The blonde

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On the night Sue met Saul, the guitarist with an ambition, the other two girls were working. Sue was not, but she seemed to have enough work with a drunk Englishman. And the way Saul talked... Even if it was just a mood he went through while drinking... It was amazing. When silent, he was dangerous, but while talking, his every word was a charm. And a brutal one too. Something hard, almost like and animal observed her, inhaled her. Bare words. Sue didn't get to see his bare body that night, but she made a promise to herself that she will. And soon, too. For the meanwhile it was enough just to hear him talk. The sweetness in his words and the bitterness of voice made something pretty clear. There must have been a woman in his life and she meant something. The worst and the best of memory.
And by the end of that evening Sue wished that memory wouldn't leave a bitter taste in her mouth.
Slash started with: "You see, I have a friend..."

It was just two weeks before the gig. Now, when the show was over, Sue was looking nervously around her, not taking Saul out of her sight and also trying to get a view of his 'famous' contemporary meneger.
" Hey, guys," Axl yelled in the microphone when they were done. Sweat was pouring down his neck and he looked just like the little kid Jade associated him with when they first met. It was a different time. Now she knew, after months and months of practice, that he is a bomb ready to explode and a madman whose heart was good, but not flawless.
" I hope you've had a good time. And don't forget to call me," he joked. " If you want to hear more. Now, please give the biggest applouse to our 'garage meneger'-" Saul interrupted, his eyes still exciting from the show, his body shaking wildly. This was the real Saul after a while. His english friend smiled to herself, when he screamed: " Ladys and gentleman, Jade the meneger!" The crowd laughed as one and an applouse greeted Jades arrival.
" These guys have the energy of an atomic bomb," said Michael to Sue, but she barely listened.
That was the girl.
Sue felt sickness rising up her stomach. How was that woman any different from all the rest. The plain look, black hair, little nose and shining eyes. That was all. But Sue felt different, not because of her apperience, but because of the way Saul looked at her. Sue wanted that kind of respect in the eyes of Saul Hudson.
The girl bowed and bowed again. Then Saul put an arm over her shoulder, Steven messed her hair and Axl walked off the stage talking wildly with her, trying to get her attention on something. She smiled and noddes. Then Duff taped her shoulder and Izzy smiled awkardly. The guys left her alone with Saul, but that was all Sue could see from the distance. The two of them dissapeared in the backstage.
But the girl knew that Saul will bring that girl to her to introduce her and the sickness was once again filling her stomach.

" So, you liked it?" Sauls voice was still excited, he had that crazy feeling that something will change after this night. But not Jade. Neither of them spoke of what happened before the show...
" You're good, really good.."
" But? My biggest critic?"
" You'll need somebody who can really work on you guys. Not some amateur who found you in a bar."
" Don't say that." he suddenly seemed serious.
" For now, any offer will make a happy man out of me."
" As you wish..." she lifted a hand and put the hat off his eyes. She gave him this when he asked her. But it wasn't new, he'd seen her wearing it before. On the Sheridan night.... They were together when she stole it from her grandmas closet.
" Come on, I want you to meet someone." Saul said. He wasn't as cheerful as before. Why did she say those things? Jade followed him through the crowd.
There, a blonde was standing. She was waiting and by the look on her face there was no doubt who was she waiting for.

" That's Sue, Jade. Sue, this is Jade Moore, the girl with the name!"
" Is that so?" Sues smile was plastic and it was a bad fake on top of that. " Nice to meet you."
" Same," Jade shook her hand as her mum taught her. She was a meneger of the rock band, but a girl can keep her maners.
" I'll go and have a drink." Saul said. " You want anything?"
"No." both replied. He dissapeared in the crowded room.
" Come," said Sue. " I want to talk to you, Jade."

They found a room, where the costumes were kept. It was a small space, stinky, but good, because it kept you awake. How many rat nests were in the flood or inside the closets.
Sue turned to face her. She looked as a piece of art, all dressed up and her make-up made perfectly. Jade was ashamed of her looks in front of her, although she did not show it.
" Look, Saul told me to go easy on you and here's the deal. I've got lap dance for 30£ and sex for 60£. It's your choice, but I'll take the money."
She spat. It was like getting rid of all the poison in her sistem. She looked down on that English girl and by her opinion had all the right to. How could this girl be so stupid. Now nobody is going to be happy. If she wants to enjoy it, she'll have to pay.
Jades face was still a mask. No emotions. She watched her compagnion who opened herself like a book, but she was still. Not calm, but still.
" Who said I wanted any services of you?" she asked, trying to be polite.
Sue stared at her in confusion.
" Are you kidding? Every decent lesbian wants my services."
" How did you come to a conclusion that I was a lesbian?"
And then, a bomb exploded, that bomb Jade secretly expected.
" Saul told me. He said you like blondes."
After that Jade stood up and she left the room without another word.

Hey! I gave this part a chance, because when I thought about that "I like blondes" moment betwen Jade and Saul, it was pretty unclear what she meant. Thank you for staying with me, rock n' roll souls :-). I'll be writing...

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