The big break up

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" Saul," his mothers voice always came out soft, no matter what she was going to say. She gave him an uncomfortable hug, the one that's so popular with all the relatives that should've been close, but they missed the path somwhere on their way. The two of them stood side by side. Saul wore the only pair of black jeans that weren't ripped. His mother was in a black dress and with a black hat with some white feathers stucked on top of it. Mrs. Hudson looked very glamorous, but at the same time wore an expresion of a broken woman.

" Saul, she loved you very, very much." if Saul Hudston would've be watching, he would see a tear escaping from her mothers emerald eye.

But he didn't. All he saw was the grave.

His grandma was burried in her hometown back in England. Many people came, including Jades mother. But mrs. Moore didn't find it necessary for her daughter to come flying all the way from LA, because of a funeral. So, the girl stayed in LA, trying her best by attending colllage and waiting for Saul to return. She remembered unfinished buisness they left aside that day, when he got home after practice. How Sauls phone rang. The sound of his footsteps when he went to the kitchen to pick it up. After that, everything went down like a roller coaster. He had to leave, to catch a plane. Where was he going? She couldn't find out. It was surely something bad, maybe even worse than bad.

But without a dubt, he'll be back soon.

Slash never liked funerals. Well, people normally don't like funerals, but with him it was something quite different. He hated all the people: relatives, neighbours, grandmas friends looking at him with their pittiful eyes. It seemed like everybody knew just how many struggles his grandmother went through when raising him. His stubbornness. His drinking. And his music. He barely slept that night, thinking of how many things he did wrong.

His two weeks in England ended and January started. His mother gave him a goodbye hug, when they were parting although they were flying to the same destination. But the boy couldn't care less. While stil grieving his grandmas death, the guitarist now had something to look forward to. His grandma loved Jade very much. Maybe, he won't let her down completely.

Just as he was standing in line with his suitcase in one hand, the familiar voice came from behind his back:

" You didn't think about flying in some fucking third class airplane, when you're the part of a fucking legendary Guns n' roses, man. Fuck you." Axl smiled at the old lady who stood close enough to hear all the 'fucks' and murmured something about savages.

" Shoo," he said and winked at her. The old lady hit him with the pink, crocodille purse. Saul had to drag his friend away.

" What are you doing here?" he asked.

" Well," Axl was stil rubbing his shoulder- the old lady had a nice swing. " I'm rescuing your ass from sitting on that plane. Now you can say 'fuck you' to you normal fucked up life." he grinned. "We're going on a tour."

" What?"

" Right now, Slashie. You, me, Izzy, Duff and Stevo, we're doing our first tour."

" How?" Saul just stared at him.

" Well, Michael is a pretty good manager. He'll introduce us to some people. Those European fuckers, they know a shit about music."

" They do?"

" Yeah, the tour starts in three weeks, but we'll be in England till then. Making our first album."

" Wow, man ..."

" Yeah, right? Now come, the guys are waiting for us an I bet that woman is looking forward to murdering me right now."

All the Guns n' roses members were stuffed into some old van next to the airport. Izzy was smoking outside, but he nodded when he saw them.

" Nice to see you, man." he said to Slash causing a cloud off smoke to rise from his mouth. " Hey," he grabbed his shoulder when he was passing by. " The phone box is right on the corner." he squeezed his hand and dropped a small piece of paper in it.

Saul understood. Without a word he took it and walked down the road where, on the corner as Izzy said, he found a telephone box.

Jade picked up after the fordt ringing.

"Hello," she sounded hopeful, like as if she was expecting an importand call.

"Jade," Saul heard himself saying.

" Oh, so you know my name?" she laughed. " It's good to hear you, Saul."

" You too..."

" You know, I was planning to call you, but nobody gave me your number and I didn't know where you are. Izzy told me that you're in England and that they're going to go there and get you. I wanted to tell you-"

But Saul couldn't listen to it any longer. It made him suffer, even physically. She sounded so happy, so happy, because of the idea that they're going to see each other soon.

" Jade, we're going on a tour. I guess we won't be back soon. Maybe a year in Europe ..."

" That's great! I'm so happy for you!" but she didn't sound happy. Not really.

" Jade, I'm sorry."

" Why, Hudson? I wish you and the guys a lot of fun. I always knew you would make it." she really tried, for his sake... But Saul wasn't blind.

" I..."

" Oh, I'm sorry, Saul, I have to go... Call me again, when you'll have the time." With that, she was gone.

Hello guys! This chapter is a little long, but I was planning on rearanging the next chapters since Jade and Saul are not (and won't be) together right now. Maybe, I will write about her in one chapter and about the boys in another.

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