Run, baby, run

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Axl leaned far back on his bar chair, observing them with amusement.
" Lovely, lovely, lovely..."

Jade shook Saul's hand off, since he was still holding her protectively over her waist.
"Excuse me," she shook her head, the shattered moment playing itself over and over again in her memory.
" I'll be back," she mumbled and found her way into the lady's room.
There she stopped,  leaned on the wall and slowly slipped to the floor.

Slash took a long sip out of his glass, before he turned to Axl.
" Why,  man?" with a glass in his hands he laughed shortly, bitterly. " I can't bealive it... So, where's the point Ax, why can't I get what I want once? I'm an Englishman in LA who had a jolly little mess of a day, but I'm still waiting for Jesus to show himself to me, saying: " Hudson, you little bastard, you thought it would be so easy." I can bet, right here, right now, that he'll be wearing my grandmothers upper skirt and a wool cardigan."
Axl laughed and ordered his drink. "Sorry for the interruption, man.. But, I have to talk to you."

" What is it?" Saul could feel the unsteadiness in his friend's voice.

" I'm in love." Axl admitted. " Seriously, I'm not drunk, but fucked up... The last few days have been torturing me. I'm losing my will to sing,sleep and eat..."

" Who is she?" Slash asked.

" An angel." he answered seriously. " Nah, not really..  She's a prostitute in this bar, but a fucking good one. "

" Is that so?" Slash asked, a little nervous.

" Yeah... Her skin you know.. I could have my arms around that kid for a whole day. She's amazing, Slash. "

" I know the feeling." Saul said, taking another sip. Where was she?

" Ah," said his friend. " You and the little manager... Well, where did she go, anyway? " he asked turning around with curiosity.

" Lady's room."

" Well, Slashy, what are you still waiting for? An invitation?"

" For you to shut up."
Both of them laughed leaning over their drinks. After a moment of silence, Axl poked Slash with an elbow. " So," he said. " Why are you still sitting here?"

The girl, no, the woman, stared at her reflection in the mirror. She felt old although she was still in her twentiees. She had a three years old boy, his father was back in the city and she promised to herself,  when she heard about his arrival two weeks ago, that she'll never get close to him.
There was a new man in her life, but she didn't love him. Tom offered her a shelter, a safe, warm home and all he wanted in return was for them to share one bed.
Right then, when all of it was starting to feel right, when she would accept her new self, Slash came swinging in.
In his leather boots, ripped jeans and an old jacket, with black curls hiding his face, Saul was the last person she wanted to meet. And yet, she had.
And it felt good.

The bathroom doors opened and a man rushed in. Jade found herself in his arms again, like two snakes they were squeezing he body tight to his.
" Hello, beautiful. " a voice by her ear wispered. " If I'm not mistaken,  we, my lady, have some unfinished buisness... "
" Do we?" she breathed.

He at least made sure that he locked the door, after he pushed her in the wall, crashing there with her and kissing her mouth like he never had before. 

" Just like in the old times," he joked while lifting her on the sink, wrapping his arms around her hips. 

" We should've done it a long, long time before," she wispered in his hair. " Saul..." he was trailing the way of her shoulder with butterfly kisses. " Why didn't we?"

He stopped. Took her face into his palms and stared directly into her eyes.  Then, with a small smile, he said: " We were too young, to stupid and to restless."

" Yeah," Jade felt tears filling her eyes, making a blurred painting out of her view. Tears of joy, a rain of agony? " And now what?"

" You know, we still have two thirds of our lives to figure that out..."

She laughed happily. " Can I trust you a secret, Hudson?"

" The kid is mine, I already know." said he. " You didn't hide his curls."

" Well," replied she, pretending to be offended. " I tried... But his father kept on looking through every one of his baseball hats. And no haircut could keep him in line."

" Such a shame..."

" Yeah, well, I accepted it. And you know what?"

" What?"

" I kinda came to love him again."

The two of them kissed and it was a bright moment, they shared. But tomorrow the new day will come.

Hello guys! So, that's the end (I'm sorry, I know I promised a few parts more, but I'll work it out with the sequel). I decided to take a little break, to clear the things out. But no worry, I'll be back in a few weeks (I promise). I can only tell that in the next story there won't be just Jade and Slash as they were in this one, I'll focuse on the other members of the band. But that doesn't mean that their story is finished ;)

A sane angel and a drunken saintWhere stories live. Discover now