Part 16

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Hey Guys

I'm going to Europe for spring break so I won't be updating for about two weeks. (Paris and Frankfurt here I come!)

I hope this satisfies you for a bit.
Thank vynnmuren for convincing me that the story needed more happiness.

Warning: talk of abortion


Louis sat in the corner booth of the small coffee shop. A large pane of glass separated him from the elements. Not that there was any. The sun was shining and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Who would have thought that on such a nice day, Louis could be feeling so awful?

The small boy came to the shop to escape the constant presence of Niall. He knew that the man was just trying to help, but no one could help Louis except himself. He knew this. So here he was, sitting alone in a small booth in a large, soft sweater that smelled distinctly of cologne. Louis recognized it from somewhere but he couldn't figure it out. Niall put it in his laundry basket a couple of days ago, but didn't explain why or whose it was. The scent was enough to help him focus his mind however. He needed to figure out what to do with the matter at hand.

What was he going to do with the baby?

With just one thought, Louis's insides churned. It wasn't this baby's fault that it was there. It was... that man's. Abortions were dangerous as well. Louis read through some of the pamphlets that Niall had grabbed on their way out of the clinic. Two to four weeks after the abortion, he could experience nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The more severe side effect were what had him scared. He could have heavy bleeding, infection, scarring of his uterus, damage to the other organs, and, possibly, death.
He didn't know which was worse: the possible repercussions of an abortion or the paralyzing humility of carrying, birthing, and raising his rapist's baby.
Niall had told him that he would support him in anything he chose. After saying that, he had added in that he had talked to Louis's dad and he fully supported whatever Louis decided to do. That left all the weight of the decision on Louis.

He didn't know what to do.


The sun was shining a brilliant yellow and Harry felt the best he'd felt in a while. There was still a part of him, however, that longed for his soulmate.

He tried to ignore that part.

Even though it was a gorgeous day, Harry just wanted to sit down in a little booth and drink a smoothie. Right down the street, there was a small coffee shop. Harry knew that they served smoothies because he used to sweep up there before he started as a housekeeper.

As he walked down the sidewalk, he gazed at the people all around him. Harry still hadn't gotten over how colorful everything was. The few weeks he had spent with color vision were enough to show him how much his soulmate was missing. The boy just wished that he could give his vision to Louis.

The walk passed quickly because of his thoughts and soon Harry was at the coffee shop. He pulled open the door and strutted up to the counter.
"Hey Jay!" He called to the back. A short man waddled out of the kitchen.
A smile filled his face and he laughed, "Harry! I missed you, Bud! Come over here and give me a big hug!" He hadn't been to the shop in a while because of school, work, and miscellaneous other activities. The man opened the counter and made his way over to Harry.

A gasp came out of Harry's mouth, "Jay! When were you going to tell me you were pregnant? How could you keep this from me?" He pouted slightly and then hugged his friend tightly. "You know I love babies!" After Harry released his friend, he knelt on the ground and put his face right next to Jay's large belly.

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