Part 6

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They snuggled for another hour or two and then Gemma honked the horn and startled them both, "Lovebirds, get your butts over here. It's almost 11 o'clock." Because they had school tomorrow, both boys had decided to get home relatively early. Harry slowly sat up and looked down at Louis. He had been quiet for a while and now Harry realized that he had fallen asleep. With a fond smile on his face, he wrapped Louis up carefully in the soft blanket. Harry slipped his arms under his back and legs and slowly picked him up. The lad may not look strong, but he had a wiry strength to him.

Gemma grinned from the car, "Oooo, you're so whipped. Any of my boyfriends would have woken me up. It's sickening how much you love him." Frowning, Harry gently placed the smaller boy in the back seat. Was it really bad how much he loved Louis already? He had only known the boy for a week or so, but he was already infatuated. That boy was just so damn beautiful.

"Let's go Gem," Harry fixed Louis's fringe and climbed into the back seat. He positioned himself so Louis's head was on his lap. "There is school tomorrow, you know. No matter how much I hate it, I have to go." He sighed and stroked the sleeping boy's cheek. Louis just looked so angelic and peaceful. Seeing him like this made Harry want him even more.

After a relatively long car ride, the group arrived at Louis's house. Harry was worried. He knew that Mr. Tomlinson didn't specify what time he wanted Louis home, but there was still a doubt that rested deep in his stomach. Harry felt like he was supposed to have Louis home at an earlier time, but since he wasn't told anything, he just decided on a reasonable time of 11:15. Carefully lifting the small boy into his arms and out of the car, the taller lad stepped slowly up to the front door and knock quickly on it with his foot.

"Who is it?" Mr. Tomlinson called from the other side.

"Uh, it's Harry," he whispered loudly, "I've got Louis, but he's asleep. Can I bring him to his room?" The door was opened and the muscular man inside stepped out of the way and let Harry in.

Mr. Tomlinson pointed up the stairs, "Go up and into the first door on the left. You can just put him on the bed. Then you can leave." He turned to go and then he whirled around and looked him dead in the eyes with an intense glare.  "And remember, boy, it's not consent if they're not awake." Harry's jaw just about hit the floor.

"Nononono sir. I would never. Never ever. Louis means so much to me and I could never do that to him! I don't even want sex from Louis! I just want to love him!" Accidentally, Harry has raised his voice to a level that caused Louis to stir.

His eyes blinked open slowly and he looked up at Harry who was still holding him in his strong arms, "Harry... Wha' are ya doin'?" His sleepy voice almost made Harry coo. It was so adorable.

"I'm taking you upstairs to bed, Lou. You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up, but it looks like I failed. Sorry," he frowned and bit his lip. "Do you want to walk? Or can I keep carrying you?" Now Louis wasn't to know, but Harry thoroughly enjoyed carrying the boy. Even though Louis was older than Harry and still hadn't acknowledged that Harry was his soulmate, Louis was Harry's baby. His little pixie. He was just so small; Harry could pick him up and place him in his pocket.

Snuggling closer, Louis groggily shook his head and gripped Harry's shirt, " Carry me please." Yawn. "You're so warm. Like a blanket." Harry had to giggle at the 16-year-old. He was just so cuddly when he was half asleep; Harry could get used to this.

"Go to sleep, Lou. I'll bring you upstairs and tuck you in," he huffed a little. Louis was getting heavy. Slowly but surely, Harry made his way up the stairs and turned into the first room on the left. It was a little room. One couldn't even describe it as cozy. It was barren, no posters on the walls and no little homey touches like clothes discarded on the floor. To Harry, it seemed like Louis just resided in this room, rather than lived.

Placing the tired boy on the bed, Harry smiled fondly. His little pixie was tucked up and looked so small. His eyes were shut and his breathing even. Harry assumed he was asleep. But when he went to leave there was a quiet cry of protest from the older boy.

"Please don't leave yet, Harry," Louis whispered, trying not to seem needy. "Stay until I fall asleep?" He peered at Harry from his pillow.

With a smile, Harry sat down next to Louis, "Of course, Pixie. Once you fall asleep I have to go though. Lots of houses to clean tomorrow."

Louis perked up a bit, "Pixie? Why am I a pixie?" His voice was filled with genuine curiosity. Harry's heart swelled.

"It's a pet name, Lou. You're my pixie because you're small, funny, and absolutely adorable." Not being able to resist, Harry reached out and pinched Louis's cheeks. The older lad giggled and pushed his hand away. He rolled onto his back and stared up at Harry thoughtfully.

"What can I call you then?" He finally said. "You need a cute nickname." They both lapsed into silence as they thought. "What about..." Then he shook his head, "Nope not that one." Harry laughed quietly at how focused Louis seemed. "Sunshine. That's your new nickname." Louis was very adamant. Who was Harry to refuse him?

"Okay Pixie. Sunshine it is then. Why did you pick that name?" Harry was actually interested. He's had many nicknames and pet names but never sunshine. Louis mumbled his answer and Harry didn't catch the entire thing. "What was that?"

"I said... It's because you light up my world."


Hey guys.

What's up? How are you?

Anyone have any good book suggestions? (Any ship)

Hopefully you like this. Can I get more comments than last chapter? I wanna talk with you guys!


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