast as possible as the Kurse flings Loki to the ground and walks towards him. He seems completely unaffected by his injury.
"See you in Hel, monster" Loki said as I kneel down beside him. The Kurse looks down and sees Loki has activated the black hole grenade he wears at his hip. Before he can tear it free it explodes, sucking the mutated Dark Elf into a black hole. Thor rushes to Loki's side. Tears pour down my cheeks.
"No, no, no..." Thor said as he gathers Loki in his arms, "Oh, you fool, you didn't listen."
"I know... I'm a fool, I'm a fool" Loki said.
"Stay with me, okay?" I said putting my head on the side of Loki's head.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Loki said putting his hand on my cheek.
"Shh... It's okay" me and Thor say as Loki moves his hand from my cheek. Loki's expression grows calm as he stops shaking. His face begins to turn a strange mottled soot color.
"It's all right. We'll tell Father what you did here today" Thor said.
"I didn't do it for him" Loki said as he closes his eyes Thor screams in anguish as Loki dies. I hugged Loki's dead body letting my tears soak his cloths. Jane walks over to us.
"We can't leave him here" I said trying to dry my tears.
"We can't take him with us. Come on we must go" Thor said as I give Loki's cold body one last hug. I get up and wipe tears off my face as me, Thor, and Jane go to a cave to keep away from the dark sand blowing in our faces.

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