Phase Two and Loss

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When we arrived back at the Helicarrier I stayed near Thor most of the time. At moments I'd hang around Steve. We just finished watching Loki talk to Nick. "He grows you, really. Doesn't he?" Banner said.
"Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what's his play?" Steve asked. I sat next to Steve. Steve was a nice guy.
"He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract" Thor said.
"An army? From outer space?" Steve said.
"So he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for." Bruce said.   "Selvig?" Thor asked.
"He's an astrophysicist" Bruce said.
"He's a friend." Thor said.
"Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours" Natasha said.
"I wanna know why Loki let us take him. He's not leading an army from here" Steve said.
"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him" Bruce said.
"Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he's my brother" Thor said.
"He killed eighty people in two days" Natasha said.
"He's adopted" both me and Thor said.
"Iridium, what did they need the Iridium for?" Bruce asked as I stood up. I didn't to take a nap.
"It's a stabilizing agent" Tony Stark said entering the room with Coulson. I told Thor I was taking a nap and I left the room and walked down the hallway. I stopped at the door to the room where Loki was. I opened the door slowly and walked in.
"You know you're not as quiet as you think you are" Loki said turning around so he was facing me.
"I just wanted to talk" I said staring at him.
"About what?" He asked.
"The past" I said he flinched at the mention of the past.
I walked down the hallway of the palace not doing anything. I felt someone walking behind me so I turned only to hit my face into an armored chest. I looked up into bright emerald green eyes. "Good morning" Loki said smiling.
"Good morning Loki" I said as he picked me up. I was small. In Midgardian years I was four.
"What are you doing this morning?" He asked as he carried me down the hallway.
"Not sure. Maybe we could take a walk through the gardens" I cheered as we entered the gardens. Bright beautiful flowers had just bloomed this time of year so they were amazing. We sat down on a bench near the lake that sparkled under the sunlight. Loki put my onto his lap. Loki always told me amazing fairy tales while we were in the gardens. Thor was probably training with Sif and her friends. They call each other the Warriors Three. Loki picked up and blue flower and placed it into my blonde hair.
"A beautiful flower, for a beautiful girl" Loki said smiling.
"Thank you, Loki" I said hugging him.
End of Flashback
"Do you not remember any of that?" I asked I saw his eyes change to the green I've seen for years.
"I do. Those were the times I cherished the most. I kept them dearest to my heart" Loki said smiling. Always the nice brother.
"I never knew they were dearest to you" I said sitting down in a chair near the cell.
"I always have. And always will" he said as the door slid open and Natasha stood there. Loki's eyes changed back to the horrifying blue.
"I thought you were taking a nap" Natasha said to me.
"I was headed there" I said standing up and left the room and walked to my room. I laid down and closed my eyes falling into a dreamless sleep.
We both fall towards the massive wave of Bifrost energy which spews out from the broken Bridge. We're an instant from being blasted by the destructive force of the energy, carried away by the current, pulverized by the debris, when a powerful hand catches Thor's leg. Thor dangles there, holding onto Gungnir as Loki hangs onto the other end. Loki looks up, shocked to see Odin Allfather. Standing on the edge of the broken Bridge, awakened from the Odinsleep, restored to his full strength Loki searches his father's face, looking for some kind of approval, some kind of redemption, but all he sees is disappointment and regret.
"I could've done it father! For you! For all of us!" Loki said.
"No Loki" Odin said I see what Loki is about to do.
"NO!!!" Me and Thor yell as Loki let's go of the Gungnir. Just as he disappears I felt my hand began to slip.
"ALENA!" Thor said, "grab my hand!" I reached out for Thor's hand but my hand slipped.
"NOOOOOO!" Thor yelled loudly as I fell into a abyss.
I woke up to an explosion. What just happened?
I got out of and started running toward the lab. I heard the hulk roar and I ran out from the lab and started toward Loki's cell. I heard gun shots from another room which I believed was the lab. I walked into the room where Loki's cell was to see Thor was in the cell.
"The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?" Loki asked as I entered the room to see him by the control panel. Phil Coulson pointed a gun at Loki.
"Move away please" Phil said, Loki moves away from the switch.
"You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" Phil said then I let out scream as Loki appeared behind Phil and pierced his scepter through his cloths and skin.
"NOOOO!" Both me and Thor yell as Loki sends Agent Coulson against the wall. Agent Coulson slumps down, breathing fast. Loki makes his way to the control switch. He gives his brother one last look. Thor looks at him, hopeful. Loki opens the hatch. Thor still hopes. Loki hits the button and drops Thor out of the ship.
"Phil!" I yell rushing to Phil's side and sat in front of him. Loki has no remorse as he looks down. He closes the hatch and proceeds to leave but a weak voice stops him.
"You're gonna lose." Phil says.
"Am I?" Loki asked.
"It's in your nature." Phil said.
"Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky...where is my disadvantage?" Loki asked.
"You lack conviction." Phil said.
"I don't think I..." Loki said but was cut off by Phil shooting him into a wall with the gun he had.
"So that's what it does" Phil said.
"Phil! Phil! Stay with me please don't leave me!" I said as he smiled.
"Do me a favor and don't get into trouble" he said. Phil was like a father to me. I felt as his last breath left his body. I felt a strong arm wrap around my stomach and pull me to my feet harshly. I knew who it was. Loki. I struggled to get free from his grasp but he was to strong we jumped from the hole where the cell was and landed inside a jet. I got out of Loki's grasp and fell onto the floor and decided to stay there. I let tears escape my eyes. My body was shaking. Loki helped me to my feet and I sat down far away from him. A man with icy blue eyes taped my hands together and my legs so I couldn't escape. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried even more. I buried my head in my knees not wanting to look at my "brother."
"Please stop crying" Loki said as he scooted closer to me and tried to comfort me but I pulled away from him harshly. His eyes were emerald green.
"You killed him" I said harshly.
"I had to. He was in my way" he said.
"But you didn't have to kill him! He was like a father to me!" I said with venom laced in my words.
"Shut up!" Loki yelled making my flinch. He stood up and grabbed something. He came back with a cloth and tied it around my mouth so I couldn't speak. His eyes were back to horrifying blue.

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