The Darkness

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Eliana's POV

Lola and I met outside of her chambers, before first light.

"I'm not going." Lola said.

"What do you mean, you're not going?"

"How can I attend a feast, when I can barely look at food?"

"First light isn't about food! It's about men, suitors. If a man offers a woman a candle, it shows his intention to court her. And if she accepts..."

"She lights it in her window. I know. And I know I have to find a husband before anyone realizes I'm pregnant: Francis, or my future husband. I don't want to become a future King's property just because I made a mistake...a enormous mistake, I am well aware."

"If a quick marriage is the solution to all your problems, you must make the most of tonight. I even have a suitor for you to meet." I say.


"He's a count that Francis and Mary met on their travels. His name is Philip Nadeen."

"What's he like?"

"He's a man of age to wed, but he also seems charming and well-read, and kind.. But please, you must understand, it might take some time for your feelings for him to grow."

"After our marriage.. that's if I'm lucky enough to have him feel anything for me."

"He'd be the lucky one." I say as we walk to the throne room.


3rd Person POV

Bash has just woken up , from last night. Getting ready to leave France, as Eliana suggested.

"Are you sure you need to go so soon? The moon will be full tomorrow night; good hunting!" Rowan said.

"That same moon will make it easier for those hunting me."

"You mean your brother, the Prince?"

"You may have guessed the truth of my past, but I don't like to talk about it."

 "Or Eliana? A bastard and a beautiful Queen, born to rule Scotland and someday France. Who would've thought it wouldn't work out between you two? I'd be sad for you, if I didn't think you were better off away from the fighting at court."

As Rowan starts talking about Eliana, Bash starts gathering his things more quickly. Just as he's about to leave the cabin, Rowan puts her arm on the door, essentially blocking him from leaving.

"Did you love her that much? You are leaving France, aren't you?"

He takes a moment to consider this and kisses her gently on the lips.

"As fast as my legs will take me.."

She finally lets him open the door and walk outside.

"I'd be a poor house guest if I didn't thank you for....."

"Oh my god." Rowan sees the blood on her door, just as Bash exits.

"Is that blood? Did the blood cult do this? Rowan.. tell me the truth."

"It means my family has been chosen. One of us will be sacraficed to the darkness."

"These beliefs.. these misguided terrorists, they've threatened others I've known and cared about. I won't let anyone hurt you, or your family. Whatever it is, we must fight!"

"We? I thought you were leaving." She says.

 "That can wait."


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