I don't like him like him.

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Zayn was going to talk to Harry about the sudden interest he was showing in Louis.

He was happy for his friend, yes. But like they say precaution is always better than cure. He didn't want Louis to be more heartbroken than he already was.

So when he was editing his article for the school newspaper and Harry was editing pictures he started,

"What's up with you and Louis?"

Harry frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I mean like do you like him or something? You just kinda started like being around him and talking to him all of a sudden."

Harry sighed, "I came to know about stuff..."

"What stuff?" Zayn asked, scrunching his eyebrows.

"What Louis used to do for me, still does for me."

Zayn had a very bad feeling in his gut, Louis was finally happy about the fact that Harry was noticing him and he might have told Zayn that he thinks Harry's starting to like him that way oh, this is bad. Very bad.

"So like you don't like him?"

"Of course I like him, but I don't like him like him, you know what I mean?"

Zayn gulped, "yeah...sure. But then why are you doing all this?"

"He's done so much for me Zayn and I feel like a douche for treating him the way I did, I used to think he's an asshole for pete's sake. I just want to be his friend and just let him know I care about him..am I making sense?"

"Yeah, you are." Zayn said, before going back to his editing.

He wasn't going to let his friend's hope be crushed. He was going to get Louis to get over Harry. This was the last string.


"Zayn you know dating doesn't work out for me it'll never work out for me unless it's Harry. And we're talking now and like it's going good-"

"When will you realise he doesn't like you back the way you want him to?!" Zayn shouts, cutting Louis off.

"Yes he might start to care, but he doesn't like you the way you want him too. I don't want you hurt Louis, you've been hurt for so long. I talked to him mate, he just..."

"He just what Zayn?" Louis asked, looking down.

"He found out, I don't know how but he did. He feels like a douche so he's doing this. He just likes you as a friend or whatever, quoting his words- "I don't like him like him.""


Zayn sighed, "it might just not be meant to be you know Lou? You could just be best mates or something. Try getting over him."

"I won't."

"Well how'd you know unless you try?"

"Fine, I'll go on that date."


I hate you...but I love you » L.SWhere stories live. Discover now