Part 15

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Hope you like it :) forgive me if I'm a bit rusty. Hopefully the length makes up for it <3

This is a continuation of the previous chapter.


Zayn could have sworn Harry went off this way.

After he insulted him, Harry ran off to what Zayn assumed was the servant's access to the kitchen. Since he had only been here a couple days, the Pakistani boy hadn't learned how to maneuver around the huge house just yet. He wound his way through the halls and finally ended up in front of a small, inconspicuous door. Slowly, he pushed it open just in case there was someone inside that didn't want to be seen.

There was, but it was exactly who Zayn was looking for.

"Harry!" Zayn rushed the the boy's side and kneeled next the the chair. "Please let me explain. I know I was an ass. Please, I'm sorry!" He let his head fall. He really didn't expect Harry to forgive him. It wasn't like it was a huge loss for Harry. Harry had only known him for a day or two. He was also "assigned" to him. The teacher requisitioned Harry to show Zayn around. It wasn't out of free will.

Harry, on the other hand, was shocked to say the least. Zayn was... apologizing? Just a little bit ago he was laughing Harry's face and calling him names. Rich people made no sense.

"Why are you here Zayn? You've made your feelings towards me very clear," Harry sniffed and turned his head away.

Zayn shook his head and frowned, "No Harry, please listen. I only did it because my uncle was right there. I can't have him being mad at me because then he'll send me home. I can't go home." His head fell and Zayn dropped lower to the floor. He'd fucked up his only friendship, that he was almost positive about.

The other boy looked at him with sadness. Zayn had said some awful stuff, but he was so sweet when they first hung out. Harry knew that he shouldn't forgive Zayn so quickly; however, Zayn was practically his only friend. Of course he had his sister and mom, but it wasn't the same.

"I-" Harry paused to take a breath and make sure he was making the right choice, "I forgive you, Zayn." The tan-skinned boy looked up to Harry with thankfulness and joy. The happiness Zayn felt was almost palatable. "But please, don't do something like that again. It was your fault anyway." Harry laughed to ease more of the tension. Zayn nodded along with the other boy.

"It's true," he laughed, "I am nothing but a clutz." As the laughter died down, Zayn was struck with a sudden sense of affection for his new friend. Reaching out to him, he pulled Harry into a hug. The other boy was a bit surprised to say the least. "Thank you Harry," Zayn whispered against his neck. "This means a lot. Please don't get upset if I don't talk to you at the party again. I... I really need to keep my uncle happy."

Harry rubbed Zayn's back thoughtfully. It wasn't okay how Zayn treated him earlier, but he understood why he needed to keep him happy. With a soulmate like that, who would want to go back?

"It's okay, Zayn. I get it," Harry offered the boy a small smile and stood up from his slouched position in the chair. "We should get back to the party. Well, you should get back. I think I'll just stay in the kitchen." Zayn nodded and rose from his crouch.

"Thank you Harry. I mean it."

*~* (woah two week time skip as advised by a close friendv. And also Louis POV)

In the two weeks since the most traumatic experience of his life, Louis had done nothing but sleep and do the homework that was dropped off at Niall's house every so often. His life was boring and monotonous, but that's how he wanted it. After the shock of his sexual assault, he just wanted everything to go back to normal.

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