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The school started only two weeks after their arrival to the big city. Jade started studying and Saul was looking for the future. Instead of going to school he spent time with Steven, practicing in his mothers garage. The girl was so busy making progress in her collage life that she nearly forgot about the pair of them. They splitted and had no contact from the day of their arrival. Sauls apartment was officialy just across the hall of hers and Steven was the door on his left. The boys only appeared briefly on the hallway in several occasions.  They were carrying bags or pizza boxes.  Or just some empty bottles of alcohol. Sauls name would soon be left out on the college they all signed up for. Since he didn't show up, the boy was nothing but a ghost, a name written on some kind of list and an empty chair in some distant corner. To be thruthful, Saul as a human being was presently nothing more than that. 
" You drink to much, Slash," Steven said one day while practicing.  He was sweating heavily.  " And you play to much." he aded. " Your brains are gonna fall out. Or explode. Or...  Whatever."
Saul's been silent for days now. His glare was not more the the eyes of a dead man.
" You're scaring me, dude. "  Steven admitted.
But things were getting even worse. Not only Saul was getting weirder and weirder, he, obviously also quited.. Hm.. Eating. And sleeping.
While he was awake, his guitar was the only sound coming from the room. And when he wasn't playing, Saul developed a hobby of staring at the tiny dot on his wall for hours and hours.
Three weeks passed and Steven was knocking at Jades front door.
" Maybe I'm wrong.  Hell, I hope I'm wrong he said after drinking two glassess of mineral water (Jade didn't do much shopping lately). " But by the signs Saul's showing he's going out of his mind."
Jade listened to him in silence. She offered him another glass which he refused.
" What do you want me to do?"
" You guys are childhood sweethearts... "
" We're not childhood sweethearts. We weren't even neighbours. Allies at the time, that one time..." her voice trailed off. " But nothing more." she added.
" Well, and I'm just Steven, you know? He'd never listen to me. He never did."
They stayed silent for a moment.
" He mentioned you one time, you know? Even though he doesn't speak much, he mentioned you." Steven then said.
" What did he say?"
" He said: " There are too many bitches in this world, Stevo (I'm sorry, but I heard him using that expression several times lately).  Too many. I only know three of them who are not and never will be. My mum, granny Hudson and our little friend Jade." thats what he said." Steven moved his feet nervously. His glass was empty and he's put all cards on the table.
" What do you say?"
Jades head stayed empty.  She felt like something just died a painful death inside her chest. And then...  That same something rised from the ashes like a phoenix.
" I'll talk to him." she said, putting her hand on Stevens shoulder. " But can't promise anything. "
" Thank you."
She just nodded.
" So, how's the whole music thing going?"
" Good, good, good... "
" Oh, really?"
" No, actually it's pretty pathetic. " Steven admitted.
" But we found others." he added brightly. " This group...  They're really good. We'd need something fresh, mostly vocals.  You know what they say, no one's gonna get all over his heels for two boys lost in space. One delusional. The other one just mad."
Jade laughed and Steven did too.
" We're almost there."
" I know you are."

Hello, guys! I haven't quite myself for several days now, but things are turning in the right directions :-).  This part is maybe a bit longer, a bit more boring, but I can promis you that the next ones will be full of action(s) ;-).  Thank you for staying with me...

A sane angel and a drunken saintWhere stories live. Discover now