Happy birthday!

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Their sixteen birthday was celebrated at the same time - as Jades mum and Sauls grandma wished. It was all in a little cottage near an old cinema which was closed even when Mrs Hudson was their age. Jade was not nervous at all, she had just received a greatly needed scholarship for studying abroad. Her head which was now covered with a big, black cillinder she sometimes wore with her black jeans, was buzzing. It was her grandpas hat and he was a real gentleman - at least thats what they told her. He and her grandma fell in love in one wild summer during the first war.
Jade was staring at her reflection in her bedroom when the Hudsons arrived. Sauls family never visited him. They were a strange kind of people Saul or Mrs Hudson didn't talk about. Jade knew nothing of them, but she also didn't care. From his grandmas little confesion she and the black haired boy barely spoked. But she heard him sometimes when she was coming home late. Sauls music skills got better and better. At school, his solo concerts were hot news. Rummors soon appeared that Hudson was starting a rock band. Jade bealived them all. The music she occasionaly heard floating through his bedroom window was not at all angelic. Nothing like Mrs Hudsons driving-music. It was wild and not good. Not good in my-parents-want-best-for-me kind of way. It was simply naughty. And so was Saul, the school heartbreaker.
The party started at eight o'clock. A lot of people came by nine. Jades friends and Sauls classmates (the boy didn't like what friendship meant) spread all over the old cottage. It was hard to breathe in a room full of loud laughter coming from loud people. And by ten Saul was nowhere to be found. The girl didn't go around looking for him. She picked up Tom Sheridan in a dark, silent corner and pressed her lips to his.
What they did was later a painful memory full of boys attempts to get under her oversized shirt. His breath smelled like cheep vodka, his eyes were hungry, but not for food or another booze. The girl realised,but maybe a little to late, how she was messing around with all the boys. Well, almost. And that now she was getting all back as she deserved it. But still she could not bear it. His sweaty hands presed to places they should never find their way to, his smelly breath all over her neck. The people started staring, but she couldn't move at all. The pressure was just to much for her to handle. "C'mon, missy." he wispered. Dirty. She tasted wine and blood when he bit her lip, and she screamed or at least half-screamed through his mouth.
Nothing happened. A drunk laughter.
And then, right when he was unzipping her pants in the corner of a room full of people, a force of two Tom Sheridans swept him away like a toy.
It was Saul. Sweaty, half-drunk Saul, smoking one of his grandmas cigares.
How did he get it?
He blew some of the smoke directly in the face of a boy lying on the floor.
" If ya touch her, ya have to marry her, Sheridan. "
Tom-and everyone else- stared. Saul was barefoot, holding on a blond he came with. The boy smiled like a devil with ripped jeans.
" Thats what my gran tells me." and he laughed as Jade threw her plastic glass at him. " Thats why I never do." he chucked and helped her to stand up with some of the proud anger she still had in her.
" Anyway," Saul said kindly to the drunk boy. " My grans just a house away, Tom, listening to everything. She even brought a new telescope and a pair of kitchen scisors with her. Just to look over that one."
He shrugged. " And than there is me. I love my grandma and, thou this missy here is not my type at all, I'm here to watch over her. For my grandmas sake, Tom."
He helped him stand up too, but the boy was scared- as should be-because of Sauls weirdness and strenght.
" Now screw you, Sheridan," Saul said. " You dumbass."
Tom got through the door sooner than he could say those words.

Hey! I was away for 2 days now... So this part is a little longer. I hope to write something tomorrow or even today :-). Thank you for voting! I'm so glad you like it...

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