Part 7

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Hey guys, before we start, I wanted to know if there was anything you guys want to see before we dive into the good bits. *rubs hands together devilishly* Anything?

Please comment it riiiiiight....


Thank you for your contribution. If I use your idea, I'll dedicate the chapter to you.

Please comment this will be real awkward if you don't....


"I said... It's because you light up my world."

What? Harry thought. I light up his world? If anything, he lights up the entire world around him.

"Thank you, Pixie,"he replied sincerely. "It means a lot that you think that. I hope there is never a cloudy day in your life from now on." Harry leaned down and hesitantly kissed Louis's cheek. The older boy's breath hitched, but he didn't push Harry away. His sunshine was another step closer to his heart. Louis hadn't felt this way since before Daniel ripped his heart out and threw it off a cliff. Thinking about Daniel made a small frown appear on Louis's face without his consent. And Harry noticed because, well, he's Harry.

"What's that frown for? Are you okay?" His eyebrows furrowed and he glanced over Louis's body to make sure he was okay.   

Nodding his head, Louis forced a smile and stared up at Harry, "Sunshine, can you sing me to sleep?" Harry had told him earlier that singing was one of his favorite hobbies. The younger boy sighed with faux annoyance and nodded.

"Of course, Pixie. anything for you. Any song preference?"

"No, just a calming one," Louis yawned and blinked sleepily. "It won't take much."

Leaning down to Louis's ear, Harry quietly whispered in his ear, "I ain't fucking with you." Then he burst out laughing. "Is that what you had in mind, Lou?" Louis shook his head and glared playfully. "Fine, love, I'll sing a more appropriate song." His pixie closed his eyes and sighed contentedly as Harry's raspy, baritone voice filled his ears. Rather quickly, Louis drifted off into sleep.

Harry stood up carefully as to not disturb his sleeping soulmate, "Goodnight, my love. Have wonderful dreams." He bent down to kiss his cheek again and then rubbed his watery eyes. He shouldn't be crying. He found his soulmate; he has his one and only in his care. But then again, the one and only does love him back... yet. Who is he kidding? Louis may not ever love him back. He might end up friendzoned by the only person he really wanted. Looking back once more at his soulmate, Harry quickly left the room and the went out the front door. Quickly, he ran to the car and hopped in the front seat.

Gemma looked at Harry's face. It said all that she needed to know before she grabbed his hand and squeezed it comfortingly, "It'll be okay, Haz. Everything will be okay." She didn't know exactly what was happening, but even that little bit of encouragement helped her little brother.

"Thank Gem Gem. I love you," he whispered, resting his head on her shoulder. "Let's go home." And so they did. The drive home was a short and quiet one, but it was nice bonding time for the siblings.


Harry woke up the next morning with a smile on his face. His date thing with Louis went well! They had a rocky beginning, but in the end, Harry sang him to sleep! If that's not a good ending, Harry didn't know what was.

Now feeling very energetic, Harry jumped out of bed to his desk. He grabbed his phone and sent a quick message to Louis:

Good morning, I had such a good time last night. I hope we can do it again sometime x

Not knowing if Louis was even awake, Harry set his phone down and raced to the bathroom. Where all this energy came from he had no idea. After having a very quick shower, Harry dried off and wrapped a towel around hips. Usually this sufficed for walking back down the Hallway to his bedroom, but today, luck was not on his side. He accidentally rammed his pinky toe into the door frame and stumbled out of the small room, almost letting his towel fall.

"Ahh fuck," Harry whisper shouted not wanting to wake the rest of his family. He usually got ready way before they did because his school started earlier than their work and he also had to walk. Hobbling into his bedroom, Harry bit his lip and bent down to examine his toe. It wasn't too damaged but there would probably be a bruise; he did hit the frame pretty hard.

After that ordeal, Harry's energy was thoroughly damped. He put of his school uniform and grabbed his backpack. Another day at school, who knew what could happen.

Walking the mile to school usually took Harry about 15 minutes because he was never up for going straight to school. He, more often than not, tried to take a path that he hadn't taken before and that made the journey so much longer. But eventually he arrived at school. The courtyard was filled with students, all in their blazers. Their blazers were starched and pressed, while Harry's was more wrinkled. Being the scholarship student had its disadvantages.

After making his way across the quad and into his first class, Harry noticed a new face talking to the teacher. The new boy had tan skin and luscious black hair. He seemed Middle Eastern to Harry. Even though he was distracted by the new student, he still took his seat in the front off to the right side.

"Harry?" The teacher called his name and Harry realized he had been staring. "Would you come up here for a moment?" He stood and walked up to the teacher's desk apprehensively. Nothing good ever happened when you were called to the desk. "This is Zayn," said the teacher once Harry arrived. "Today is his first day here. He has a lot of the same classes you do. Zayn, this is Harry. He is the brightest student in the school. But I'll let him tell you about that." Zayn flashed Harry a shy smile before looking down at the floor again. The lad had barely made eye contact the entire time Harry was up there.

"Uh, hello, Zayn," Harry said quietly, recognizing that the shy boy probably didn't want the entire class to look at him more than they already were. "Wanna come sit by me? There's always an open seat around me. We're only in homeroom for a little bit if you don't want to. "

Zayn offered his another timid smile and nodded, "Of course I'll sit by you. You're the only person I kinda sorta know." He laughed and covered his mouth embarrassed. "Uh sorry, I have an ugly laugh."

Harry shook his head, "No you don't. It's a great laugh." The bell rung. "So what do you have first?" He peeked at Zayn's schedule. "Oh you have Honors algebra 2 with me. It sucks trust me, but hopefully you'll do well in it."

Nodding, Zayn pursed his lips and asked, "Hey Harry? What did the teacher mean when she said you're the brightest student in school? Do they, like, test everyone or something?"

"Well," Harry started, "Not exactly. You see, to get in this school, you took a test right?" Zayn nodded. "Well, I scored a perfect score. And I really needed the financial aid, so they gave me an almost full scholarship. I have to work to cover the rest, but it's okay.  I'm... I'm not very popular here. Everyone here is rich and superficial, and I'm just... not." He looked down at his hands and bit his lip.

This shocked Zayn. Harry seemed like the perfect rich kid that everyone wanted to be. He certainly had the looks for it. The only thing he seemed to lack was the self confidence that popular people seemed to ooze.

"Hey now," Zayn lifted Harry's face back up, "You are just as good as they are. Now let me see a sparkle back in those amazing green eye- crap."

Did Zayn say what Harry just thought he did? Zayn can see color. That means he found his soulmate! Little did Harry know, that was exactly what had made Zayn switch schools in the first place.


As I'm typing this we are hitting 1k reads! LKfj;shdapifissl;na;dlw



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