Steven on the pavement

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" Let me go," Jade hissed.  But he did not. She then tried to to shake him off. But Saul was strong, stronger than she thought. And most of all, he really wanted to hold on to this time.
" Please," she begged quietly. "Saul, please let me go."
I'm scared...
The grip was just as tight as it was before and just for a second she thought about that dark side of him.
" Jade, we need to talk." he started carefuly. " I'm gonna let you go, but you are not going to run off like a crazy person."
" I will not. I need a car. Who do you think I am?"
" A mad woman ready to scratch my face off. It's just an example."
He let go of her hand.
" What do have for me, Hudson?" she asked. Slash flintched.
" Why were you trying to get me in bed with that girl? You must have had your reasons... We walk around together, play friends, without being so. Do you even know me, Hudson? "
" I've tried, Moore." Saul lit a cigarette and offered her one. " I don't smoke." she said.
" You see that? Moore, I think I know what's your problem."
" You and the your ideas messing up my life are my problem. We're playing family here. You're the mean child and I'm the mother."
" Yes, ma'am. " Saul smiled, like he always did. Jade felt her anger slowly  dissapearing. " I don't care who you think I'm going to bed with , Saul. I haven't done it for months. It's just-"
" For months? You serious?..
His cigarette did a double turn in the cold air before it landed on the pavement. " I can change that."
" You are disgusting. First the girl, now this? Do I really look that needy to you?"
Saul shrugged. "Depends on the light and the day. You're pretty needy on Mondays."
Jade laughed histericly.
" That's your game isn't it? Girls going to bed with you for a one night stand... Just peachy, Hudson, granny Hudson would be proud."
Sauls face was made of stone. " Don't you dare bring her into this." he said with a threat in his voice.
Then, furious as he was, he took hold of her hand again. Pulled her close, not giving her the chance to argue. He grabbed her head and the wall off her hair behind it forcing her face to crush into his. It could have been called wrestling, if he didn't find her lips with his, uniting them. She tried to resist, but it was a weak call for help. Not long after she was biting his bottom lip, holding it tenderly between her teeth. Her hands searched his hair, then she pulled herself up onto his hips, against the wall.

" Holly Mary..." Steven went outside to breathe, but was now more out of breath than before. He watched his two friends fighting furiously, which didn't make any sense. No need to say, Stevo was pretty drunk by then.
" You guys playing Kung fu kid?" he scratched his head. " Or are you eating each others heads like that little bugs or insects or whatever... You know, the green ones with hands like that." he lifted both hands trying to look like a mantis.
Jade pushed Slash away with an expression of utter terror. He stood there, confused and amazed. Saul stayed that way when she ran into one of the dark streets. Steven threw up on the pavement by his feet. And he wasn't even able to say: " Fuck you, Stevo!" or " Gross!" 
Hell, Slash wasn't even able to think of all those things.

Speechelss, he waited for Duff to come outside, looking for Steven.
" Axl's insane. We've got the contract, Slash! We're in!"
Steven threw up again.
" Man... What did you eat today? Smells like shit... Come, Slashie, lets get him inside."
Saul didn't move, but he lit another cigarette.
" Slash? You coming?"
" Just a minute." he said. " I'll help you get Adler inside."
Duff shrugged and joyined him.
" Do you have a girl?" Saul asked.
" I have many girls." Duff winked. " They're all mine, but I'm from none of them."
Saul laughed with him and helped him lift Steven off the ground.
Before entering, he looked back in search of the street she ran into.
He'll go after her.
But first, he needs a drink.

Hey, people! It's a hell of a drama, I know. Please understand, we're an odd kind of mammals, very complicated. I hope you like the story.  And please tell me, if anything is bothering you :-)

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