You'll make it better Harry.

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Harry didn't sleep that night. He twisted and turned in his bed, thinking about each and everything Louis did for him that he missed, overlooked.

He thought about when Derek bullied him, Louis wasn't even over there. How'd he know? Harry thought back hard and oh, how had he missed those bright red trousers?

Harry thought about the fair. How'd Louis come to know about that? It wasn't possible! Harry thought back to the time when he had huddled in front of the booth to get that one ticket just to see the science fair. Who was the one who got the ticket before him though? Harry faintly remembered Louis calling him a loser and they both making eye contact before Louis had moved to the side.

How could he just over look all this? He felt like the most awful human being.

But what if Aaron was wrong? What if what Harry was thinking was just a coincidence? Louis did say he didn't care. But why was he with Aaron anyway? He knew about the breakup, but why would he tell Aaron to stay away when he's not seen him near him? Did he see what happened near the locker? Did he notice?

Harry rubbed his hands over his face and suddenly he remembered his second grade Valentine's Day. The only Valentine's Day he'd ever been to.

He never went to those because he was sure no one would give him a card and well he wasn't into giving cards either. But then Harry remembered the ruckus in the class because the Louis Tomlinson had given only one person a card and he'd not revealed who it was. No one found out who it was, because well the person never told. Harry remembered getting one single card he'd never bothered to open.

"No fucking way." He said, before climbing out of his bed and running over to the store room.

He went into the mess and dug through it, trying to find the box his mother had maintained with all the small school stuff saying "you'll need these memories."

"Harry, honey?" His mother stood behind him peering over his shoulders, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"What are you looking for?" She asked once Harry didn't reply.

"Found it!" Harry said, picking up the rectangular box.

He kicked the store room door shut with his leg and went over to his room, sitting down on the floor, he blew away the dust from the lid of the box and opened it.

"C'mon, please be there." Harry said rummaging through the box.

Soon enough he found a pink a envelop.

He opened it with shaky hands, he laughed at the sparkly front page with a crown made in the centre.

He opened the card and laughed at what was written,

"You look like a frog. But you're the prettiest frog. And the prettiest boy too. Your eyes are the prettiest too. You're just very pretty. ~ Louis "

Harry shut the card and kept it on his table.

He picked up the box and kept it in the store room again and walked back to his room.

He felt like a downright twat and he felt like crying too. So he did.

"Harry?" His mother called entering his room.

"Harry why are you crying?" She said, sitting next to him.

"I'm an awful person mom." He said between sobs.

"Oh no honey, you're not." His mum said, making soothing circles on his back.

"But I am." He said, crying.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?" She asked, worried.

"Mum how would you feel if you liked a person and did everything in your power to make them happy but in return they didn't like you back and didn't even acknowledge what you did for them? How would you feel?"

His mother pursed her lips.

"Well, I wouldn't like that. I would be hurt, wounded till the time the person did acknowledge me. To fall in love with someone who doesn't love you back is the most cruelest heartache ever but you can't help it, honey. You can't make a person like you."

"It's not about returning the feelings, mum. Let's just say there's this boy in school. He's been looking out for me since I've been in that place and I didn't even know about it, I didn't acknowledge it. He never complained mum. He made sure I was happy and no one hurt me. I didn't even know, didn't even glance at him, I thought he was an asshole-sorry about the language- he made fun of me, yes, but now that I think about it, it was the only way to get me to look at him. I feel so bad mum." He said, staring at the wall in front of him.

"It's okay honey. You know now and you make up to him. You can do that. You'll make it better Harry, I know that." She said, a running a hand through his hair.

"That I will mum, that I will."

I was bored so I thought why not update? Hope you like it :) ++ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 100+ VOTES ITS INSANE!!!

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