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Nobody knew where Saul went.
Later that day, they were checking his dorm every half an hour, but he never showed up.
And then again nobody seemed to be too stressed about it. Axl took three showers a day, saying that he had a lot to catch up with.
Steven feel asleep on Sauls bed, laying all over it. He looked pretty much like any dead pancake.
" He killed many desserts, you know?" said Duff to Jade while ticking Stevens feet.
" It's a special kind of anger when you're hungry. You should feel it once." he laughed when Steven wrapped his legs with his arms.
But Jade didn't laugh. She was angry, although she didn't show it.
The boys still refused to tell her, why Saul left so fast. They were shooting each other meaningful glares, but never said a word to her.
The most of anger fell on herself.
Saul knew.
And he probably thought of her with disguist. Jade did.
She came to his room last morning to tell him the truth. A bunch of truths.
About how she admired him since he beat Tom Sheridans ass off. How she listened to his music sometimes when passing his street. In the dead of winter she stood there and could have stood there for hours listening to the devilish sounds of his guitar, looking at his silhuette by the window.
She would tell him about how good she felt last night and how she doesn't regret a thing.
Not really...

The door bell rang and cut the silence in the room like a knive. Or did someone just knocked?
It didn't really metter.
Duffs head shot up, there was a moment of confusion in his eyes and then he smiled.
" I told you he would come." he laughed and went to open the door.
" You didn't. " Jade wispered. Her whole body felt even heavier now and she didn't even try to get up.
From where she was seated, the voices from there were loud enough.
" Man, where you've been-" he stopped. " Oh. You're not Slash."
" No," it was a womans voice. " He's downstairs, waiting in my car. Obviously drunk, but he also took something."
" Well," Jade heard the embarasment in Duffs voice.
" I need somebody to help me carry him upstairs."
Jade shot up and was by the door before Duff could say a thing.
" I'll do it." the girl and the guitarist
seemed surprised. The visitor was really pretty. The painfull kind of pretty which made you think off yourself as a meaningless monster. And it wasn't even about selfpitying.
Her long blonde hair fell down to her waist, her face slim and pretty with lovely cheekbones and a long neck.
" Okay," she said. " Great."

Saul wasn't even that drunk. He still seemed calm and focused on them when he saw the two girls headed towards him.
He even tried a smile.
" Moore," he greeted. " my lovely half neighbour. "
" Hudson." she nodded calmly, but her shoulders were tight.
" So, what you girls doing?"
" Getting you out of my car." hissed the blonde.
" My love..." he took her hand and kissed it. " I'm amazed."
Jade too was amazed. She haven't seen Saul acting like this - ever.
The knot inside her stomach tightened when they lifted him and helped him stand. But Slash was sober enough to walk on his own.
" You two are a charming pair," he laughed.
" I'm having a hard time deciding which one of you to choose."
" You are a happy fellow aren't you?" laughed the blonde.
" He's all yours, " she winked and smiled to Jade. " He talked of nothing but you all morning."
She then sat in her car and drove away.
Saul sent a kiss after her.
" A good girl, Natasha."
" Saul-"
" Not now Moore. My legs hurt. Let's go to your room shall we? And we'll have a chat there."
" Now. I want you to listen to me now, Hudson." her voice grew angry and Slash took a few steps back, surprised.
" Listen, Hudson." Jade didn't know why, but she kept on talking with that same tone.
" Last night, you drank too much."
" I drink too much too often, Moore."
" Whatever.  You drank too much and came back looking for me." she continued. The guitarists face showed no sign of recolection.
" So?" he asked.
And that was it. She had to do it. It was a need, growing bigger and bigger inside her chest.
" We had sex. In your room. On your sheets. You. And I."
If she was expecting an outburst, she never got it. All Saul said was:
" I know, Moore. Remember every bit of it. And you were damn good."

So, that's it for today! Thank you for following the story, for leaving your votes and comments. I'm grateful for all of your support.
Thank you :-)

A sane angel and a drunken saintOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora