Part 4

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To say Louis was scared would be the understatement of the century. The lad was practically shaking in the Vans he had on. This was the first time he will be alone with a supposed "soulmate" since Daniel. The time was nearing seven and Louis was stood impatiently by the front door. Why had he told Harry to come at seven? He should have suggested earlier so he could just get this over with.

Now, Louis didn't hate Harry. He just hated being alone with people he suspected were lying to him. So when there was a knock at the door at exactly seven o'clock, he was almost ready to cancel on Harry. Opening the door with a grimace, Louis looked up at Harry's smiling face. In his hand was a bundle of roses.

"These are for you," Harry shyly stuck the hand with the flowers out for Louis. The roses he had brought were in full bloom and were stunningly gorgeous even if Louis couldn't see what color they were. "I'm sorry if they're not, like, up to standard. I plucked the last few ones from my-the garden at my house." Even though Harry assumed that Louis wouldn't make fun of him for having a garden, it was always good to keep it a secret until you were absolutely sure.

Louis was shocked, to say the least. None of the other liars had ever brought him flowers before, even when they were trying to woo him. "Thank you, Harry. These are beautiful. do you want to come in while I find a vase for them? You can meet my dad. He demanded to approve of you before he let me leave."

'What? Meeting his parents already? Well, I guess it's not parents as there's only one. But still, isn't it a bit early in the relationship? I still don't know a lot about Louis.' Harry thought. 'It couldn't go that wrong, right?'

He followed Louis into a modest kitchen and bit his lip as he spied the dad sitting solemnly at a table. Louis's dad was a big man and Harry was slightly intimidated. There was no shortage of muscles on the parent and the wife-beater he was wearing made Harry uncomfortable.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson. I'm Harry Styles," he stuck out his hand and gave the burly figure a genuine smile.

"Sit down, Harry. I want to have a chat with you." Harry gulped and slid into the seat opposite Louis's father. Over in the kitchen, Louis pretended to not notice what was going down just a few feet away.

"Now," the dad started, "what grade are you in at school?"

Biting his lip, Harry replied with a breathy voice, "I'll be a sophomore, sir, at Ridge Crest High school. It's just a little bit past the public school on-"

"I know where it is, boy. I've driven past there many times. You are one of those preppy, rich kids aren't you?" His voice was hostile and made Harry gulp and play with the large watch he was wearing.

"I'm actually there on scholarship sir. That is the only way I am able to attend. I also have a job to help pay tuition." This stunned Louis. Harry had a job? Why had this never come up before? Is this why they were doing a relatively cheap date? How did Harry even get here?

"A job huh? What do you do?" Louis's father rubbed his chin thoughtfully and he looked like he was close to letting Louis leave with Harry.

Harry blushed, embarrassed, and hung his head, "I clean houses after school. It's the only job I could get. The other places I applied didn't want me because I was so young." Finally, Louis stepped in. He didn't want Harry to feel embarrassed about his job.

"Dad. Can Harry and I get going? I'll bet there's someone outside waiting for us." His dad thought for another long moment and nodded his head.

"Yes you can go out with him. But if I find out that he hurts you in anyway, there will be no more house cleaning for him," The tough dad punched his palm lightly and glared at the tall boy.

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