The Party

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"You look amazing, Alena" Loki said as he kneeled down my height and looked at me in the mirror. I twirled in my dress slowly making Loki smile. Today was my 5th birthday. Thor entered the room and smiled brightly.
"You look lovely dear sister" Thor said as he picked me up and balanced me on his hip. The maids exited the room and went to clean the other rooms.
"We must go. The party is about to start" Loki said as we walked out of my bedroom. Thor put me down and we stopped at the doors to the throne room. The doors opened and we made our way down the long isle. People stared at us in awe. Mother and father watched from the throne with a large grin. When we got to the end we kneeled down.
"Today we are gathered here today to celebrate my daughters 5th birthday. Alena has grown over the years and will become a beautiful princess or queen" Odin said with a smile. Everyone cheered loudly, "let the celebration begin!"

I stared at my reflection. It was amazing. Natasha had curled my hair and it was off to the side. I didn't have a lot of makeup but it almost looked like Nat's just with dark red lipstick. I put on some nice black sneakers that had a heel. Natasha said I looked amazing. We exited my bedroom and walked down the hallway. Thor stood there and when he saw me a smile grew across his face.
"You look lovely Alena" Thor said smiling widely.
"I try" I said making him chuckle. I walked towards the bar and slid into the seat beside Dr Banner. "How does a nice girl like you end up in a place like this?" Banner asked Romanoff as she tended the bar.
"Fella done me wrong" she replied, grinning with a flirty look in her eye.
"You got a lousy taste in men, kid" Banner said.
"Well" Natasha said cocking her head to the side, "he's not so bad. He's got a temper, but deep down he's all fluff. Fact is, he's not like anyone I've ever known."
At some point Natasha stopped playing around and got serious.
"All my friends are fighters," she continued, "But this guys spends his time avoiding fights because he knows he'll win."
"He sounds amazing" Bruce finally said.
"He's also a huge dork" Natasha said making me smile, "Chicks dig that. So what do you think? Should I fight this? Or should I run with it?"
"Run with it right?" Bruce replied, "Or... What did he do that was so wrong?"
"Not a damn thing" she admitted slipping closer to him, "But never say never." She walked away with a smile. I smiled at Bruce.
"It's nice" said a voice as me and Bruce looked over to see Steve getting a drink.
"What is?" Bruce asked.
"You and Romanoff" Steve said nodding to Natasha who was half way across the room by now.
"Oh!" Bruce said, "we didn't.... We haven't...."
"No ones breaking any laws" Steve said smiling keeping Bruce at ease, "she's not usually the most open person. But.... She's just very relaxed with you. With both of you."
"No" Bruce said shaking his head, "Natasha just likes to flirt."
"I've seen her flirt" said Steve, "this ain't like that." He stopped for a moment before continuing, "look speaking as a guy who may be the world's greatest authority on waiting too long.... Don't you both deserve a win?" Bruce looks like he considers this. I jumped off my stool and walked with the Captain.
"You know you're pretty cool" I said smiling at my Patriotic friend.
"well so are you" he said.
"Considering my fire" I said smiling as we walked up the stairs.
"Would you like to watch or play?" He asked.
"I think I'll watch" I said smiling as I looked down over the railing to see Thor telling stories to older men. I couldn't help but smile. I haven't really attended a party on Earth. It was much different than Asgard.
Later whenever everyone else was gone except for me and the Avengers. We all were lounged around the coffee table talking about the magical weapon rested on top. I had Steve's brown leather jacket draped over my shoulders. Such a gentleman.
"But it's a trick" Barton said.
"It's more than that" I said smiling.
"Whosoever, be he worthy, shall have the power", whatever man! It's a trick!" Barton said.
"It is more than that, my friend" Thor said.
"You're psyching people out or something" Barton said.
"Please" Thor said gesturing towards the hammer's handle, "be my guest." Barton stood up and tried to lift the hammer but it wouldn't budge. Is it true? Only Thor could lift it? Soon everyone wanted to try to lift it. Tony tried to lift it but it didn't move. Tony came back wearing his armored glove from his suit and tried to lift it. Soon both Rhodey and Tony were trying to lift it with both of their armored gloves. Steve tried to move it and surprisingly it budged a little bit but he couldn't get it up. Bruce tried it and made a frustrated grunt making everyone nervous but he was just joking.
