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The worst of pains are deeply cut. When they're made, the owner barely feels a thing. Maybe because of to much blood making its way out. Then they dry out like a river. But no dried out channel is as painful as the cut is. If you let them, after a while, they become scars. But if you let the wound stay open, then the suffering continues.

Saul blinked. He got up, in the of best manner he could, and payed the beer he did not get on his way out. There's been a lot of buzzing going on behind his back and all he would do was to keep walking and hoping nobody would follow him.

He's been in a mood of a lonely cawboy before, his mind confused, as if his whole body was trapped in an empty shell. He had to call Steven. He had to get Izzy to his side. And most of all, he had to drink and drink and drink and get drunk. He wished he would've been smarter, bright enough to drink his beer and to order another one. Now he had to find another place to run to.

" Saul." the voice came from behind his back.

Of course she followed him. How could she not? Was he expecting it? Yes. Wanting for her to follow? No.

" Where've you been?" she caught his step and crossed his way, her face anxious. Saul saw that she did not change at all. Maybe she looked a little tired, a little older, because of her sleepy eyes.

" On tour." he took a step back not sure, if he wanted her that close. She noticed it and a shadow of a bitter smile passed her lips. Jade wrapped her arms around herself.

" You became a stranger, Hudson." 

" So did you. Maria." he regretted the words in the moment he said them.

" I see," the tiredness in her eyes grew. She avoided his glare, looking at her shoes. " You heard that."

" I did."

" And now you want an explanation."

" That would be splendid." he said with a mean voice. Hearing his own voice shake with anger, he wanted to stop. He wanted it badly. But he did not.

" Well you know what, Hudson?" Jades posture became defensive, her voice hardening. " Things haven't been splendid around here for a long time. You missed out on many things, you know. Well, I bet you've suffered to much to notice it."

" I did not have a choice!" the boy exploded. " What was I to do? To leave the band, my only friends, to failiure?"

" Oh, how selfinsh of you," she hissed through a clenched jaw. " Your only friends? I was your friend until you thought I wasn't good enough anymore. And of course Guns n' roses wouldn't do without Slash Almighty bitching around with a half dozent women. You must be proud of what you've done!"

Saul watch her explode like a magnificent firework. The anger was still boiling inside his veins, but for a moment anger was not the only emotion he was overwhelmed by. She cared.

" I'm not. Are you, Maria? You never got your degree and still never lived on the edge. Always safe and sound, right? Tell me, Maria, how well do you know regret?"

" Stop calling me that." she spitted.

" Well who are you then, m'lady?"

A long, silent moment came. The two of them frozen in time.

" You're right," she said then." We don't know each other anymore. I'm not the same. Yet you've changed to, Slash. A new name for a new man you said, remember?"

The cinema, the blonde he called baby (her real name he could not remember), Jade and the beer cans ... He remembered.

" I do. We were friends back then. Before the arrival to the big city."

" Were we? " her eyes grew distant. " Allies, Hudson. Never friends."

" Now you're denying me the priviledge of being your friend, Moore... Is that even your surname now?"

" No, it's Bellando."

" C'mon who would bealive you're Spanish?" he bursted in laughter.

She looked offended.

" Some people do! You're an idiot, Hudson..." she tried to hide a smile.

" Well, there are things that never change..." his eyes were serious now. " You and that man. Are you..?"

" Please, don't." the smile freezed on her lips.

" So, you are. Congradulations. You have a kid together? A boy?" his heart sank at every single word.

" Yes."

" I-I'm glad. And your name?"

" I needed a change. "

" I understand ..."

She smiled. But it was faked, Saul saw through it and behind it there was a nothing. One big nothing, built of a whole bunch of untold stories. Jade was a fragile doll and he made attempts to break it.

" Will we meet again?" he asked, afraid of the answer.

Her eyes lit up " We-" 

" Mamma!" a voice came behind her, causing both of them to turn. A man Saul have seen before stood just a few feet away and in his arms there was a little boy.

He screamed: " Mamma!"  

A tiny, little boy with a nest of brown curls.

Hello, guys! Here's a little early update of my story :). I hope you enjoyed it! Comment and like ... Or not haha, if you don't feel like it.

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