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Okay so I thought I'll tell y'all why I wrote this.

1) because fuck Helga and Arnold's thingy was hella good. I love these kind of stories and I wanted one like this so there's that.

2) I wanted to show people that , sometimes we don't see the important things in life. Like we choose wrong. Sometimes we don't appreciate the things/people we have. Sometimes there's this person who cares about you a shit ton and does so much for you and you don't appreciate that/ you over look it. So please don't do that. Go hug that person, thank that person for being there—that might be something they'd be dying to hear.

2) Say what you want to. Like don't be afraid to speak. You've got nothing to lose. Not speaking increases the distance and creates spaces between you and whoever that sometimes become so large they can't be filled. So speak up you literally have got nothing to lose. You will have two results a)the person will feel the same way and hug you 2) the person won't feel the same way and apologise. If the second thing happens its not the end of the world. That person probably wasn't meant for you.

So yeah don't be afraid to speak, don't be afraid to show how you feel. Be happy. You've got one life, don't make it suck.

All the love, Z. xx

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