31. Let's rob a bank

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After lots of sweat, tears and blood (thankfully only from paper cuts sustained from the plans) our preparations for the break-in were made. Hermione and Cole had their hairs ready for use, and even though the warp star was unstable, I was still using it.

We had explained to Bill and Fleur we were leaving, and not returning. Fleur cried and cried, but there was nothing that could convince us to stay. We had a new tent from Bill, and Cole had hoarded enough food from the kitchen to last us at least a month.

It took me hours to fall asleep the night before the break in. I would miss the calmness of the cottage; the salty tang of sea water in the air, the feeling of sand between the toes. I would miss when Lacey and George would come over with Maia; I would miss Fleur's ambitious meals.

"You have to do this, don't chicken out now." I hissed to myself in the darkness.

"I'm no chicken," I heard Cole mumble in a half-awake daze, and when I shut my eyes, I finally went to sleep.

Sam was there again, dressed all in white and covered in dirt. She was smiling. "Soon, Rory, soon,"

"What's soon?" I shouted, but she just smiled again.

"Choose the dragon and you will have your answers."

Waking up early the next morning, I felt on edge, as if Sam was going to magically appear from behind a curtain or something. I'd had so many odd dreams with Sam in the previous ten months, but this was the weirdest.

Choose the dragon.... Did she mean Draco? Or was there something much deeper that I was too tired and too stupid to understand?

Ignoring anything deep that was going on inside my head, I dressed into the thick black robes that would fit me when I went between my form and Hollie's, and headed out into the garden. Fear and nerves were churning in me so badly I almost threw up in Fleur's flower garden.

Waiting for the others with Gennie, I could see Dobby's grave in the distance. Small green roots were forcing their way through the ground. Maybe next spring it would be covered in flowers. I wondered if I would live long enough to see it.

"Rory, do you think we can do this?" Gennie whispered over the hiss of the waves, biting at her sleeve. Ever since Azkaban, Gennie was more hesitant to our crazy plans, understandably. "We've done some crazy shit, but this.... This is big."

"They said you couldn't break out of Azkban, and you did. They said I was dead, and I'm not. We can do it, Gen." I said, and I clutched her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Oh shit, that's terrifying."

Striding across the sand with Harry, Ron and Griphook were Bellatrix and Cameron. Of course, you could kind of tell it was Cole underneath the polyjuice—for one thing I'd never seen Cameron smile so wide or stop to hug Fleur's cat on the doorstep.

"Convincing," Gennie shuddered as Hermione and Cole approached us.

Cole shuddered. "I hate this so much, I wish it was like a voodoo doll, I punch myself in the face and then Cameron does as well...."

"Amazing," I said dryly.

"She tasted disgusting, worse than Gurdyroots!" Hermione shuddered, and it looked so weird to see Hermione's mannerisms with Bellatrix's voice. "Okay, Ron, come here so I can do you . . ."

"It's only six, geez Hermione." Cole rolled his eyes, and even Gennie giggled.

Hermione sighed, and rolling her eyes set to work, muttering under her breath as she transformed various aspects of Ron's appearance. He was going to be under an entirely false identity, as we figured the intimidation of Bellatrix and Cameron was enough to draw attention away.

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