Have you ever felt that way about someone, Louis?

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It was senior year when Louis found Harry crying, for the first time(in front of him anyway)

For Louis the most heartbreaking thing was to see Harry cry.

No, Harry dating someone else didn't hurt him as much as Harry crying did.

He'd worked so hard all his life to just make sure Harry never cried. He had been successful, until now.

Louis was walking past the abandoned washrooms of the school when he heard the sobs.

He frowned and walked towards it.

When he entered he saw a mess of curls he loved so much. He wished he didn't.

His chest tightened, the feeling of someone squeezing his chest increasing.

"Harry? Fuck Harry, are you alright?" He said, going towards him and kneeling in front of him.

Harry sobbed harder, his head in his hands.

Louis rubbed his hands up and down Harry's back, trying to calm him down.

"What's wrong Harry?" He asked, worried.

Harry looked up to him and cried harder.

"Do you want me to call someone else? Do you want me gone or something? I can do that? You just have to say. Harry just please don't cry." Louis said, his voice breaking.

Harry shook his head no.

"He-He," Harry stuttered and the started sobbing again.

"He who?" Louis asked, his worry turning into fury, who the fuck hurt Harry?

"Aaron-he-he-he broke up wit-th me." Harry said, sobbing harder.

Louis frowned, why would he do that?

"It's going to be alright Harry. He's not the end of the world. He isn't worth it." Louis said, squeezing Harry's shoulders gently.

Harry breathed in, "it's just when you like someone and they don't like you back it's okay. But then when you really like them to the point where you're in love with them and they don't feel the same way about you it hurts so bad. Have you ever felt that way about someone, Louis?"

Yes, Louis thought looking into Harry's eyes , hoping he'll see it in his eyes now. Hoping he'll notice.

But he didn't.

"No." Louis said, gulping, looking away from Harry.

Harry snorted, "Figured."

Louis swallowed the hurt.

"C'mon lets get you out of here." He said, softly, pulling Harry up.

"I don't have a ride back. Aaron-he was supposed to drop me back home." Harry said, frowning.

Louis was kind of pissed then. Hurt more.

"Well I'm not dead yet, unfortunately for you," he said and then whispered "and me."

Harry don't hear that though, too preoccupied in his hurt.

Louis dragged Harry to the bus stop (his mum didn't let him have his own car) and bought a ticket for both of them from the money he was saving up for emergencies. (Like when his mum didn't have enough to give him for lunch) but this was an emergency too.

Louis took Harry to his house, getting his address out of him (it's not like he didn't know, he just didn't want to come off as creepy.) and then stayed until Harry was tucked in bed by his mother and snoring peacefully.

Once he made sure Harry was asleep, he bid Mrs.Styles goodbye with a small smile, when she asked what was wrong with Harry he told her to ask Harry himself-it wasn't his place to tell.

That day reality hit him like a ton of bricks. Harry didn't notice anything all these past years. Nothing at all. He didn't care. He'll never care about Louis. But Louis couldn't help but care about Harry. No matter how much it hurt.

It gets better from here, promise.

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