The first one

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When Slash found her, the girl was freezing. The light snow flakes were drifting through in the night sky. Jade was thinking, her anger, if there even was any, started cooling down in the moment her legs couldn't take the run anymore. 

The night was old and her tight jeans were soon all wet and cold onto her skin. Sauls car parked on the pavement, just a few meters behind. The driver got out and walked to her side. Jade smelled alcohol and the smell was strong. Slash must have been hoplessly drunk. 

It was a one moment decision. She got up and turned to face him. But, how he looked at her ... It was an unclear look, the alcohol took all the things standing in its way from it. She expected the kiss that followed. Well, she hoped for it. Knowing he won't remember a thing when he gets sober, all things were easier to do. 

Slash kissed pasionetly and Jade was the one, slowing the kiss down. She wanted it and now wasn't ready to let it go so fast. Her freezing fingers gently held his face, the blue lips uniting and parting. She first held her eyes closed, felling every snowflake that fell on her nose and wet cheeks. She opened them, fearing the moment would pass without her looking. Sauls eyes were already on her face. They were so clear, she was afraid for a moment that he was a lot more sober than she thought. But he couldn't have been. Saul drank too much.

Jade let him take her leading her to her car while kissing. She drove them home. Her mind was a detalied map. The campus wasn't far away and Saul had the keys of his room in the pocket. It was a perfect crime and every inch of Jades body suffered because of it. The need for him was a deep grave and the digger was Jade herself. If he didn't like her truthfully, if all of the kissing was just a trick of his drunken mind and if he didn't hate her, then the thing she was up to, could've been called abuse and, if he really didn't hate her now, then he surely will if he finds out.

Thinking of it was the reason that she didn't come in, when Slash unlocked the door of his room.

" Saul... I can't." she said when he looked at her questionably .

" But I want you to."

" How do you know?" maybe for the first time in her life she was on the edge of tears.

" Because I've wanted it, Moore, for a very long time..."

He kissed her again and this time swept her into the room.

She found herself lying on his bed with Sauls body on hers. His hands were carefully making its way under her shirt and getting rid of the wet jeans sticking to her legs. 

" Look at me," he wispered taking her bra off. " Look at me, beautiful." 

She looked at him and kept her eyes on his. A touch caused her to shiver and he was so unconstant. Moving from her lips, pressing butterfly kisses on her neck, covered with soft curls and on, on, on... On her breasts he stopped and grabbed them passionetly. She yawned. That made enough effort for him to move pass her belly and between her thights.

Everything that happened next was a mixture of pure plessure and a strong need to stop the time. She's had two or three guys before him, but the sex was never great. She never really felt it and was far from enjoying it. Saul was different. With him, it was like something hot digged between her legs. The pain, the plessure, hell, the love she felt caused her to bit her lip, trying not to scream.

When all was over, Saul still did not let go of her. He wrapped their naked bodies with a soft blanket and pressed Jade onto his chest.

" Now, now, Moore, how about you and I never part?" he asked in a playful, but sleepy voice, before drifing into sleep.

" I would like that very much," Jade said. But then, kissing his forhead and waiting for his hand to became heavy, she slowly moved away. Before she left, Jade made sure to leave no clues of her being there. 

In her room, just across  the hall, she fell asleep in tears.

Hey, guys!  This chapter was all about the sex, I know... I hope I didn't spoil anyones life with it ;). If you liked it, you have that tiny little star you can press on. And you can  leave a comment too, I don't bite ;)

A sane angel and a drunken saintWhere stories live. Discover now