The beginning

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Louis wanted everyone's attention. His parents didn't give him that. It did make him feel a bit lonely, but he was starting school. He'd not be lonely there, right?

He felt like he didn't exist in the house. In his house. He tried to get his parents attention, he really did. He broke his mum's antique vase, flushed his father's most expensive wine. He got it too, but that was for a fraction of time and then again, they were back to their businesses.

So when Louis's aunt was dropping him to school, out of pity maybe, Louis promised himself he'll make sure to have everyone's attention in school. He'll do anything to make sure he had it.

He walked with a bounce in his step. With pure enthusiasm radiating out of him. He was ready to start school, he was ready to have everyone's attention, he was ready to win everyone's heart.

He was like the sun, people stared as he passed them, taking in a bit of his sunshine. Just a bit.

He smiled at his teacher , whom his aunt handed him to, earning a smile in return and well Louis thought he was winning the world.

He sat next to a black haired boy with chubby cheeks, who was quiet and coloured in his paper not caring about the world or the people in it.

"Hi." Louis said, cheerfully.

The boy looked up at him, double took him and then went back to his colouring.

Louis frowned, this was not how this was supposed to go. He was supposed to make friends, people were supposed to like him. He was supposed to be in the spotlight.

Louis thought about how he could get the boys attention when he saw the boy staring at his box of crayons on the table.

"You can have them if you want, I don't like colouring anyway." Louis said, pushing the box towards the boy.

The boy looked at him at him a small smile on his face. Louis was hopeful then, maybe the boy would like him after all. He took the black crayon from Louis's box and again started scribbling on his sheet.

Louis, deflated again.

"I'm Zayn." The boy said when Louis was about to give up on the boy.

Louis grinned wide.

"I'm Louis."

And they were best friends ever since.


Just like Louis had promised himself, he had won his way to everyones heart. Everyone loved him and everyone gave him all of their attention. Louis loved the spotlight. He loved having everyone's attention on him.

Until one day he didn't.

It was grade one when a new boy came.

He didn't even glance at Louis. (Or anyone else but that doesn't matter)

And Louis didn't like that.

One day he cornered the boy.

The boy had the prettiest green eyes, brown hair and long limbs. Louis thought he looked a bit like a frog-where his limbs were concerned. But he was the prettiest frog, Louis thought.

"You look like a frog." That was the first thing he said.

The boy cringed and looked at Louis. Finally! But then the boy started to move away, before Louis told him he was the prettiest one, wanting to get away from Louis. Louis frowned at that. Didn't he like Louis? Why wasn't he talking to Louis? Louis didn't let the boy leave.

Suddenly Louis heard laughter all around him.

Louis frowned, looking as the boy shrunk and sadness etched his beautiful features. He didn't like when the boy was sad, he decided. So he turned around, looking at the group of people laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" He said, his arms crossed, eyebrows raised.

And just like that the crowd disappeared.

Louis turned around to talk to the boy again. But he was long gone.

Louis was sad.

The next time Louis saw the boy, Harry (one of his many friends told him), he called him a frog again and Harry looked at him again. Then one day he accidentally spilled his milk all over Harry's sweater (which was Louis's favourite on him, it made the green in his eyes more prominent)Harry looked at him,again. People around them laughed.

Louis was angry now, because Harry was sad again.

He turned towards the people and told them to shut up.

By the time he turned back , Harry was long gone.

Louis thought the only way to get Harry to look at him was to call him a frog or spill and dump food on him or push him. He thought telling people to stop laughing would get Harry to run away, so he stopped.

Harry thought Louis was a mean, mean boy. He didn't wait long enough to see Louis tell people to not laugh.

Just like we often don't see the bright side to life, Harry didn't see Louis's growing affection for him.


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY Zahra Sayed @jealouslouis_ ©

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