Hey Harry

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Junior year, well, was the worst year-according to Louis anyway.

As time passed nothing changed the way Louis wanted.

In Louis' own little world, he'd imagined Harry realising how much Louis loved him. He'd imagined that one day he'll walk into his chemistry class (the only class he shares with Harry)(he's failing it, really) and take his place at the far corner and think it's just an ordinary day, but it won't be. When the class will start and Harry will finally walk in he'll look around and his gaze will fall on the empty seat next to Louis' (even in the real world and not Louis's imagination Louis made sure no one sat besides him, what if Harry changed his mind? No one knows. It's better to be prepared first hand) and unlike before he'll come sit there and maybe ask Louis for a pencil or a pen, then they'll start a conversation and Harry will fall for his weird smile and will realise how much Louis loves him and Louis will finally get what he always wanted.

But things in the real world went something like this :

On twenty fourth of October, when the snow fell and Louis's ass froze to the point where it was numb and he sprinted towards his school from his bus for the first time in his life, Louis entered the hallway with a grin. The hallway was crowded and the students huddled closer to their friends to get some form of warmth.

Louis pulled his jacket closer, wishing he could have another cup of his tea, and walked towards his locker which was right across from Harry's (they were destined to be).

He looked towards Harry's locker, like he did everyday and his grin fell.

There was Harry, snogging a brunette girl whom Louis didn't know and didn't want to.

Louis could feel a familiar tug on his heart and the unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know why it bothered him so much? It wasn't like he was actually going to be Harry's first kiss (he'd hoped he would be).

Louis stared until it became unbearable and he felt like all of his limbs were going to fall on top of each other.

He opened his locker with shaky hands and took out whatever books he needed . Slamming it shut he walked over to Zayn's locker.

"Hey-what did Harry do now?" Zayn asked, looking at his friend who looked like he was about to cry.

"He got himself a girlfriend Zayn. He-he just-he got himself a girlfriend! What am I doing wrong Zayn?"

Zayn looked at his friend sympathetically, pulling him in for a hug.

"Maybe you should stop being a dick to him and maybe for once have a normal conversation with him." Zayn said, pulling away.

"I tried that once didn't I? He doesn't even look at me! I call him stuff so that I can just look at him so that he looks at me. He hates me Zayn. Maybe I'm bad. Am I bad Zayn?" Louis said, looking up to his best friend.

Zayn sighed. That Harry boy better be worth this.

"Try having a proper conversation with him for once. If that doesn't work, I'm setting you up for a date and you're not to be seen around that boy." Zayn said, sternly.

"You know it won't work Zayn." Louis said, sighing.

"Make it work! He doesn't give a fuck about you Lou! Why can't you see? He doesn't want you!"

"He doesn't want me, I know, but he needs me even if he doesn't know it. And I know what it's like to need somebody and being abandoned by them. I'm not going to do that to him. If he hates me so be it. There'll come a time when he realises."

Zayn looked at his friend as if reconsidering his opinion, "fine, but once we get out of this hell hole named high school and he still hasn't realised, you're getting laid on graduation day, I don't care."



The next month Harry found himself another girl. This time it was a blonde. A blonde with big blue eyes, thin pinks lips and a fit body.

Louis fumed, clearly jealous, and stomped over to Zayn.

"It's a blonde this time." He said, pacing.

"Good morning to you too." Zayn said, rolling his eyes.

"What's his deal with women anyway?!"

Zayn shook his head.

"I told you to get laid but you didn't want that."

"Oh no Zayn, no. I will be patient. I will be patient until even patience tires of my patience."


Louis took a deep breath, he could do this. He had talked to Harry before. He could do it now.

He started walking towards Harry, taking deep breaths as doing so. Harry was in a red sweater and Louis wasn't sure if he'll be able to survive this.

When he was close enough he just stopped and stared for a minute. He watched Harry's curly hair falling down as he read a book near his locker, his tongue out and oh god. He realised why he'd stuck around for so long, one of the reasons for sticking around anyways. There were many reasons he didn't quite known.

"Hey Harry." He said.

Harry's head snapped up and oh Louis forgot how to breathe.

Louis realised he was too close. He should've been a bit far away. It would've been better.

But fuck, Louis could see the green of Harry's eyes -the golden flecks in it and his pretty eyelashes. He could see his freckles and Louis wasn't sure how to function.

"What do you want?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I-I-" Louis stuttered and tried to speak but nothing came out. He should've planned this out properly. What was he supposed to say? How was he supposed to speak? This was harder than he had thought.

"Well," Harry said, shutting his book, "I'm getting late for class. So yeah." And with that he left leaving a dumbstruck Louis behind.

Once Louis realised what had happen, a shit eating grin made a way to his face.

With that he fist pumped the air.

With a skip in his step he went to his class, because Harry just talked to him. Harry had looked at him. Louis had just won the world.

Junior year didn't seem so bad now.

Hope you liked this.

Please check out my story called Reld Island :)

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