I love him

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So this chapter is dedicated to @amazingkal cause she was like how was I going to end it. So yeah here's how I am.


Harry twisted and turned in his bed, glancing at the clock.


What have you got to lose?


It's not like he'll stop talking to you, he did like you and you never stopped talking to him when you knew.


What have I got to stop him?



Why do you want to risk this?

Because...because I love him.


"I love him...I." Harry mumbled to himself.

"I love him!" Harry said, jumping out of his bed and running down.

He switched on all the lights of his house, searching frantically for his shoes.

"Harry?" His mother said, rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

"Where are you going?" She asked, confused.

"I love him mom! I love him! I cant let him leave!" Harry shouted , as he found his shoes and rushed out of the house.

Anne just shook her head and went back to her room, a smile on her face.

He put his shoes on, on his way.

When one wasn't slipping in, he said "Fuck it." And sat in his car with one shoe on and bare foot on the other.

He stepped on his gas and reversed , knocking out his neighbour's garbage can.

He broke about twenty traffic rules, missing every red light because he couldn't stop, not now. He knew if he did he won't be able to do this.

When the clock hit 3:15 Harry was at the airport, swerving through the crowd, screaming "Louis!" Every where.

There was a point he crossed Zayn and Niall and the rest of them, who stood there gaping, and went in where he wasn't supposed to. And he might have been called after by guards but he wasn't the one to stop.

Louis was about to place his luggage in the detector when he heard someone call his name.

He turned around to see Harry, with one shoe on and bare foot on the other foot.

"Louis!" Harry screamed.

"Harry?" Louis said, confused.

Then there were guards, stopping Harry.

"Louis! Louis! Wait! Get off me!" He said, fidgeting and wriggling out of the guards grip and running over to Louis.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" Louis asked, staring at Harry as he breathed in and out through his mouth, clearly out of breath.

"I...I..." Harry stuttered, cowering back, not knowing what to do.

Then he shook his head.

Don't, he told himself.

And with that he crashed his lips with Louis'.

Louis stood there shocked but then recovered soon and kissed Harry back, his hands tangling in Harry's hair and Harry's hand wrapping themselves around Louis's waist.

Harry pulled back, out of breath and said, "I love you, I love you, I love you, please don't leave. I love you."

Louis shook his head and kissed him again. Harry sighed into that kiss.

Soon Louis pulled away. Turning to get his bag.

Harry's heart stopped, Louis is leaving?

But he kissed me? He thought.

"Where..?" Harry asked as Louis turned towards him.

"Well my tickets aren't going to cancel themselves." Louis said shrugging.

Harry grinned wide, Louis matching his grin.

"Now kiss me you fool."




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