Part 9

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I hope you all have a wonderful day. I looked at your suggestions from chapter 7 and I will definitely be using some of those. If you haven't put anything there, but want to influence the story a bit, go back and comment! I'm always willing to add in things you guys want.

Edited by @Lemonsuccubus and @vynn-muren (They're both great. I totally suggest checking them out. Vynn did the commission that's attached to this chapter)

Mani Love Bebz



Halfway home, Louis realized he couldn't come home like this. His dad would kill Harry and no matter how much he hated him at the moment, Harry didn't deserve that. Louis even felt like he understood, Harry realized that Louis wasn't good for him, that he deserved to have someone who could love him back. The sobbing lad stood still wondering where to go and then he figured it out. The only place he knew he could be truly alone was the abandoned edge of the neighborhood park. No one really went there and on the rare occasions they did, it was only in passing, none stayed too long.

Louis knew this was the only option for him at the moment. The walk to the park was direct because it was only just around the corner, but once he arrived there Louis took a more winding path to his favorite haunt. There was an old tunnel that Louis thought may have once been used for drainage, but now it was empty and Louis loved to stay there. It was perfect because it was away from all other people; he could scream as loud as he wanted and no one could hear him.

Upon his arrival to the tunnel, Louis let out a loud sob. Harry made him think that maybe he could love again. Maybe the young, cynical boy could be broken of his distrust and fall into love once more. The loud sobbing echoed around the poor lad and he was surrounded by his own sorrow.

It was then that he felt a hand on his shoulder and he screamed. The sudden contact made him stumble back and crash onto the wall where he hit a rock and groaned in pain.

"Hey hey hey," the new voice said, "I'm just coming to see if you're okay."

The stranger was a man with brown hair and brown eyes. To Louis, the face seemed comforting, but the eyes were emotionless.

Louis shook his head, "'M fine, thank you." Even if he didn't like this man, his mother had taught him to always be polite before she died.

The man just stood there, his eyes colder than ever. Louis bit his lip and looked the man over; he did not look trustworthy.

"I'm just trying to help. Let me help you!" The last part was growled and Louis shrunk back into himself.

Roughly, the man grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down. Louis' head cracked on the hard cement floor and his vision went blurry. His arms and legs felt like lead.

"No! Let me help you. You just need lovin'." Obviously there was something wrong with the man, anger issues and other psychological disorders popped into Louis' head. The man ran his hands up and down Louis' thighs and whispered in his ear. "Relax baby, this will make everything feel better."

That's when it truly hit Louis what was about to happen.

He was going to be raped.

The terrified lad let out as loud of a shriek as he could muster. He tried to push the stronger man away, but to no avail; his limbs wouldn't cooperate. The horrible hands ran up and down Louis' thighs and came closer and closer to his privates each time. The strokes pained Louis; every touch on his thigh was fire and he was sure to bear the scars later. They reached his zipper on his pants and Louis struggled even more. The man slapped him across the face and unzipped the jeans.

Louis screamed as loud as he could, sobbing as his voice cracked .

With a sweaty palm, the man covered Louis's open mouth. "Calm down, Baby Doll. Tony's gonna make you feel all better."

Louis wriggled weakly in a futile attempt to rid himself of this monster. Words like that could never be unheard, the echos of them would haunt him for years. In the half paralysed state, Louis allowed himself to think of after this. After he was free from this man's wretched hands and possibly from life itself.

Using his free hand, the rapist pulled down Louis' jeans and boxers so that he was fully exposed. The man now had access to parts that no one but Louis's dad had seen. Roughly, the man grabbed Louis, taking his hand off his mouth. He forced the younger boy to lean towards his dick. Forcing his mouth open, the man jammed the innocent boy's mouth onto his penis. Louis gagged and his mouth started producing copious amounts of saliva. The cock hit the back of his throat and Tony moved his right hand to Louis' neck. Now he couldn't pull away. Each thrust of the dick felt like a gunshot. He could feel his innocence draining away like blood.

Louis zoned out and escaped to his happy place. He thought of Harry and the way he helped him when they were laying on the blanket, stargazing. The tender thought made his lips try to curve up in a smile but they got caught on the horrid penis pushing in and out of his mouth. Nothing could mask the horrible event that was taking place. Louis tried to block out his emotions, but they were too strong and his walls came down. He was left bare with no protection. This man was going to take all of him and he was helpless. All at once, despair, anxiety, disgust, and hate pooled up in his stomach and the tears flowed freely. He couldn't fathom how any person could ever do this to someone else. His disgust was so strong he could feel it radiating from his entire body. Tony slowly pulled out of Louis's mouth and circled his hands around Louis' neck, blocking his airway.

"Baby, you need to calm down. Tony's doing what will make you feel better, promise." Tony didn't realize that he was holding Louis' neck too hard, until Louis' eyes started crossing slightly as he drifted out of consciousness. Hastily, the rapist released his victim. He couldn't kill the one he was trying to help. Louis gasped for air and fell to his hands. Running his hands over the curves and subtleties of Louis' body, Tony made his way to Louis' arse. Cradling his hard member, the man pushed into Louis' unprepared hole.

Louis writhed in pain as his screams echoed off the cold, stone walls of the tunnel. Tony thrust into his abused hole again and again. Blood trailed down their legs from Louis's ripped rim. The agony that he was feeling couldn't compare to anything he'd ever experienced before. Louis's arms gave out and he collapsed onto the cement, knocking his head against the floor. The room grew blurry once again and faded in and out of focus. Then it cleared for a second, before going totally black.


Love y'all

kiss kiss (fall in love)

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