Part 11

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What's up everybody?

I really truly appreciate every single comment and vote that you guys give me. All of you are amazing and I encourage you to write your own stories because there is nothing better than having someone halfway across the world read your writing. (I'm looking at you, my readers in the UK and Panama)

Thank you <3


This morning Niall set out for his usual morning jog before work. His New Year's resolution had been to get fit and lose weight and it was going pretty well. He had dropped 15 pounds. However his results were minimized by the muscle he had gained. Muscle does weigh more than fat. Since he started work at 9, his jog began at 7. Today he decided to run through the old park. Nobody really went there so he assumed he would be the only person there.

His feet pounded on the ground as he ran at a steady pace through the forest. Niall had found a slightly overgrown path and decided to indulge himself with a bit of an adventure. The old trees groaned in the breeze and Niall shivered, he should have brought a coat. As he approached an abandoned tunnel, the hairs on his neck stood up. There was a very faint sniffling sound coming from the entrance. The blond man slowed to a walk and peered around the edge of the opening. There trembling on the hard ground was a boy. He seemed to be crying to himself and his clothes were strewn across the ground. Niall's hand flew to his mouth as he realized that this young man had been raped. He stepped lightly into the tunnel and immediately the boy looked up and scrambled away.

"Please don't hurt me, Sir. I'm sorry, don't hurt me," the lad pleaded with Niall who felt like he had just been punched in the gut.

"I won't hurt you," Niall whispered trying not to frighten the boy. "I just want to help you." He shrugged off his jacket and held it out to the younger boy who just shrunk farther back. Biting his lip, Niall tossed the jacket lightly onto the ground and took a couple steps back. Maybe the poor boy would take it if he wasn't near it. Slowly, the boy reached out a hand and grasped the jacket. While he was pulling it to his body, he kept glancing up at Niall like he was afraid that if he did something wrong it would get taken away. Carefully, the jacket was wrapped around his body and the boy hugged himself tightly.

"I'm Niall. What's your name?" Niall had crouched down so had could be at the same height as the boy, but he was still pretty far away.

The boy looked at the blond and whispered so quietly that Niall could barely hear him, "Louis."

"Well, Louis," Niall said soothingly, "I am going to take you to the police station. Can you come with me?" He really didn't want to leave the poor boy here alone. He was probably terrified. "You don't have to walk with me. You can walk behind me or in front of me, whatever you prefer." Niall stood up and slowly backed out of the tunnel so he didn't frighten the traumatized boy. Louis gripped the wall and tried to pull himself up, but he cried out in pain. The stabbing pain in his lower back and head were too much. He couldn't walk.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Niall stepped closer to Louis, but stopped when the boy frantically shook his head and backed away with a grimace of pain on his face. With a sigh, Niall reached for his phone and the he realized it was in the jacket pocket. "Louis, I want to call an ambulance to help you, but my phone is in my jacket. Could you take it out and hand it to me?" Hesitantly, Louis reached into the pocket of the grey jacket and pulled out a phone. He crawled a few feet and placed it lightly on the ground. Then he hurried back to the tunnel wall. Slowly, so he didn't scare the boy, Niall walked to the phone and picked it up. He dialled 911 as fast as he could.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"


Louis was curled up in a hospital bed trying to sleep, but it wasn't working. Everytime he closed his eyes the memories came back. He could see the big man coming towards him. He could taste the man in his mouth. He could feel his hands on his skin. So he laid there. After what seemed like hours, there was a knock at the door.

"Louis?" The voice from the other side of the door called. "There are people here for you. We're coming in."  The nurse opening the door and led two people in: Louis's dad and Harry.  Louis's eyes widened as his father came in. His eyes were the same shade of grey. His build was the same. Tony was back. Louis screamed and curled in on himself.

His father rushed to his side thinking that Harry was the one who caused this, "Harry! Get out of here! You're scaring him!"

Harry stood stock still biting his lip, "Mr. Tomlinson, I think it's you." When Louis's dad rushed up to the terrified boy, his shaking grew worse. Mr. Tomlinson eyed his son and then he came to the same conclusion. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he backed away from his only son and left the room. Harry was left there alone with Louis and he stepped closer to the boy. Although the older boy's tremors had calmed, he was still breathing heavily and staring at Harry warily. "Louis," Harry reached out a hand to him. Louis curled up smaller.

"P-please don't Harry. I know-w you're with th-that other guy-y," Louis stammered. He wasn't afraid of Harry, he was just nervous in general now.

Harry raised his eyebrows in confusion, "Other guy? What do you mean, Pixie?" The smaller boy whimpered at the nickname, but Harry continued anyway. "There is no 'other guy'. I only have eyes for you. I could never do that to you." Harry was telling the truth, but would Louis believe him?

The smaller boy sighed, "I want to believe you. I feel a connection with you even after such a short time, maybe it's because we are soulmates. But, I can't. You need to show me."

"How can I show you? I'll do anything!" Desperate pleas spilled out of Harry's mouth."Just ask, Louis. I will do everything you ask." Louis was taken aback. This wasn't the behavior that you would expect from someone who was messing around with other people. He really didn't know what to do. Words had failed him. Harry fell to his knees beside Louis's hospital bed. He had taken Louis's silence as rejection and was crying quietly at the bedside.

All the experience with boys that Louis had was telling him to demand that Harry leave; however, his heart was whispering that he should allow the sobbing teen to stay. The conflicting feelings caused chaos in Louis's mind. Then he made his decision. With as steady a voice as he could manage, Louis spoke.

"Harry, please leave. I can't be with you anymore." In that moment, Harry's heart broke. Louis absolutely shattered it in less than three seconds. The decision hurt Louis too. He had to think of himself. He wouldn't be able to pick himself back up if Harry left him after he was totally attached. After picking himself up off the floor, Harry ran out of the room sobbing. Nothing had ever hurt him more. 

Only a couple minutes after Harry dashed out, a nurse came in to Louis. She explained how the would search him for DNA evidence of the rapist and swab his anus for semen that was left over from the assault. Louis tuned her out and did what they told him. Everything went in one ear and out the other. The nurse droned on and on about how they would keep him for the next two days to make sure the head wound he sustained wouldn't cause permanent damage, but after he left he would need to come back for a follow-up appointment. At this follow-up appointment -this is what caught Louis's attention- they would test for STDs he contracted during the assault and... pregnancy.


If you're wondering why Louis rejected Harry it's because the last time he was attached to someone as he is to Harry, the person shattered his heart.

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