I'd never kiss him

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By the time Jade was fifteen she already acknowledged why boys kiss girls on the mouth and how to do it correctly. She kissed many boys and Saul was always there. It was getting quite bizzare when he showed up, that long haired, rude and childish boy, whenever she felt like sticking her tongue in some good-looking guys mouth. Not only was he staring, but he also always smiled with that devilish smile that made Jade uncomfortable. They were in the same class now and his grandma picked them up regulary after school, when her mother was working.
" Hello, kids," she said one day when they were driving in her red Clio, listening to some church music.
" Gran, stop that music, my ears are bleeding," complained the boy.
" I like it." lied Jade who made sure that Saul and her were never on the same side.
" I bet you don't like it as much as kissing Tom Sheridan." he laughed.
" Who's Tom Sheridan?" his grandma asked. Jade, turning bright red, almost shut the boys mouth with her fist.
" No-nobody." she said.
" Well... " Mrs Hudson stared at the road ahead of her with a stern glare. Saul was still laughing his ass off and Jade wished, as so many times before, that he had never shown his face, his stupidity and his long tongue in her life.
" Shut up." she hissed
" Well..." Mrs Hudson was repeating to herself.
Saul mouthed: " I know you want me."
Jade pretended to puke and she was not far from it.
" Well... " said his grandma like a broken radio.
" Mrs Hudson," Jade started.  Please don't tell my mother, please do not tell my mother, my mother can not ever know.
" Oh, hun," the old lady interrupted. " You don't have to be ashamed of it." her eyes were friendly and wise, but sparkling like Sauls. They made Jade shiver. " I' m just surprised, thats all." she admitted. " I never saw you showing much of emotion to anyone." she thought about it for a second. " Except Saul,  but he's a rude boy sometimes. Not very Hudson. So I'm surprised and am happy for you and that Tim boy "
" Tom." Saul corrected.
" Naturally. What I'm trying to say is that I rather expected, and your mother too of course,  that you'll at a certain time start kissing my grandson for Gods sake."
She then laughed, but Jade and Saul stayed silent in disgust.

A part that is a lot shorter than the first one, but sorry guys I' m getting dressed for a concert... Hope u like it abyway!!! :-)

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