What is Axl doing in the shower?

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" Saul..." a voice came close to the guitarists ear. He was asleep, but the clock was ticking... It was almost one o'clock and the time didn't allow Slash to sleep. Neither did the voice by his ear.
" Sweetheart," he mumbled still not fully awake. " Leave me to die.. "
Steven stood up, his eyes tired. He was fighting a great hangover and did not look any batter than his friend.
" You calling me sweetheart just made my day, Slashy." he said with irony before falling into bed.
Saul was now fully awake, trying to push heavy Steven off himself.
" Wait, darling, we're not finished." Steven yelled with a girly voice.
" I have many talents!"
" Shut up, Stevo."
" My personality's a blessing from god!"
" Adler..."
" I'm a sex goddess!"
Izzy rushed into the room like stormy weather. The two of them didn't even hear him come in.
" Slash, You-"
When he saw Steven all over Saul he burst into laughter.
" Am I interrupting something?"
" No," said Slash while trying to persue Steven not to lick his fingers.
" We're totally ourselves. You can even hop in and we'll have it three way."
" My darling!" Steven yelled theatralicaly.

When they somehow manage to get Steven into Steven again, Axl allready called three times.
" Oh, boy..." said Izzy, looking at his phone. " Someone's in a bad mood today."
" He said that we have a day off.. "
" Probably changed his mind." shrugged Izzy.
" But man, I can't see drums today... I've been hearing them all morning right here." Steven pointed at his head.
" We'll see... " Izzy dialed Axl's number and left the phone ringing. After a while, a voice answered, but it surely as hell did not belong to Axl.
" Jade?"
The voice on the other side confirmed " Hey, huh, is Axl there?"
Sauls body froze. Steven seemed surprised too and sent his friend a concerned look.
" In the shower?" Izzys words were an echo, he himself was shocked.
" I'm out of here." said Slash silently. Steven nodded. He understood and didn't think of stepping in his way.
" Well, could you please tell him that I called, Jade? Sure... Bye." Izzy hung up.
" What was that all about?" asked Steven.
" It's Axl again... Wait, where did Slash go?"
" He left. "
" Why?"
Steven glanced at the door nervously. " Not sure..."
" You're lying."
" It's the truth, I swear it!" Steven defended himself.
" How the fuck are we supposed to find him if you don't tell me what's the matter, Steven?"
With that the other boy couldn't hold it in anymore.
" I think I saw something last night, but I'm not sure, Izz, I was wasted as hell "
" So?"
" He and Jade were up the wall-"
" You're gross,"
" Kissing, it was just kissing! At first I thought they were fighting, but yeah..."

" That's enough, thank you Steven." Jade was leaning by the wall behind the two of them.
" I didn't know, you were that drunk." she joked, when Steven jumped at the glimpse of her. They shared an uncomfortable silence for a moment, then Izzy asked: " How did you come here?"
He observed her carefully. Jades eyes were somehow lost and tired. She was pale and there was a bird nest where her hair once have been. She was wraping herself firmly with her hands, squeezing her stomach like as if she was frightened or cold.
" Through the front door." the girl laughed, but it was a short, bitter laugh.
" No, I mean, how did you come from Axls place so quickly? He lives a few blocks away..."
Jade shot him a confused look.
" I've never been in Axls house."
" Then how?..."
" Axl came to me about half an hour ago. He asked me if he could take a shower in my room. He hadn't pay the bill for electricity and his house is all cold and dark. He said that Slash didn't open the door when he knocked."
For a moment her face was in pain, but the pain itself was soon replaced by the usual mask which shared no feelings with the world.
" Where's Hudson anyway?" she asked. " I wanted to talk to him."
" He ran off." said Izzy.
" Why would he do that?"
Jade once again felt a mixture of panic and fear: What if he remembered?

Hey, guys! This one's shorter, but I hope you like it. Comment and like if you do ;-)

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