Natasha pointed to me so I could try. I stood up with a smile of confidence since I was next in line for the throne. I wrapped my hand around the hammer and studied Thor's nervous face since he knew I'd be able to lift it. Yet however I pretended not to be able to and smiled at Thor showing him I faked it. He knows I can lift it.
"The Hammer must be rigged" Tony announced his theory, "the handle must be like a biometric security card. 'Whosoever carries Thor's fingerprints' is I think, the literal translation."
"Oh. Yes, yes....that makes sense" Thor said, "but I can think of a simpler theory," we all look at him expectantly as he lifts his hammer easily, "you're all not worthy."
We all erupt in boos and laughter. The chuckles were dying down when a high pitched whirring sound came from the next room.
"No. How could you all be worthy? You're all killers!" said a hollow voice.
Everyone turned to see a robotic man step into the room. He was like a childish rendering of a metallic figure, dripping with cable. He seemed cobbled together with bits and pieces of the Iron Man suits, and something bad about him gave off a very bad vibe.
Everyone suddenly tensed.
Steve raised an eyebrow at Tony waiting from information "Stark?" But Tony seemed as confused as the rest of us.
"JARVIS, shut this guy down" Tony said.
"I'm sorry" said the figure, "I was asleep, or I was a dream. But there was this terrible noise coming from everywhere, from everyone, and I was tangled strings. Strings! I had to kill the other guy, and here we are."
"You killed someone?" Steve asked trying to make sense out of this things confusing stream of words.
"It wouldn't have been my first call" the figure responded, "but down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices. You wouldn't know....but you will."
Everyone rises to their feet assuming defense passions and they visually check the exits. I light my hands on fire but it's dim at the moment so the robot doesn't see. Steve solely pulled me behind him. He had a plan.
"Who sent you?" Thor demanded.
"Who sent me?" The being asked seemingly surprised then the next thing I heard surprised me it was a recording of Tony's voice, "I see a suit of armour around the world."
"Ultron!" Bruce said figuring it out.
"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis... But I'm ready. I'm on a mission" Ultron said.
"What mission?" Natasha asked.
"Peace in our time" Ultron said as he raised his hands and the Iron Legion crashed through the wall ready to attack.
Steve and me were first into action I lit the coffee table on fire and he kicked the coffee table at one of the robots while simultaneously leaping onto another one. Maria Hill started open fire at the robots. I lit my arms on fire as well and ran for the robots. I melted the middle of a robot destroying it instantly. I grabbed two metal bars and melted them a little bit before swinging the hot metal at the robots. Thor grabbed and flipped one of the robots smashing it in half, but the torso part started to power up for flight. Clint, Hill, and Natasha kept opening fire. The robots torso flew strait at Dr Cho but Thor's hammer smashed it before it got to her. At that moment, Tony jumped off the mezzanine and landed on a robot. He jammed a fork into a weak spot on the robots neck and the machine fell down into pieces. I turned the other way and a robot charged at me. I slammed my warm fist into the robots metal center and broke through the other side. My hair turned a black color from using my powers to much. I tore my hand out from its chest. I clenched my fist tightly. There was only one robot left and without hesitation Steve threw his shield strait at its neck decapitating the robot.
"Well" Ultron said, "that was dramatic, but what I think is going on here is a disconnect. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved, if it's not allowed to evolve?" He asked, then pointed to an Iron Legion in scraps on the ground, "with these things? These puppets?"
Ultron stooped and grabbed the limp torso of one of the armors, he started shaking it around like a doll, "Go back to your homes. Turn on your TV. Go back to sleep. Don't make a single sound when your dead" he said imitating the speech of the Iron Legion robot. Suddenly, as if in a moment of anger. Ultron crushed the head of the robot he was holding. He paused for a moment, as though he needed to collect himself.
After a beat, he continues "I know you mean well, but you just didn't think it through. There's only one path to peace... Human extinction!"
Suddenly Thor's hammer bashed Ultron into pieces before returning to it's owners hands. The light in Ultron's eyes slowly dim as he says, "I had strings... Now I'm free." I stood up slowly and my hair slowly went back to its original color. Human extinction?

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